Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 991: The first step in the World War

After knowing the origin of the alien beast from the dark circle, Hong Tu has been curious.

Since it is evolving toward the so-called "perfect life form," then, from the time immemorial to the present, really no alien beasts have evolved to that extent?

Although up to now, Hong Tu still doesn't quite understand what the so-called "perfect life form" is, but individuals far stronger than the alien beasts that appear on earth will definitely exist.

It's not that the so-called alien beasts are left on the earth?

When he discovered the world of alien beasts, Hong Tu had to guess whether there were other alien beast worlds, and whether there were more powerful alien beasts in those worlds?

After Dark Zaki helped him affirm this, Hong Tu paid more attention to the evolutionary entities of alien beasts.

But it is a pity that there is no more powerful alien beast in the hands of Dark Zaki, making Hong Tu a pity for a long time.

Now, he saw more powerful alien beasts.

From the breath point of view, it is very powerful, delicious, and tricky.

If it was the red tea in its heyday, it would be just a bite to devour the alien beast or even the world.

But how...

At this moment, Hong Tu was deeply aware of how much trouble Bai Wu had caused him. If he eats that alien beast from now on, Bai Wu will probably take the opportunity to bite him back fiercely. It may not be able to kill him, but it will definitely cause him a lot of trouble.

It is very irritating to influence him to eat.

Moreover, he had not digested the fragments of the world he swallowed last time. He had digested a few pieces, and there was still a lot of them waiting for him to eat.

Thinking of this, Hong Tu couldn't help feeling magical. He would have this day, and he would be distressed because the food was so rich that he couldn't finish it for a while.

The world is really wonderful.

After telling Umimoto Hayato what he knew, Umimoto Hayato left, didn't even dare to look at Qian Shurei, and after confirming that he was okay, he hurried away.

"This is probably... the guilty old father?" Hong Tu made an evaluation, and thought he hit the nail on the head.

"Now go take a rest and get ready for the night's battle."

Hong Tu got up and went back to the room, and went directly to the bed, sinking her consciousness into darkness.


While Hong Tu was asleep to digest food, the night raid team was not idle.

They are convening an emergency meeting, planning to enter the world to find out. At least figure out the number of alien beasts in that world and the location of Dark Zaki.

Speaking of this, Mizo Lumu first put forward his opinion: "Let me go to that world first. I have the power of light, and I will always have the power to protect myself."

But Kirazeyu rejected his proposal: "No, because you are light, you can’t let you go. Alien beasts are very sensitive to light, and the world is equivalent to an unknown dark realm. If you rush to it, you may Can't even sustain the transformation."

His objective words made Mizulumu's expression gradually gloomy.

Mizuromu is not stupid, nor is he a hot-blooded young man who only has brainstorming. On the contrary, he is calm and smart and knows how to judge the situation. Only when he was too worried at the beginning was he so suddenly and eagerly. After he calmed down, he naturally would not Let's talk about this kind of mindless words.

Zog on the side narrowed his eyes and silently swallowed the words that had reached his lips.

"So, how about the Chromium Chester Delta entering that world?" Solitary Gate said at this time, "If it's just for exploration, Delta is more appropriate."

"It's very dangerous," Kira Sawa looked at the solitary door. "There is an unknown dark world. No one can be sure of what effect it will have on Chrome Chester."

Gumen's expression also dimmed.

At this time, the captain spoke, and directly asked Kira Sawayu: "So, what can you do about the foreseeer?"

Kirazeyu smiled mysteriously and turned to look at the door: "Ms. Mana is willing to help us?"

The door of the command room automatically opened from the middle, revealing the figure of Mana.

There was no expression on Mana's face. After gently nodding at Zog, she entered the command room: "Yeah."

The smile on Kira Sawayu's face deepened: "Please sit down."

At this time, everyone realized that there was still an empty chair in the command room at this moment.

After Mana was done, Kira Sawa finally started a formal meeting: "Now, let's talk about the plan."

"Deputy Captain Zog, and Miss Mana, the two first broke into that world and explored the situation in that world. After bringing the information back, we can change the data of Chrome Chester to enter that world." Kirazawa Youkan Xiang Gumen and Miomi Lumu, "When the time comes, the one who awakens the Saijo team will depend on you Gumen and Mirumu former deputy captain."

Before Saijo Kaze was taken away, the power of light disappeared. To guard the world, the power of light was indispensable.

"Ms. Mana, what's the attitude of Mr. Hong?" Kira Sawa looked at Mana.

"Once the alien beast enters this world, my master will take action to eliminate the alien beast," Mana paused, "and Dark Zaki."

"In other words, from now on, we have eleven hours of preparation time. After eleven hours, the alien beast will break the barrier and enter the world completely. Then, before that, we need to be as fast as possible. Wake up the Saijo team and call back the Ultraman of Light."

Mana nodded and agreed.

After determining the temporary plan, Zog and Mana got up and headed to the equipment room. They need to get something to detect the data and information of that world. Although Mana doesn't need it, Zog still needs it.

Before the two set off, Gumen followed them and stopped Mana: "That, Miss Mana."

Mana paused and turned to look at him.

Zog's gaze hovered between the two for a moment, and he took the first step without saying a word, leaving Mana and Gumen alone.

"Um... how is Lizi?" Gumen asked the question he cared most.

"Lizi is okay," Mana replied, "It's no longer Faust."

After finishing speaking, she chased Zog directly to leave, leaving the lonely door behind.

Gumen looked at her back for a long while, his expression was dazed, and he slowly revealed a happy smile.

"Lizi...great." Thinking of this, his expression gradually became firmer, "Just wait until everything is over, and go see Lizi."

Before, because of the memory of the police, plus Qian Shuren, he had not dared to contact Hong Tu and others more, but when everything was over, he could go to visit Lizi in an open manner.

"Wait, Lizi."

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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