The Mephilas people really didn't believe in this evil. They walked to the lava lake aggressively, jumped up and were about to jump, but were suddenly forced to stop by the scorching heat emanating from the magma...

"It's indeed a bit hot... Desirem, you are not good at playing with fire, come here and try it." The Mephilas star turned around and shouted.

Disrem: "..."

He said with great self-awareness: "I can use fire, but that doesn't mean I'm not afraid of being burned."

"The temperature in the Valley of Fire is much higher than ordinary magma. It can burn my skin with just a touch of my finger. It's difficult for ordinary people in the universe to get close to it, let alone go in."

"Only Ultraman... Ultraman, whose body is light, can withstand high temperatures. Maybe he can go in and try." Disrem thought of a crooked trick.

"Are you crazy? Look at each of them, do they look like they are willing to help us?" The Mephilas star pointed at the Ultra warriors with unyielding expressions.

At this time, Ultraman Hikari, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke: "The high temperature in the Valley of Fire is unbearable even for ordinary Ultra warriors."

"It's no use letting us in."

The smart Mephilas star asked: "Listening to what you said, there must be another way."

Ultraman Hikari exudes the confidence that comes from wisdom: "Of course, but you have to let me go first."

Hearing this, the dark cosmonaut thought about it and finally chose to do it.

Even if they let go of Hikari, they couldn't run away. They wanted to hear what the former Hunter Knight Sword could do.

After being completely untied, Ultraman Hikari first glanced at Taro and Severn who were still bound behind him, then faced the people of the dark universe and said: "I know there is a person in the Kingdom of Light who has the ability to enter the Valley of Fire."

"Who?" Disrem hates being pretentious.

"Ultraman Mebius, his fiery courage form can help him enter and leave the Valley of Fire safely." Hikari said firmly.

"That's what he said, but why should he help us?" Disrem asked tentatively.

"You have a hostage in your hands. He values ​​his comrades the most and has no reason not to help you." Hikali expected everything.

"Last question, why do you want to help us?" The suspicious Mefilasian looked at Hikari warily.

Hikali's eyes were blazing: "The ultimate combat device, after you use it, I want to study it."

Chapter 21 Today is a turbulent time!

Time for serious study always flies by.

In the evening, Seth walked home alone after finishing half a day of light study.

Zeta works too hard and is still feeling the light in the training ground.

Seth originally wanted to wait for him, but Zeta chased him away.

"Zeta, who works so hard, shouldn't be a one-third loser in the future." Seth murmured.

"It's really difficult to learn about light. Obviously when I watched it before, Ultraman shot out with just one hand. But when it came to me, I couldn't even sense how much energy was in his body..."

"But I'm still young, so I'm not in a hurry to learn this."

Seth analyzed it to himself.

At present, Zero's training results are shared, and his own physical skills are definitely sufficient.

As for light, there is no quick way, but now is not a turbulent era, so there is no need.

As we grow older and can share from Zeta and Taijana, we will naturally...

Just when he thought of this, Seth suddenly realized something was wrong.

its not right.

These are turbulent times in TD!

It is estimated that in a few years, Bei Laohei will enter the Kingdom of Light!

Just imagine, the Kingdom of Light must have lost its troops and generals in that battle, and countless innocent people were implicated...

Therefore, if you want to live safely in this country, you must become stronger as soon as possible! !

Even though I am still just a primary school student!

"Yes, yes, that's right. I've always been confused by my age before..."

After confirming this, Seth suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

"Then today, go to the training ground of the Space Guard Reserve Team and find a reserve team member who is about to learn how to use light!"

Seth knows how to use his fourth investment quota!

after a while.

An Ultra elementary school student whose height barely reached the chest of an adult Ultra Warrior appeared outside the training ground of the Space Guard Reserve Team.

The coach who teaches the reserve team today happens to be Jack.

At this moment, the props king of the Kingdom of Light was telling the new batch of reserve team students about his experience in using the Ultra Spear.

"When throwing a spear, the starting hand posture must be standardized. Look at my movements..."

Ultraman Jack, holding the Ultra Spear, was about to demonstrate it to the students when he noticed a familiar-looking elementary school student appeared outside the training ground.

Confused, Jack put down the spear in his hand: "You guys understand the actions I just explained, I'll go take a look."

After reaching the entrance of the training ground, Ultraman Jack's two oval lightbulb eyes suddenly lit up and he recognized his little nephew.

Jack asked in confusion: "Seth, why did you come to the reserve team training ground?"

Seth: “Huh??”

The man in front of me is clearly Ultraman Jack, one of the Ultra Brothers!

Why does he know himself?

Was it also Severn who told him?

That old guy Severn is too unauthentic. Even if he is a bit naughty in class, he doesn't have to go everywhere to promote himself with the Ultra brothers, right?

"Uncle Jack, I just came over to take a look and learn how the reserve soldiers practice." Seth pretended to be innocent.

