Seth asked back: "Do you think he will get into trouble?"

Seth, who has read the original work, knows best how strong Zero is.

Now that guy has just defeated Belia, it is the strong period of the version, and he is the only one who can attack others.

Chapter 112 Taro: Where is my spaceship?

Another month has passed in the blink of an eye. After Seth's self-effort, the injury that originally required half a year of recuperation has recovered more than half in one month, and he can now try to walk on the ground.

It is worth mentioning that after a month, there is still no news from his cheap brother Zero.

Teacher Max said that Seven is anxious in the office every day.

Of course, Seth sometimes goes to the guard team to ask about Zero's search news.

After all, according to Seven, Zero disappeared because he wanted to go to the Golden Planet to help himself.

It's just a pity that Seth went there four or five times in a month, but there was no news about his brother, and he didn't even find a light particle.

In fact, considering the current time point and the mechanical Seven seen on the Golden Planet some time ago, Seth can roughly guess Zero's movements.

Distort space.

He should be fighting the Salome people in the distortion space now.

Seth thought: "But how to pass this message to the security team."

Before he could come up with a plan, the door was knocked and Zeta's voice came in: "Seth, today is a day off, what are you doing at home? Are you studying secretly?"

Hearing this, Seth spread out the book and walked to the door to open it for Zeta: "You guessed it right."

Zeta walked in and took a look at the title of the book that Seth had turned upside down on the table: "Robot Technology"

"Okay, okay, I was wondering why you and Taiga have been so in tune with each other during this period. It turns out that the extracurricular books you read are the same as his."

"Seth, didn't you say that we are the best in the world before?"

Seth spread his hands and didn't think he did anything wrong: "It's still the same now."

Zeta: "No, it's the best in the world, not the best. It's not good if it's a little bit of love."

"Yeah, okay." Seth responded like coaxing a child and changed the subject: "You used to work hard during the holidays, why do you have time to find me today?"

"Because I am also worried about Master Zero." Zeta cried.

"Seth, Master Zero has been missing for so long, he must have encountered some difficulties, let's go find him together." Zeta took the initiative to propose at this time.

"We will act together as a team of three."

"With your fighting power, Taiga's brain, and my... um..."

Zeta really couldn't think of any characteristics of his that were stronger than his two friends. After a long time, he said: "My sense of justice."

Seth wanted Zeta to give up and think less about crooked ideas, so he deliberately said: "What are you thinking about? The security team has sent a special search team. Those elites haven't found it yet, do you think we can easily find it?"

"Seth, haven't you found it yet..." Zeta's expression suddenly became deep.

Seth was confused: "Ah?"

Zeta stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes vague, with three points of coldness, three points of pride, and the last four points of certainty in his eyes! Just like an enlightened person who has penetrated the truth of the world.

"I am actually the chosen one."

Seth: "Why do you say that?"

Zeta said confidently: "Because although I am an ordinary elementary school student, everything I do is not simple. Saving the Kingdom of Light is true, right? Saving the Golden Planet also has my share, right?"

"How can anyone do all these at such a young age? There is only one explanation for everything - I am the one chosen by fate!"

When I said this, Zeta suddenly raised his hand and interrupted Seth and said: "No need to say more, I understand."

"You want you and Taiga to follow me, right?"

"I actually have an analysis of this matter, but Seth, you are the chosen one. Talented, and Taiga has a distinguished background, only I am helpless, mediocre, and an orphan, a complete useless protagonist in a novel. "

Seth: "..."

"Can you read less idle books?"

Zeta stretched out his finger and pointed twice: "Look, the genius male second in the novel, all question the protagonist in this way."

Seth: "..."

Zeta: "Only the two of us know that I am the child of destiny. Don't tell others first. Let's discuss another thing now. Do you want to go with me to save the master?" Seth had the urge to chisel Zeta's brain open to see what the structure of this kid's head is.

"You don't even know where he is, how to save him, a place where the technology of the Kingdom of Light can't find it, do you think you can find it if you are lucky enough?"

At this time, Seth's door was knocked again.

Zeta, who was closest to the door, opened the door and looked at Taiga who appeared at the door: "Why are you here?"

Subtext: I finally have a weekend, I can get in touch with Seth alone, why did you come to interfere again?

"Brother Zero, there's news." Taiga entered the room and hurriedly told what he had heard from his father.

"U332, three light years away from the Golden Planet, has experienced a space distortion phenomenon."

"The security team speculates that Brother Zero may have accidentally entered it."

As he spoke, Taiga took out a small computer and used a three-dimensional projection method to show his two friends the entrance to the distorted space observed by the security team.

Zeta felt that the security team's guess was wrong: "This entrance looks like the eyes of a devil. It is dangerous at first sight. Who would break in here without any trouble? This also makes Master Zero think too stupid, hahahaha..."

Halfway through laughing, Zeta suddenly stopped.

