
Chapter 138 Dimensional core storm, launch!


Zeta Taiga and Illya in the transparent cabin nervously watched everything happening in the sky.

The battle began, with rounds of artillery bombardments, crying crowds, and crumbling mountains. Ilya's initial excitement at seeing the battle turned into panic and tension when encountering disaster.

At this moment, she asked in the transparent cabin in Zeta's arms: "Little brother and the others seem to have been at a disadvantage in the battle. There are many enemies coming this time. Can they win?"

"It must be possible!" Zeta said firmly.

"What's the matter? Seth was too impulsive this time! What they are facing now is a Magmar warship!" said Taiga, who was worried about Seth's safety.

"How can you say such depressing words?" Zeta expressed dissatisfaction with what Taiga said.

"Just stating the facts, I expect Seth to win this battle more than you do!" Taiga glanced at Zeta.

"Okay, we should do our job now, leave this open space, find a safe place, and hide with Illya."

On the way to find shelter, Taiga expressed dissatisfaction with the efficiency of the assistance of the O-50 warriors: "Speaking of which, what happened to the O-50 Ultra Warriors? The top of the warriors was almost destroyed, and they haven't come back yet. "

Thinking of the difficult mission experience described by Feng Ma, Zeta made a bold analysis: "The work is hard and the wages are low. Maybe the O-50 soldiers are eager to have the Warrior Summit destroyed so that they can be free?"

"No way, if that's really the case, why would Fengma risk his life to protect the Warrior's Summit." Taiga felt that this reason didn't make sense.

Zeta: "A warrior's sense of honor and mission?"

"Something red fell from the sky." Ilia in the transparent cabin suddenly screamed and pointed her finger in the air!

Half a second later!


The huge red object fell to the ground, creating a deep hole in the ground.

In the flying smoke and dust.

Mebius, who was knocked down for the second time, coughed twice and complained: "They are so cunning, these Magma people!"

Zeta: "Brother Membius, where is Seth?"


At this time, there was a muffled sound of metal collision in the sky, and Mebius's expression became nervous again: "Heaven, there is obviously a fight!"

With that said, Membius looked at the two children: "Why are you two standing there in a daze? Why don't you quickly take this little girl and hide her?"

"I'll go up and support you!"

After saying that, Mebius flew high into the sky.

On the ground, Zeta and Taiga exchanged glances.

After two seconds of silence, Zeta spoke first: "Brother Menbius, you don't look very reliable."

Taiga: "It's strange. My father clearly said that he is very reliable. Sure enough, you can't just listen to others if you know someone."

Illya looked at Mebius in the sky with reverence: "The warriors who protect the top of the warriors, the heroes who stand up for the justice of the universe, and the shameless and evil invaders are all materials written into the storybook. I must Do my best to spread Ultraman’s justice in the universe!”

High in the sky, the Magma star battleship.

Seth fired Planim Ray in A form, and after the energy accumulation was completed, he swung his right arm!

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Several energy light balls were thrown out by Seth and flew towards the huge battleship of the Magma planet!

It may be that he has not recovered from the impact of the vibration of the spacecraft, or he may feel that the attack of a little Ultra Warrior is not something to worry about.

In short, when faced with Seth's attack, the Magma people reacted a little slowly.

When some Magma people reacted, the light ball containing terrifying energy had already flown in front of them!

"Boom boom boom——!"

Suddenly, a series of horrific explosions appeared on the entire deck of the Ma Qingduo star battleship!

The surging energy blew up the Magma people who were waiting for them and turned them upside down!

The whole deck was wailing loudly, blood flowed like rivers, and the broken arms and limbs of Magma newcomers were everywhere!

These light balls easily disrupted the defensive formation they had maintained!

Seth in the sky seized the gap in the formation of the Magma people and looked for the leader who was originally surrounded by soldiers, preparing to behead him!

Soon, he found the person he was looking for.

It can't be said that Seth has great insight. It's really Waruk who is arrogant and has no intention of hiding at all. Plus, he is wearing a conspicuous black armor!

On the deck, Waruk felt a little panicked after seeing that this Ultra student had killed so many of his soldiers with one move.

It's a pity that this raid failed to make him remember: "This kid really dares to come up. The moment he stopped down there, he was dealing with his wet pants, right?"

"Brother!" Sister Woshan, who realized something was wrong, tapped her brother's back gently to signal him to be careful.

Although the person floating not far away is an Ultra student, but looking at the firm and even ferocious look in his eyes, it is obvious that he is not a simple character!

In the air, Waruk's words were not avoided, and he even deliberately raised his voice, so Seth listened carefully.

So, he answered confidently: "Ultra Warrior, don't wear pants!"

