"However, Seth, you must give me your glasses at the critical moment. Don't harm us because of your own will."

In the darkness, Seth responded to his brother: "Okay."

Under the faint light emanating from the Ultra Bracelet and Dark Lops, the cave wall passed by.

The three of them continued deeper into the cave.

Behind, the buzzing sound of drill bits drilling into the ground continued, and it was getting closer and closer.

Seeing that Reginald might emerge from the ground in the next second, Zero couldn't help but stretched out his hand to Seth: "Give it to me!"

at the same time.

The originally deep darkness suddenly became enlightened!

A ball of green light appeared in the sight of the three of them in the darkness!

Zero looked at the huge green ore in surprise: "That's..."

Before he could finish his words, Seth had already jumped off Dark Lops, and the Zamu sword in his hand transformed into a heavy pickaxe!


The alloy pickaxe hit the irregular-shaped green ore, smashing it into pieces instantly!


Broken rocks flew.

Seth, with quick eyes and quick hands, suddenly reached out and grabbed the larger piece.

Then, he used his left foot as a pivot to turn his body, and with a strong right hand holding the ore, he threw it towards Dark Lops' chest!

"This should replenish your energy!"

At the same time that Seth threw the ore, Dark Lops was ready, and the alloy plate on his chest separated to reveal the energy capsule!

"Cang!" With a click, the green ore embedded itself in the energy capsule on Dark Lops' chest.

Dark Lops, who was originally running in low-power mode due to energy shortage, dimmed his body, seemed to have suddenly received a shot in the arm, and his red eyes were bright!


Just at this moment, a huge drill drilled out of the ground, and the pursuers arrived!

"Destroy them all!"

The Zam Sword in Seth's hand once again transformed into a cannon form, and he commanded while attacking the pursuing Imperial mechs.

"Got the order!"

Dark Lops' mechanical synth sounds are cold but reliable.

In the next few minutes, the entire mountainous area was shaken violently by the battle between several giant robots!

Happily, the modified Dark Lops are so powerful that they still have the upper hand even if there are one against many! !

In the background of the giant robot battle, Zero looked at his brother: "Did you know earlier?"

Chapter 159 Cunning Robot

In the dark cave that was shaking violently, Zero looked at his younger brother who had not allowed himself to transform: "Have you known that there are ores in this cave that can replenish the energy of Dark Lops?"

"I don't know." Seth spread his hands and pretended to be confused.

"My guess is that the dark robots that invaded the Kingdom of Light some time ago used this kind of ore as their energy core, so I guess this kind of ore is produced in this universe. You might be able to encounter it when you enter the cave."

After saying that, Seth expressed his recognition of the cheap brother's strength without leaving any trace: "Even if you can't meet him, you still have the big brother to take care of it."

"Next time something like this happens, tell me." Sero hated the feeling of being out of control.

Seth responded with a smile: "I'll try my best, this time it's an emergency after all."

Just while the two brothers were chatting.

"Bang bang bang——!!!"

The super powerful Dark Lops successfully defeated five Imperial machine soldiers.

In the end, he even stepped on the head of one of them as if to vent his anger.

Zero pointed at Dark Lops: "Is this what you taught him?"

Seth said matter-of-factly: "Yes, we have to eliminate the root cause. In order to prevent the enemy from resurrecting, we must make sure after victory that the opponent has no ability to resist and cannot die again."

"Is this what your teacher taught you or what your father taught you?" Sero found that his brother was a little strange when he said these words.

Seth: "I think that's a fundamental rule of thumb for living in this universe."

With that said, Seth greeted the giant Dark Lops: "See if there is anything you can use on these robots, keep them for now."

"But don't pretend to be on yourself rashly, maybe the cunning Beria will mix the virus with them."

“This is called ‘cleaning the battlefield’. "

Seth had just finished speaking, and Dark Lops, who had just defeated his enemy, became nervous again: "Brother."

Seth: "Huh?"

"Underground, there are metal reactions underground." Dark Lops reported his findings in a low voice.

After hearing the news, Seth and Sero subconsciously took two steps to the side.

"You are so cunning, are you planning to set up an ambush?" Zero was shocked by the intelligence of the Belia Mechanical Legion.

But after Seth calmed down, he had other speculations in his mind.

