Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 973: The Zarab star who broke into the enemy

Hong Tu: "..."

The man didn’t even realize that there was a red tea standing behind him, and he was still refueling the alien beast. The glow stick in his hand that did not see any light during the day was even more rhythmic. .

Although... the alien beast and Ultraman are actually still in a confrontation state.

"Oh?" What is this guy doing?

Yitzhak tilted his head and looked at the "human" who behaved strangely.

"It should be for help." Hong Tu said the answer honestly.

But even so, a guy in the distance between the two people still waved with excitement: "Victory! Victory! Alien·beast·beast! Victory! Victory! Alien·beast·beast! Come on, come on, alien beast!"

The corner of Hong Tu's mouth twitched, and he almost gave up the idea of ​​stepping forward. He clutched his forehead, thinking about whether to leave now, just as he had never been here?

And the "memory policeman" finally realized hesitantly that there might be someone behind him. He put down the support stick in his hand and turned his head to look behind him.

A certain "memory policeman": "..." It's going to die!

He subconsciously hid the support stick in his hand behind him, made an upright posture, tried to make himself more reliable, and then remembered something, he immediately arched his waist, looking like a bowed head and bowed, and Hong Tu revealed A flattering smile: "My great master, it's been a long time since I saw you. My thoughts of you are really endless like a river~"

At this moment, the disgust in Hong Tu's eyes was completely unconcealed: "Zarab, what are you doing here."

"Going back to my great master, the subordinates will be Alien Beasts again, ah no, they will cheer for Ultraman of Light!" But the change was as if there was no silver three hundred taels here.

Hong Tu does not intend to struggle too much with this.

The new look that this cosmic man is looking for is a kind of talent, but this guy has a flattering expression, it looks really hard to bear to look directly, Hong Tu doesn't make it difficult for herself, so she just turned away and looked over there. The alien beast and Ultraman ready to fight.

"You joined the memory police?"

"No, the subordinates just borrowed this human appearance temporarily." The Zarab star will not actually join the memory police.

He has no interest in joining human organizations, and there is a reason for this outfit.

Hong Tu raised her eyebrows: "You and Zaki have joined forces?"

The Zarab star was embarrassed, and said hesitantly: "No, my great master, how could his subordinates join the enemy's camp? The subordinates just penetrated into the enemy and are ready to dedicate themselves to you at any time."

It seems that I haven't watched some weird undercover film and television dramas during this period of time.

Hong Tu nodded clearly: "So, you didn't find Zaki?"

"I can't hide anything from you, my great master." The Zarab star was even more flattering. "The guy named Zaki is really timid, and he has never shown his real body until now. The subordinates went to look for him before. He passed the dark Ultraman that he created, but was rejected by the guy who didn't know what to do. But it doesn’t matter, my great master, his subordinates have now and successfully persuaded the second Dark Mephistopheles."

Hong Tu: "..."

In other words, this guy went to contact Mizulumu for the first time, but was directly rejected by the arrogant Mizulumu.

In desperation, can only come to find that Zaki's new doll?

Thinking of that after the alien beast was wiped out, he showed up with a big smile, confident and full of one enemy two. As a result, the second generation of Dark Mephistopheles who was beaten up by Mana, Hong Tu fell into silence.

That's right, since then, it can be seen that the second generation of Dark Mephistopheles is indeed much stupid compared to Mizulumu. It seems that it is not uncommon to associate with the Zarab star.

"Then, are you here to cheer for the alien beast?"

"Back to my great master, the subordinates only need to help when the monsters appear." Having said that, the Zarab star carefully glanced at Hong Tu's expression.

Of course he knew who was inside the monster that had beaten the second generation of Dark Mephistopheles before, and he didn't plan to actually do it at first.

Moreover, he also knew the purpose of the alien beasts appearing in the urban area this time. After all, that Ultraman of Light didn't need to specifically target it several times, and it would soon be unable to hold it.

But thinking of his owner's preferences, the Zarab star fidgeted a little.

He seems to be helping the enemy persecute the ultraman of the light now... the master won't be furious because of this, will he eat him in one bite?

Ah, I knew I would not watch the show today.

Well, the dark star people are dark star people after all. They don't have the slightest thoughts of repentance, and just want to avoid being discovered.

Hong Tu could see this guy's careful thoughts, but he didn't mean to blame. He didn't expect to break the dark star people right, as long as it wasn't too much, he was more indulgent.


Over there, the alien beast had already fought with Ultraman.

The silver Ultraman changed its form and turned into blue, and the realm of enlightenment was launched in the first place.

But after the golden beam of light exploded in the sky, it did not form a domain as usual, but dissipated directly.

The blue Ultraman was startled, and then he noticed the weird "Aurora" in the sky.

That is also a kind of realm, but different from the light realm and the dark realm, this is just a phase shroud that separates this world from the outside world.

This also means that the people in the barrier cannot escape, and the battle between Ultraman and the alien beast will also affect everything in this city.

Without giving Ultraman time to react, a red electric light was emitted from the long horns of the huge alien beast, which hit the building on the ground.

Its target has never been the Ultraman on the ground, but the humans who have escaped early on the ground.

Seeing that the red electric light was about to catch up with the people who were still escaping, and there was a familiar figure in the crowd, he subconsciously rushed over and directly used his back to block the attack for these human beings.

The lightning fell on Ultraman's body, bursting into pieces of sparks, almost engulfing Ultraman's figure.

The blue Ultraman groaned in pain, but he didn't mean to evade at all, but withstood all the attacks.

The fleeing people were frightened by the explosion, and they all lay on the ground subconsciously. When they stood up, they saw Ultraman who had suffered damage for them.

And Rui Sheng in the crowd looked at him blankly, with unbearable and sad eyes in his eyes. And don’t know if it’s an illusion, she always feels that this Ultraman is a bit familiar...

But soon, she lowered her head, turned to look at the crowd, and continued to escape with the people who were still stunned.

She knew that it was the most correct way for them to escape here as soon as possible.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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