As soon as this statement came out, Waruk immediately laughed at him: "Hahaha, does that mean you really peed?"

Seth: "No urine, fill it up with your blood later."

After saying this, he gave the dark Lops below a look!

Under the huge battleship, Dark Lopus' pupils trembled!

"Clang clang clang——!"

The sound of gears turning and joints rubbing against each other came out from Dark Lopus' body!


The timer on Dark Lopus' chest was replaced by a black muzzle!

Then, Dark Lopus stretched his body and formed a "big" shape. At the muzzle of his chest, the dimensional energy gathered and gathered!!

In the sky, Seth's face changed drastically when he saw this scene: "No... I don't mean this..."

What a pity.

"Buzz buzz buzz——"

Dark Lopus couldn't hear Seth's words amid the surging sound of violent dimensional energy.

It takes several seconds to charge the dimensional core storm, and in order to prevent his own energy storage from being interrupted, moving while charging is almost a habit for Dark Lopus as a robot. Behavior.

I saw Dark Lopus, with violent energy accumulated in his chest, slowly distanced himself from the Magma warship.

In the sky, after Seth knew that things could not be changed, there was only one word left in his mind - run!

If he and the Magma warship were hit by Dark Lopus's dimensional core storm, they would be teleported to an unknown space at the same time.

By then, his situation would be miserable!

So this time, Seth almost used the fastest speed in his life to dodge, but he still felt it was not enough.

One second later.

Chapter 139 Seth: Don't fire, we're on the same side!

A fiery red figure appeared on the side of the Magma star's huge warship, and was approaching the warship at a very fast speed.

This figure was none other than Mebius, who had just been knocked to the ground and rushed back to the battlefield...

When Seth noticed Mebius, Mebius also noticed Seth who was ten thousand meters away.

Not only that, when he came up just now, he also saw the whole process of Seth's escape.

"Primary school students are not good enough. If we really face a powerful enemy, I, a regular member of the Space Guard, have to appear.????"

Ultraman Mebius thought proudly.

It was also because of a momentary distraction that he failed to hear Seth's shouts ten thousand meters away in time.

"Seth, what were you shouting just now?"

"What Self-Defense Force?"

"Oh, it's not the Self-Defense Force, you want me to retreat quickly? "

"Oh, I wasn't defeated just now, I was just testing the fighting power of the Magma people. The next step is to get serious. Don't worry about me, worry about yourself."

"Little friend, you still have a long way to go... (˙o˙)╯?"

"Wait, why do I always feel something weird down there..."

As he spoke, Mebius lowered his head.

At the same time.

In the chest of Dark Lopus, the dimensional core storm completely erupted!


Amid the huge roar, the space fell silent.

Then, a white-purple energy beam appeared, a thousand meters away, in the blink of an eye!

It accurately hit the huge Magma warship in the sky!

"Huahuahua——! ”

The terrifying dimensional energy enveloped the huge warship of the Magma people and the surrounding space of 100 meters, rotating at high speed, forming a purple energy tornado!

And Mebius, who had just flown next to the warship, was naturally enveloped by the terrifying space energy!

"Wow, stop spinning, I feel dizzy..."


The energy tornado rushed left and right at an altitude of 1,000 meters above O-50, and finally with a "pop!" sound, it broke the space like shattering glass, and created a huge gap!

And the energy tornado took everything wrapped in it and drilled into the gap!

A thousand meters away, Seth looked at the huge space gap in the sky with a complicated expression, and his heart was in a struggle.

Finally, he still flew out.

Following the position where the energy tornado disappeared, he drilled into the gap in the space!

A few seconds later, the gap in the space was automatically repaired, and the sky of O-50 was cleaned by the dimensional storm and turned into a blue water-like blue.

On the ground, Zeta, who witnessed all this, shouted helplessly: "Where is Seth? "

Before he finished speaking, Taiga, who was beside him, had already jumped towards Dark Lopus who had shot out the dimensional core storm!

"Where did you send Seth and the others?"

Taiga rushed to Dark Lopus as fast as he could and asked angrily.

"Unknown." Dark Lopus answered after a pause.

"Why did you use such a dangerous attack? Didn't you consider that our people would be affected when you used it?" Taiga's chest rose and fell violently.

In response, Dark Lopus replied: "This is what Brother Seth and I discussed earlier."

Dark Lopus paused longer this time, and it was obvious that he didn't want Seth to be involved in his dimensional storm.

But Seth gave the order first, and even if he predicted that Seth might be involved in the attack, he still did it.

Brother Seth must have his reasons for asking him to do that!

Taiga was speechless now.

"Can you use that skill again and send me over too?" he asked again.

"Yes, but the second replenishment of energy will take a long time. "Dark Lopus replied, "It is estimated to take six universe hours."

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