In the original work, in the plot of "Belia Galactic Empire", in order to obtain the Esmeralda Ore, Belial launched an invasion of the Esmeralda Kingdom.

The little princess Emerana managed a lucky escape in the royal spaceship and hid in a mountain.

Now Dark Lops just happened to detect the dormant metal reaction under his feet, and then thought of the familiar environment around him... what was under his feet was probably the royal spaceship hiding!

"Dig." Seth pointed at Dark Lops.

Dark Lops picked up the drill bit cut off by the Imperial mech next to him and connected it to the energy source!


The originally silent drill bit began to rotate at high speed again, sticking to the ground and slowly drilling down into the formation!

A few seconds later.


Amidst the noisy sound of drilling into the ground, there was a crisp sound of metal collision!

"Dig it!" Seth and Sero exchanged looks.


Suddenly, the ground began to tremble again, and the source of this tremor came from under their feet!


The gravel rolled down and the sand fell.

Seth found that the ground beneath his feet was slowly rising amid violent tremors!

Until finally, it rose from the cave that was tens of meters underground to the ground.

And the land beneath our feet continues to rise!

It wasn't until a few seconds later that the "land" rose into the sky, and Zero could see clearly the specific appearance of the thing under his feet.

"What keeps rising is not the ground at all, but a huge spaceship!"

Next to the huge spaceship, Dark Lops was flying in mid-air, waiting for Seth's instructions.

And Seth gave him clear instructions: "Don't attack."

Then, Seth slowly squatted down, scraped away the soil under his feet, and patted the top of the huge spaceship: "Royal Spaceship, maybe we can talk."


After Seth finished speaking, there was a sound of gears turning on the top of the ship under his feet.

A hatch slowly opened.

Next to him, Zero looked confused and shocked: (???)

After he came to the other world, he looked like a fool.

But when the idiot brother came to another world, he felt as familiar as if he had returned to his own home!

Is this why the top management of the Kingdom of Light must let him carry out this mission with them?

Sero began to feel that the decision made by the top management was somewhat reasonable.

While Zero was thinking wildly, the hatch on the top of the spacecraft was fully opened, revealing a hatch big enough for two people to climb down.

Seth: "Get down."

Sero felt that all the incidents were suspicious, but since my brother said he could do it, he would go ahead and do it.

Inside the cabin of the Royal Spaceship.

Seth climbed down and landed, followed closely by Sero.

Just as the two brothers' feet hit the cabin floor at the same time.

"Clang clang clang!"

Something strange appeared under my feet again.

A steel lock suddenly appeared under the floor, locking their feet!

"What is this for?!"

Being suddenly restricted from movement, Sero looked angry.

Seth patted his brother's thigh and showed his calm eyes.

Seeing this, Sero immediately calmed down.

Since I didn't say anything, it means things are still under control, so don't worry...

Wait...when did my thinking pattern change to this? !

He is obviously the elder brother!

After a brief silence, a synthesized voice appeared on the loudspeaker in the cabin: "Emperor Beria's lackeys, what do you think I am going to do? Of course I will destroy you!"

"I didn't plan to deal with you, but who knew you would take the initiative to provoke me."

Seth explained calmly: "Royal Spaceship, you misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding? The robot that has been following you outside is Dark Lops. Don't think I don't recognize it!"

Seth: "Take a closer look to see if there is any difference between that Dark Lops and other Dark Lops."

The cold voice of the Royal Spaceship appeared again: "What's different? Except that the head dart is dyed a silly green."

In the air outside the spaceship, Dark Lops seemed to hear the sound of the Royal Spaceship.

As a mechanical being, he felt that the aesthetics of this ship were very vulgar!

"I'm sorry..."

Inside the cabin.

Royal Spaceship: "Look, he is of low quality and he also curses."

Seth: "..."

"Have you ever seen the green-headed Dark Lops? Except for the one outside."

Royal Spaceship: "Never seen it."

Seth: "Then have you seen the Dark Lops who will engage in civil war with the Imperial mechs?"

Royal Spaceship: "Never seen it."

Seth continued to guide with words: "Right, so everything proves, what about the Dark Lops outside?"

The Royal Spaceship suddenly understood: "I understand!"

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