"Today we just had the first light class, learning to perceive one's own light. I found it was too difficult, so I wanted to see how the reserve team members usually practice."

Jack sensitively noticed what little Seth called him.


Just like what Taylor said, this little guy has indeed guessed the identity of his biological father, and now he must have spilled the beans!

Then when he comes to the reserve team, it is very likely that he came here specifically to find him.

After all, Brother Severn has been out of contact for so many days. Seth is probably worried about his old father and came to inquire about the news!

As for why it was him, Ultraman Jack also had some considerations.

Brother Zuofi and Brother Ultraman are too busy, and Ace is fierce.

Just myself, approachable and warm-hearted, well, for children, it’s easier to get in touch with.

Thinking of this, Jack praised the child in his heart for being smart.

Brother Severn always said before that the child deliberately made him angry during class and did not want to recognize him as his biological father.

Now it seems that father and son still care about each other.

Thinking of this, Jack felt a lot more favorable towards this nephew who was neither humble nor overbearing, clever and affectionate.

He patiently answered his nephew's words: "It is indeed difficult to practice light. Although these brothers inside have become reserve members, many of them are still unable to emit their own light."

"If the practice of rays is simple, when recruiting for the reserve team, there will be no special admissions because the opponent can learn to use rays before a certain age."

"But Seth, you're still young, so there's no need to be so anxious."

"By the way, did you come here to ask about your instructor Seven?"

"Seven is currently on a mission outside and will be back in a few months."

Seth couldn't understand why the topic came to Severn, but he still nodded: "I know."

"Uncle Jack, among the students you led, are there any outstanding warriors who can learn light?" Seth continued to ask.

Jack nodded: "Of course there is. The tall Silver warrior inside is the first one in the reserve team to learn to use light this year."

"And that Ultraman Blue...are you surprised that there are Blue warriors in the reserve team?"

In order to prevent Jack's words from falling to the ground, Seth nodded honestly.

Jack continued with satisfaction: "There are actually many people in the Blue tribe who aspire to be warriors, but they are limited by the race's innate conditions."

"But that warrior is good. His name is Kag. He is extremely talented. He will be able to learn light in a short time."

Seth's expression instantly showed anticipation: "You mean, he doesn't know it yet?"

Jack nodded confusedly: "Yes, but now he is only one ray away from shooting out, and only needs the final kick."

When Seth heard this, he waved his fist excitedly: "yeS!"

This warrior named Kag is the investment target he is looking for!

He is very talented and has not yet learned how to use light!

Jack next to him: "??"

What happened to the little guy suddenly?

It's others who want to learn it, but it's not him who wants to learn it, so why should he be so excited?

Seth quickly realized his gaffe, straightened his expression and asked politely: "Uncle, can I see that Blue warrior?"

Jack thought for a moment, and finally considered that a Blue warrior's disbelief in fate could inspire children to study hard, so he nodded and agreed.


In the training ground.

All the students looked at the coach leading a primary school student into the training ground, and they all showed puzzled expressions.

"Is this Instructor Jack's son? It doesn't look like him at all."

"This kid is obviously a mixture of red and blue races. What does he have to do with Instructor Jack?"

"Wait, half-blood, two-headed dart, he reminds me of a former classmate, the demon king."

"Then what?"

"I don't know what happened to that demon king later. It seems he was sent to a prison cell..."

Chapter 22 Karg: sneak attack on my ass?

Hearing the students' discussions that gradually became chaotic, Jack clapped his hands and signaled everyone to quiet down.

Jack: "This elementary school student admires the Space Guard, so he wants to see how the reserve team students train. Don't let this elementary school student look down on you."

"Okay, you train as usual, I'll take him around the training ground."

At the end of the sentence, Jack waved his hand casually.

After a moment of silence, the reserve team members once again engaged in intense training.

In the Kingdom of Light, many people sign up for the reserve team trials every year, but only less than one-tenth are admitted in the end.

In the reserve team, there are still strict assessments, so that in the end, less than one-third can successfully be promoted from the reserve team to a full member of the guard team.

Therefore, if they don’t work hard, they will become the group that is eliminated.

"They are really hardworking." Seth said sincerely, looking at the panting figures in front of him.

Jack nodded: "Yes, given the conditions of the Kingdom of Light, choosing any profession in the Kingdom of Light will allow them to live a safe and worry-free life."

"To become warriors in the Space Guard, they not only have to work hard, but they are also at risk of death at any time."

"Even so, there are still generations of Ultra Warriors from the Kingdom of Light who continue to fight... Seth, this is called faith."

After listening to Jack's story, Seth felt a sense of tragedy in his heart for no reason.

Indeed, Ultraman is like a space policeman running around the universe, fighting monsters and various evil space people without hesitation, just to achieve the illusory justice.

In the eyes of other space people, such behavior is stupid.

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