Just as the night raid team secretly invaded the North American base, Captain Hecang saw a group of people in the conference room.

"Captain Wakura, this is the monitoring team sent by the North American Department." Matsunaga stood in the middle and introduced them, "Ms. Suwon Sarao, and..."

"My subordinate, Uimoto." The woman named Suwon Sharo looked very young and unexpectedly beautiful.

"Then let's get to the point directly." Several people took their seats one after another, and Matsunaga continued, "The incident of Mizoroki Shinya, and the suspected spies in the TLT Japan organization."

This is the theme of today's meeting.

"The North American headquarters judged that these things are related to Wangchuan's secrets." Haiben Hayato spoke directly and said his judgment.

"Forget Chuan?" Hecang was puzzled by this name.

"Wangchuan is a sea of ​​forgetting created by visitors." Suwon inspector explained.

"What is the visitor?" The captain didn't know anything about these terms.

"About six years ago, a mysterious luminous body fell in a desert area in North America. I felt that the army at the scene had captured some indeterminate life forms." Matsunaga explained directly.

"That's the visitor." Suwon took it down. "After that, the capturers learned from the visitor that they lost their planet due to the explosion of a supernova and became a light quantum information body and came to the earth's universe. refugee."

"From the visitors, we have obtained a lot of knowledge and information, such as optical and electronic camouflage, amnestics and other transcendence technologies that are being used by TLT."

"However, visitors are conditional on using these technologies for us. These technologies can only be used for a specific goal."

"A specific goal?"

"That is, in order to prevent the attack of the alien beast, it will bring about the dying occurrence."


"Yes, it is the demise of the earth."

This is the heavy responsibility that TLT bears, and the unknowable terrible future.


Ishibori is invading servers in North America step by step.

"I have arrived at the gateway of the North American headquarters." The computer in front of him can already see the network server firewall on the opposite side. "Invade from the back door...break through the firewall."

"Is it okay?" Gumen hesitated. If this is discovered, it would be trivial.

Saijo Kaze on the side found a reasonable reason: "If you don't investigate the inside of TLT, you won't be able to know the true face of the unknown hand. I can't control that much."

"But can you do it? Such a difficult task." Shiori looked at Ishibori suspiciously.

"Who do you think I am?" Ishibori said confidently, and began to invade.

After intruding layer by layer, they touched the server.

But the next second, they seemed to notice their intrusion there, and the firewall was turned on instantly.

Ishibori's expression changed: "No, I was found."

But he operated very quickly, and he withdrew in time, without being caught by the little tail, but the back door was blocked.

"Because of a patch, the back door was blocked, and the only things that can be downloaded are these."

After the download page was loaded, a picture appeared on the big screen, or, to be precise, a video.

Flames fell from the sky, destroying the buildings on the ground, and plunged the city into a sea of ​​flames.

The crowd was running, crying helplessly, screaming in horror, rushing to flee the city.

The huge monster was resisting the walk, and the silver giant broke out from the ground, slowly persevering.

The two fought a desperate battle in the center of the city.

"This is, Shinjuku?"

"Is it Ultraman?"

Zog watched this video, his icy blue eyes were colder than ever before.


"Is the Shinjuku disaster six years ago a fiction?" Wakura couldn't believe it.

The existence of Ultraman and alien beasts had been known to the whole country as early as six years ago. It's just that everyone's memory has been erased.

"Yes, this is a fact." Suwon, as a participant, once again remembered the memory of six years ago. "Six years ago, in Shinjuku, Ultraman and the alien beast started their first battle."

"But why, why should we erase people's memories?" Even their memories were completely erased.

"Because this is necessary, the memory of alien beasts will only lead to more disasters of alien beasts, so visitors come forward and seal the memories of the world. This is, the sea of ​​forgetting, the river of forgetting. ."


Matsunaga Hazuki took Qian Shuren to a park.

Few people come to this park because there are not many recreational facilities and there is only a piece of yellow grass in this season.

But Matsunaga Hazuki was very happy.

Qian Shuren finally asked the question she had always wanted to ask: "Why are you asking me out."

Although Qian Shurei looked silly and sweet, but he was not really silly and sweet. He would go out to date a strange girl, just because he was not ashamed to refuse, coupled with curious attempts. He is not naive to think that this girl really wants to date herself.

"My dad, he only goes home once a month." The girl said frankly, "His work is very confidential, and I don't know what he is doing. Moreover, when he came back last time, we had a fight. ."

It was during that quarrel that she accidentally overturned the data in her father's hands and saw Lian's picture.

Because of the photo, she recognized the amusement park, and secretly ran over to observe Lian for a while.

"I sometimes come to see you, don't you find it?"

Qian Shuren waved his hand in astonishment: "Not at all."

Let alone him, even the professional Ruisheng didn't find it. Maybe this kid is more like a passerby...

"So, who are you?" Matsunaga Hazuki asked tentatively. She wanted to know what his father was doing, which caused him to stay away from home.

Qianshu Rei was nervous for a while, and he became hesitant to speak: "Well, who do you say I am..."

Very good, throw the problem back.

"I just wanted to know this, so I made an appointment with you." Matsunaga Yeyue said frankly his purpose, "but it doesn't matter. Although I don't know what secrets you have, but at least I think you are not What a bad guy. That would be fine."

"My mother died in an accident six years ago. You should also remember the Shinjuku disaster."

"Yeah." Lian was silent.

"This is where my parents often date." It's in this small park not far from the amusement park.

"I often come here on my mother's birthday..." She looked very happy and relaxed.

Lianyi also relaxed a lot for a while.

But Ruisheng, who was hiding in the distance, looked blankly at the back of the two of them, and then looked down at the dolphin phone pendant in his hand.

It's like having a good chat, huh!

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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