After saying that, Hikali lay down in front of the data recorder, looked at it carefully for a while and then asked: "By the way, 10, you have been following Seth for so long, do you know the reason why Seth is in this condition?"

"I don't know, but I believe that Seth will never become the kind of person that some people in the Kingdom of Light are afraid of." 10 said confidently.

Space Guard, reserve training base.

In the training ground.

Instructor Mechanical Zam is introducing the new instructor to the students: "Lopus, a black warrior who follows the hero Seth to conquer the universe, a super powerful robot, he will be your training partner from now on."

"Practice hard, kids. With Lops' help, maybe you will become as good a warrior as Seth in the future."

After Robot Zam finished speaking, all the reserve team students in the audience were extremely excited.

At this time, Mechanical Zam took a step back and gave up the podium to Lops: "Please say a few words, new instructor."

"Yeah." Lops nodded dullly and walked slowly to the front of the stage.

The first sentence he spoke calmed all the little warriors present.

"You will never catch up with Seth in this lifetime!"

Mechanical Zam: "..."

What nonsense are you talking about?

If you were to be the instructor, wouldn't you say something to encourage the children?

Also, I just had these kids working hard, chasing Seth.

If you continue to say this, aren't you trying to undermine me?

"Haha, Instructor Lops, you really know how to joke." After being an instructor for so many years, Mechanical Zam has become a lot more tactful and can even help others.

Lops: "I'm not kidding, I'm telling the truth."

Mechanical Zam: "..."

Lops changed the topic: "However, if you practice hard, you may be able to become someone close to Seth."

"One percent of Seth's strength is enough for you to leave your name in this era!"

Mechanical Zam breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right, this is what Seth brought out.

Twelve years later.

tJ1 universe.


There are many aliens on this planet, but this matter is not known to ordinary people.

EGIS is a civilian security organization that accepts various commissions and often fights aliens on the front line.

Today is Kudo Hiroyuki's first mission after joining this organization.

On the special search vehicle of EGIS.

Staff member Yu Soya drove the car, while Kudo Hiroyuki sat in the passenger seat excitedly.

"Senior Yu, what do you think Mr. Hejin is holding in his arms?"

Yuuki, who was really curious, asked softly.

"Don't ask any questions about things that the client hasn't revealed. Newcomer, don't let me say this a second time." Zong Guyu had a cold face, and his hawk-like eyes were paying attention to every pedestrian on the road.

"Okay." Yuuki nodded disappointedly, looking at the iron can in the client's hand in the back seat of the car from the corner of his eye.

"What are you looking at? You're not professional anymore, are you?" the client, Mr. Hejin, said unhappily.

"Sorry, sorry, he is a newcomer and doesn't understand the rules." Zong Guyu apologized quickly, not forgetting to greet his juniors: "Uyuki quickly apologize to others..."

Hiroyuki Kudo: "It's really not..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly froze.

The senior next to him, Soya Yu, was embarrassed at the time: "Hey, Kudo Hiroyuki? Don't make trouble for me!"

After being stunned for a full two or three seconds, Hiroyuki came back to his senses with a puzzled face: "Senior Yu, did you hear any strange noise just now?"

"Your newcomer has some mental problems. I think you still have time to take him to the hospital for a check-up." In the back seat, Mr. Hejin sneered.

The frustration of the workers is that they know that the customers say this on purpose, but they can only smile.

"Yes, yes." Zong Guyu kept nodding and apologizing.

At this moment, Kudo Hiroyuki "fell ill" again and shouted: "Senior, be careful!!"

"What are you going to do?" Yu glanced at the empty street in front of him and turned around to curse.

The curse words haven’t left his mouth yet.


Purple energy bombs were shot out from behind the car!

Fortunately, Yuyu reacted quickly enough and pushed the steering wheel hard, successfully rescuing the vehicle.

"how do you know?"

After successfully avoiding the light bomb attack, Zong Guyu looked at the newcomer next to him in surprise.

"I don't know, a voice suddenly appeared in my head just now..."

Just as Hiroyuki Kudo and the mysterious attacker on Earth were fighting a life-and-death battle.

In the observation station built specifically for Seth, various instruments began to alarm frequently!



As the alarm sounded, the staff of the Science and Technology Bureau looked panicked: "The dark energy in Chief Seth's body has reached its peak!"

"It could explode at any time!"

"Notify everyone to evacuate!"

Just as the staff were busy dealing with this matter, an idea appeared in their minds.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

All the staff who received this message exchanged glances, and then simultaneously looked at Seth, who was floating quietly behind the energy barrier.

"The person who just spoke was Senior Seth, right?" a staff member asked.

"It shouldn't count talking, but brainwave communication..." another staff member corrected.

"I have been observing Chief Seth here for fifteen years, and this is the first time I have received his message. Does this mean that Chief Seth will wake up soon?"

"You guessed it right." Seth's will was transmitted again.

All the staff of the observatory were ecstatic!

"Miracle, a miracle in the history of science!"

"There was no life fluctuation before, this is a real resurrection!"

Seth: "Don't be too excited, evacuate quickly, this observatory will be bombed soon."

"Why? Someone is going to attack here?" the staff asked.


Seth: "I."

The staff: "..."

Although they didn't understand why Chief Seth did this, everyone still obediently evacuated tens of thousands of meters away.

Shortly thereafter.


A large-scale energy surge broke out in the observatory!


The terrifying dark energy instantly razed the observatory built of alloy to the ground!

In the ruins of the observatory, the staff of the Science and Technology Bureau saw a black and red ring!

A staff member: "Uh... Although it's a bit inappropriate to ask this now, where is Commander Seth's body?"

"Only the ring is left in the ruins, what do you think?" another staff member asked back.

"Do you think this ring looks familiar?"

"Is this Commander Seth's body?"

"Commander Seth's body is the Ring of Light of O-50? No wonder everyone in the universe spreads the Ring of Light and is black-hearted..."

"What do you mean by "no wonder"?"


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