Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 989: The handover of the world to the world

"Wind!" Lu Mu, who was detained deep in the base, suddenly sat up from the bed and looked down at his feet.

A bad premonition suddenly appeared, and he felt a panic inexplicably, and the panic reached its peak when the reassuring breath disappeared.

He got off the bed and walked quickly to the door. The silver-white stick-shaped transforming device in his hand appeared, and he pointed to the door for a section.

The golden light quickly condensed, blasted on the door, penetrated the wall, and destroyed the code lock of the door.

The originally closed door lost its function and slowly opened, and the sirens resounding in the base also entered Mizulumu's ears.

The alarm was not directed at him, but at another intruder, but because the room where Mizulumu was located was isolated from the outside world, he had not heard it. Only now did he realize that the base was in danger.

He paused, noticed that there were no other guards in the corridor, and walked down the ground decisively.

The golden light circulated around his body, making him faster and faster, and in the end he simply took up a golden afterimage and quickly ran towards the underground.


I have to say that Zaki is very self-aware.

The moment he flew out of the TLT base and fled to the sky, a dark energy column soared into the sky, like a huge enchantment field, spreading in the sky and covering it.

It was supposed to be a sunny afternoon at the moment, but because of the dark unfolding, the sky turned into dark night directly.

Of course, this darkness just enveloped Shinjuku.

Darkness Zaki had to stop, floating above the sky, looking up at the darkness that covered the sky.

"It's finally resurrected. Will you leave without saying hello?"

Hong Tu's voice appeared in his ears, and Dark Zaki was startled, only to realize that Hong Tu had appeared on his shoulders somehow, and even sat leisurely on the thick shoulders of Ultraman Dark. Up, as stable as Mount Tai.

Dark Zaki froze in place and did not dare to move.

Although he was prepared, at this moment, Dark Zaki was still frightened.

He didn't know when Hong Tu appeared on his shoulder.

Maybe it’s because the aura on Hong Tu’s body is too restrained, making him hardly feel any sense of threat, but Dark Zaki knows that this is not those weak humans, but one bite that can swallow him. Dark boss.

Dark Zaki didn't want to try it at all at this moment. It was harder for Hongtu to swallow himself or the world. Anyway, the Dark Zaki, who had just restored this posture, wouldn't think it was hard to swallow himself.

He finally resurrected, so he didn't want to die directly and become other people's food.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but cautiously slowed down his mind and lowered his posture: "Mr. Hong, it's been a long time since I saw you..."

Hong Tu's flushed eyes glanced over, and an inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Congratulations on your resurrection, Darkness, Zaki."

The deliberate pause in the tone made Zaki's hair stand up.

Why emphasize "darkness"? Still need to talk? Sure enough, I didn't plan to let myself go from the beginning! ! !

"Speaking of it, the gift you gave me is also today." Hong Tu didn't care about Zaki's collapsed heart at the moment, "Let's take a look."

As his voice fell, the sky changed.

The darkness in the sky rolled like clouds, gradually forming a huge vortex.

The two worlds that are about to intersect, at this moment, are being led by the darkness, opening a handover in a fixed place.

Finally, the vortex stabilized, and a huge cavity gradually appeared in the center of the vortex, and the other side of the cavity was completely dark without the slightest light source.

But suddenly, something swayed in the hollow, and then a huge red beast pupil was exposed.

The beast's pupils are sharp needle-shaped, and the pupils are not black like other creatures, but a dull dark gold, sharp, cold, without the slightest emotion. It turned slightly, as if it was prying into another world through this small hole.

Just looking at this eye is enough to make human beings feel the trembling and fear emanating from the bottom of their hearts.

But Hong Tu is not a human being. On the contrary, he is a sufficiently powerful darkness, so when he noticed the huge eyes, he was not afraid, but happily said: "Just looking at it like this, you can imagine the world. Delicious."

Just looking at it like this is enough to imagine what kind of world it is, and what kind of dark creatures are there in that world.

"That's a alien beast." Hong Tu stood up from the shoulders of the dark Zaki, "It smells very familiar."

That huge beast pupil did not notice the red tea and the dark Zaki, but it noticed the rich darkness in the sky, pure, powerful, and numerous darkness!

The huge eye of the beast moved away, and reached out a paw.

The paw was too huge, and only a finger with a long nail could stick out from the hole. After that, the finger stuck outside the hole and tightened hard, seeming to want to break this small hole bigger. It’s trying to come over.

Watching this guy break the world barrier, Hong Tu tilted his head to estimate, and showed a kind and harmless smile to Dark Zaki: "It looks like it will take a long time for this guy to come over. So, now we come..."

Before he could finish his words, Dark Zaki suddenly moved. His shoulders vibrated and shrank, and Hong Tu was shaken away from his shoulders. At the same time, he quickly turned sideways, condensing a light bullet in his hand, attacking where Hong Tu was position.

The energy bomb engulfed Hong Tu's figure, but the darkness of Zaki turned into a stream of light without looking back, and flew to the hole in the sky, taking advantage of a small hole pulled out by the protruding finger, and flew into another. world.


The humans on the ground are naturally aware of the visions that appear in the sky.

TLT quickly discovered the resurrected Zaki, and through contact with TLT-L, they quickly knew the ins and outs of everything.

Therefore, people who know the truth sink in their hearts. The words of the super-powered teenager who contacted the visitor six years ago are still vivid-"When Zaki is resurrected, this planet will be destroyed."

This means that the earth will end up with the visitor's planet! Mankind, are all the efforts made by TLT for this purpose be useless? !

Moreover, light has become dark, and mankind has lost the power of light!

Humans did not capture images of red tea, but humans saw the dark Zaki flying into the sky, the dark clouds covering the upper part of Shinjuku, the "holes" appearing in the dark clouds, and the unknown on the other side of the "holes" monster!

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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