Lopus: "No, not used to it."

Streets in the Land of Light.

Seth, who was carried by Lopus, lowered his head, not knowing how to face people in the future.

People in the Land of Light were talking about it.

"Look, those two people are so strange, a giant carrying a giant, and the giant being carried is so strong that he looks like a thumbtack from a distance."

"The one being carried must be Seth, Zero's younger brother, because I admire Zero very much, so I have specially investigated him."

"No need to specially investigate, Seth is also a very famous person!"

"It was him who wiped out the Galaxy Branch of the Association of Villains some time ago!"

"Many people in the Land of Light said that Seth's future achievements will not be inferior to his brother!

"Are you an outsider? According to my inside information, Seth's current achievements are no less than his brother's! "

A prominent voice appeared among the people discussing: "Hahaha, look, those two people are so strange"

The companion covered Zeta's mouth: "Zeta, stop talking, don't you think that person is a little familiar?"

At the same time, Lopus found Zeta.


He rushed to his old friend, stretched out one hand, put his arm around Zeta's waist, and then clamped Zeta's 50-meter-tall body under his armpits...

The smile on Zeta's face disappeared: "Hey! What are you doing? Put me down quickly!"

"It's so embarrassing! Why are you clamping me? Do you think I'm a briefcase?"

"The disgusting feeling reminds me of the days when I was dominated by Lopus."

"Eh? Wait! Lopus? ! (;′??Д??`)”


Seek support!

Chapter 374 Zero: Never expect a reply from his brother

Lopus, who disappeared for so many years, finally returned, and Zeta was very happy.

But Lopus used his creaking nest to clamp himself as soon as he came back, which made him lose face, and Zeta was very dissatisfied.

"You should also understand that Seth and I have grown up." Zeta said bluntly.

Hearing this, Seth quickly winked at Zeta.

The repaired Lopus is more emotional than before, and Zeta has always been a mouth without a door, and he will hurt him again when he speaks.

Unfortunately, Seth overlooked one thing, Zeta never looked at other people's faces and acted.

Zeta: "You disappeared for a thousand years, we have grown a lot, and we are no longer the children we used to be!"

"Oh." Lopus said in a flat tone.

Seth: "?"

So calm, it seems that he thought Lopus was too fragile.

So, Seth followed with a sentence: "Yes, put us down. "

Lopus lowered his head, sad: "Sure enough, it has changed, you no longer need me..."

Seth: "..."

"Are you sure this Lopus is the one from childhood?" Zeta talked to Seth.

Lopus: "You can't even recognize me? I'll dig out the two light bulbs in your eye sockets!"

"It's even more different." Zeta's suspicion deepened.

In order to prevent the two enemies from quarreling again, Seth quickly changed the subject: "Okay, let's go home...Zeta, do you have training today? Do you want to join me?"

Zeta nodded: "Okay, (????) We haven't played together for a long time."


After that, Seth lived in the Kingdom of Light for a long time.

While training Lopus, he waited for Hikari to complete his research on Mogu Yamata no Orochi.

On the streets of the Kingdom of Light, Seth had just walked out of the Science and Technology Bureau when he heard people around him talking about sensitive content.

"Have you heard that the news of Belia's resurrection has been getting more and more weird recently. ”

“I feel like it might be true!”

“How is that possible? At that time, in the Monster Cemetery, Belia was blasted to pieces by Ultraman Zero’s Shining Form. How could he still be alive? That was a blow to the thought body!”

“That’s right! I guess the evil forces in the universe have been hit too hard recently: the branches of the Evil Association have been successively wiped out, and the great evil spirit Gu’a has turned against the forces of justice.”

“In order to prevent the darkness from being defeated, they need to make up some exciting news.”

“Don’t listen to those people in the universe, they are all rumors!”

“That’s right, those evil people said they donated things to the universe war zone. I investigated it myself and found out that they donated artillery shells. In order to make money, they directly promoted the war!”

“There is also the cheating of Ultra Mother on the dark web, the breakup of Taro and Torrekia, and the most outrageous thing is that Zero and Belia have a son! Too abominable!”

“That’s right, how can such a popular CP only have one child? ”

“Are you sick? You didn't let them go either.”

“By the way, have you heard about the recent diamond monster incident?”

“Tell me in detail.”

“To put it simply, mysterious monsters that can turn life, buildings, etc. into diamonds have appeared in various places in the multiverse!”

“He is so crazy! Tell me where he is and I will punish him!”

“Why are you looking at me with strange eyes? I definitely don't want to go there because diamonds are valuable! I want to protect the justice of the universe!”