Because he found that the expressions of his two friends were very solemn: "Master wouldn't do that, right?"

Seth: "Given that guy's character of wanting to take a look at everything, he might indeed get lost in there."

Zeta: "..."

Stupid master...

In order to save face, Zeta stood up: "Let's go now!"

Taiga stopped him in time: "No, primary school students cannot leave the Kingdom of Light without a guardian. Besides, have you forgotten that you were punished before?"

"We broke in by force. Haven't we done this before? How can master's life be more important if we record a demerit?" Zeta said righteously.

Regardless of what Zeta said, Taiga turned to look at Seth, waiting for Seth's reply: "Are you going?"

"No." Seth still shook his head.

Taiga then turned to look at Zeta and shrugged his shoulders: "I won't go."

Ultra Spaceport.

Taro, who had just returned to the Kingdom of Light, had to leave again because of a new assignment.

Because he didn't want to bother flying, he chose to take his own exclusive spaceship.


"Where's the boat? After the last one was damaged, I got a new one this year!"

Taiga appeared behind his father at this moment and timidly handed over a gold card: "One million."

"It should be enough to cover the cost of repairs when the spacecraft returns."

Taylor touched his son's head with his hand: "Taiga, you..."

Because of his guilty conscience, Taiga's voice was so low that it was almost inaudible: "The spaceship...

Chapter 113 The mechanical beast that distorts space

U332 star system.

The Cosmos Panlong with blue and white paint arrived.

In the cockpit, Captain Hinata looked at this unfamiliar dark space.

Captain: "This is where the distress signal was last sent, but there is obviously nothing..."

Lei, who was on the mission with the captain, suddenly shouted nervously: "Captain, the spacecraft engine is out of balance, and there is a strong traction force on the right rear!"

"Give me control and I'll escape from the abnormal gravity range. It's really strange. This has never happened before in the U332 star system..." Captain Hinata nervously operated while looking at the detector on the spacecraft.

Soon, the experienced transport ship captain's eyes widened: "Such a strong gravitational wave?!"

After saying that, he switched to the real-time monitoring behind the spacecraft...

The dark universe and the orange-red twisted space vortex appeared in front of the captain and Lei!

The vortex emits strong gravity, and meteorites are constantly being sucked into it!

Lei: "The yellow pupils and red irises look like the eyes of some big monster."

"Wonder of the universe, distorted space, maximum horsepower, run!!" In the driving seat in front, Captain Hinata used the thrust of the spacecraft to constantly contend with the gravity of the vortex. At this moment, even beads of sweat broke out on his forehead.

Two minutes later, the captain's expression suddenly became calm: "Lei, we can't escape..."

The next moment!


The fire-breathing engine suddenly went out, and the Panlong was sucked into the whirlpool.

The chaotic spatial turbulence caused the Panlong to flip over.

Just when he was about to be knocked unconscious, Lei, who had a strong physique, seemed to see a small glowing dot...

When the two people on the Panlong woke up again, they found themselves in a strange alien land.

Fortunately, there is a desert around them, and there are no creatures that can threaten their lives.

"Light, the light I saw when I was unconscious!" Lei's expression suddenly became excited.

A few seconds later, "Chi Long~"

The "light" landed, and it turned out to be a silver spaceship!

The overall design of the spacecraft is streamlined, striving to minimize resistance when moving in the universe, and the rest is a single-hanging silver.

It is worth mentioning that this spacecraft is very large.

The Panlong is about fifty meters long, and the length of this ship is at least ten times that of the Panlong!

"A giant's spaceship?" The captain looked surprised.

And after seeing the Ultraman cub walking out of the giant spaceship, the jaws on the ship almost dropped to the ground: ????ДO???

"Ultraman?" Ray recognized this Ultraman and raised his hand to say hello.

Seth was equally enthusiastic: "It's you. When I entered the twisted space, I happened to see the Panlong being involved."

"The gravity of the twisted space vortex is so strong that even the Ultra Warriors are not immune." The captain lowered his head and said in shock.

Seth chuckled: "No, I came in on purpose. I came in to find my brother."


What this means is that this Ultraman cub has the ability to escape from the range of gravitational waves, but he deliberately does not do so.

But he came in on purpose, not himself and Lei.

Isn't Ultraman going to enforce justice in the universe? Why not rescue himself and Lei along with him?

But as soon as this idea popped into the captain's mind, he was dismissed by the captain himself.

You can't morally kidnap an Ultra Warrior, not to mention he's still a child!

"Thank you for your contribution in the last Monster Graveyard War." Seth looked at the two earthlings and talked about what happened last time.

Someone told him that if Lei hadn't influenced Beleudra in time, he and his two friends would have been photographed as potato chips.

"That's very welcome." Ray responded with a smile.

Captain Hyuga craned his neck and looked at the huge spaceship behind Seth: "Are you here alone?"

"Where's your father?"

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