Seth, who heard the conversation of the crowd nearby: “…”

It is unlikely that Belia will be resurrected.

In the original work, Belia was resurrected because Zero did not notice that he was resurrected when he reversed time to save his friend.

But in this time and space where he is, Zero did not do that, so Belia is dead.

“If we talk about resurrection, unless it is a parallel time and space isotope…” Seth thought.

"In addition, the monster that can turn objects into diamonds is most likely related to the space witch thief Mrunau."

"Go check it out, who wouldn't like a woman who can make gems at will..."

Seth's eyes grew brighter as he spoke.

It is true that Mruna committed a heinous crime, but if she could use her own power... Seth could not even imagine how rich she would be in the future.

Just when Seth was about to go to the Space Guard to inquire about Mrunau's related events, a ray of light suddenly appeared in front of him.

Light particles condense into words.

Seth only needed one glance to recognize who the signature belonged to: "Such an ugly Ultra signature, no doubt Zero."

"Look what Brother Stupid said in the message he sent me this time... Oh? Encountered a civilization cleaning machine in the form of a dragon? From this description, it looks very similar to Galatron."

"Also, Zero also encountered a monster that can crystallize objects, the space witch thief, which is really generous."

"We have sent Yinhe and Victory over to investigate, but there has been no news. I am afraid these two guys have already suffered..."

Standing on Seth's shoulder, 10 asked: "Where should I go to investigate this witch thief?

"Go find Orb, he is most familiar with this witch." Seth made a decision immediately.

"After staying in the Kingdom of Light for so long, I can finally do some exercise!" Lops, who was eager to try, moved his somewhat stiff limbs.

Seth: "Lopus, you stay in the Kingdom of Light."

"Why?" Lops was puzzled.

"You have just been repaired, and you are still under observation." Seth looked serious and his tone was unquestionable.

What if Lops goes outside with him, his brain suddenly shuts down, and he disappears for another thousand years...

Lops, who originally wanted to defend himself, saw Seth's expression and immediately said no more: "Okay."

Then, he looked at 10 seriously: "Thumbelina, you have to protect Seth."

10 nodded, officially taking over the inheritance of this responsibility: "Of course."

"I've been Seth's second-in-command for a thousand years, and I'm the best."

Seth had an ominous premonition: "How come there are so many incomprehensible words? Besides, I will leave you all in the Kingdom of Light!"

AS1 parallel universe.

Inside the Ultimate Zero Guard Base.

After sending Ultra's autograph to Seth, Cero had been looking forward to his brother's answer.

"If you want to act together, let's just say something."

"I haven't seen that brat for a long time..."

"You two really have a deep brotherhood." The Mirror Knight leaned on his chair and looked at the anxious Zero with a half-smile.

Zero crossed his arms, obviously not admitting this. "What kind of brotherhood? I just considered that the Ultimate Zero Guard has not been united for more than a thousand years, and you will miss him."

"Indeed." The Flame Warrior nodded.

"That kid always gives people a sense of security."

"I didn't give you a sense of security?" Zero was dissatisfied.

"Yes, yes, you gave me the most." The Flame Warrior was too lazy to explain and turned his head to the side.

"What do you mean?" Thorny-headed Zero asked.

At this moment, the light appeared in front of his eyes.

Seth, you wrote back!

Sero read his brother's reply aloud: "Have...read it?"

Chapter 375 Shocked, Hong Kai looks at the beauty with such eyes? !

After receiving Seth's reply, the Ultimate Zero Guard base was in chaos.

"Don't hold me back! I must go back and teach this brat a lesson! (??Dan?)"

"If you don't reply to the message, then I won't reply! Why is the reply so perfunctory?"

"He doesn't even consider me a brother!"

"No, he didn't even think of me as Ultraman!"

"I will definitely beat him all over his head when I get back!"

"Calm down and think on the bright side, he at least said two words back to you!" Mirror Knight stood up and grabbed Zero.

"Then I still have to thank him?" Sero became even more angry when he heard this.

"Okay, I'll thank him properly with Plasma Spark Slash when I get back!!"

The Flame Warrior grasped the key point: "No, if you can't defeat Seth when you go back, you will be humiliated!"

Sero: "How is it possible? I am the elder brother and he is the younger brother. I am not just throwing away my hand when I hit him?"

"Besides, if my brother educates his younger brother, maybe my father and elders will help me teach him a lesson!"

The remaining members of the Ultimate Zero Guard said in unison: "This is absolutely impossible."

Zero's eyes were on fire: "No matter what, I must teach this brat a lesson! (▼Van▼#)"

Not long after he finished speaking, another Ultra signature was sent.

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