Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 112 Chest Crusher

There are trees in the mountains, and the trees have branches. Does Tiga know it with his long hands?

Diga, whose hands have grown a lot longer, is thinking about what Duanmuci said when he was training him before, about the weakness of this black Diga.

On the surface, Tiga seems to have no decisive weakness.

But in fact the weakness is obvious.

Dagu himself said that Diga has relatively many skills and can be regarded as a mage.

However, in fact, Diga's combat methods are more ordinary melee combat, and other light skills are basically used as finishing moves.

This black Tiga is even more exaggerated.

He seems to have forgotten that Tiga can use light. He usually throws a few fireballs to scare people, and basically uses fighting skills when fighting.

In other words, using yourself as Leo.

But his fighting skills can only bully Yunivos, a scientist, and Tiga, who only knows modern fighting.

He can't really have an absolute advantage like Leo.

When two people have similar skills, one party gains equipment enhancements and can quickly establish an advantage.

Just like now, every inch is longer and every inch is stronger. After one of Tiga's hands becomes longer, the fighting skills that Black Tiga is proud of suddenly become meaningless, just like a player fighting with bare hands encounters an opponent holding a spear.

Black Tiga was very angry and aggrieved.

Diga only needed to move his hand lightly, and his arm could sweep across a large area.

He was not really able to use his skills to break Tiga's fighting skills, so now he couldn't find a way to win for a while, and he was very resentful and cursed.

After a while, perhaps because he had soaked in the sea too much, Black Tiga suddenly woke up.

I know how to use light!

Is there any hand longer than light?

So Black Diga stepped back suddenly, put his hands under his ribs, dark energy condensed, and a purple light mark like a knife mark appeared in front of him, and a large amount of energy entered the color timer at a speed visible to the naked eye. More pure.

At the same time, Diga also threw a ball of light, and at the same time crossed his hands in front of him, and his whole body flashed with light.

The movements of the two were different, but Duanmu Ci could tell that they should be using the same type of moves.

It's just that one is radiant and the other is dark and oppressive.

The two charged up their energy almost at the same time, and a dark red light and a silvery white light collided in the air.

After that, there was a constant wrestling of energy between the two.

If it were the previous Diga, he would definitely be suppressed immediately, but now the degree of integration between Dagu and Diga is already quite high, and the energy released is much more powerful than before.

The two sides fought to a draw.

At this time, no one dares to let go first.

The energy gathered in the center of the field has become more and more exaggerated. Whoever lets go of this hand first may be sent away by the opponent!

"Damn it, I didn't expect it to end up like this!"

Through the bright light, Black Diga could vaguely see the state of his opponent Diga, who was still very calm and stable.

"My power did not completely crush them. My skills are useless now. Instead, I have entered this stalemate."

A little regretful.

Battle is like this, one choice may ruin all advantages.

But he still regretted it was too early.

Although his vision was partially obscured by the dazzling light, he still saw Yunivos running towards him calmly step by step.

"Friend, do you want to know the seventy-two stunts of Shaolin?"

Black Tiga: "!!!"

It’s over, there’s still this thing next to you!

Black Tiga, who was frightened by Univos, immediately increased a lot of energy output and wanted to cover Tiga immediately. However, Tiga had no worries and calmly increased the energy output. The balance of light between the two sides remained. Not broken.

He could only watch as Univos took out a light ball and a tablet from Yunivos' weapon, and then clicked a lot of things on the tablet.

"Well, someone once said that my research is a torture tool."

Uniworth: "I don't quite agree with this view, because everything has two sides. Why didn't you think that instruments of torture can actually be exercise equipment?"

"So, with my improvements, the torture tools have new uses!"

"Seventy-two Ultra Shaolin Arts!"

"Iron Bull Kung Fu! The legendary chest-breaking boulder kung fu. Once you practice it, you will be invulnerable!"

Black Tiga couldn't help but said: "Ultraman is invulnerable!"

"Oh, that's my fault." Yunivos said calmly: "What about the lack of light skills? If you had this kind of defense, you wouldn't be so afraid to let go now."

After saying that, Yunivos pointed his palm at his head, and an energy ball began to gather rapidly.

"Big Bang Attack."

The energy ball flew out quickly and landed on Black Diga's face, making him dizzy for a while.

At the same time, the movement of his hand slowed down, and Diga's light suddenly surged up, blowing him away a thousand meters away.

At the same time, Univos also threw the ball of light.

When Black Tiga landed, the imagined situation of entering the sea did not appear. He was framed by a frame that looked like glass. At the same time, his hands and feet were locked by chains made of light. A large glyph is locked into the bottom of the glass "room".

He still wanted to struggle, but then a huge board suddenly formed, covered him, and pressed his whole body underneath. This time he almost lost his breath.


This board is too thick and heavy!

As soon as he thought this, he saw a huge hammer appearing a few hundred meters above the board.


When Diga from afar saw this scene, the colored timer on his chest flashed in fright.

"Hey, isn't this a little too much?"

Uniworth: "It's just a big boulder in the chest. You are practicing Iron Ox Kung Fu. This is one of the seventy-two Shaolin arts."

"We can also practice together in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, the huge hammer over there fell, and with a "boom", the board below shattered instantly. Black Diga's whole body twitched, but his hands and feet were locked, and he couldn't move even if he wanted to.

Seeing his situation, Diga shook his head solemnly: "No, we still don't want to train this kind of thing."

"Practice! It's very interesting!"

Univers looked at the chest crusher with pride in his eyes.

"Do you know the key to defeating your enemy?"

Diga shook his head, but although he didn't know what the key was, it was definitely not a big stone in his chest!

Univers smiled: "The key is that the damage you cause to the enemy is higher than the damage the enemy causes to you!"

"Let your enemy fall before you fall, and you win!"

Diga was a little confused: "What does that have to do with this?"

"Of course it does."

Yunivos said: "After this thing is invented, I can at least wear a pair of star badges."

"Now the Space Guard owes me two Star Badges."

"Ultra treadmills and those fitness equipment are all about enhancing a warrior's basic strength, that is, improving their ability to knock down enemies."

"And this one is to increase physical strength, with strong strength and strong body as support!"

"These two combined equal to invincibility! Are you sure you don't want to practice?"

As soon as he finished speaking, another "big stone slab" was smashed into the black Tiga over there. The whole body was twitching there, and Tiga's heart was also twitching when he saw it.

It's not that I'm worried about him, I'm just worried about how I will live my life in the future.

"Um, how many times do you need to hammer this thing?"

Uniworth: "Oh, I have a torture device mode here, which is different from our usual training. This is the mode I gave him."

"It's just seven days and seven nights and it's over."

After saying that, Yunivos sighed deeply: "There is no way, our scientists from the Kingdom of Light are still too humanitarian, otherwise we will definitely give him seventy-seven forty-nine days."

In order to be more humanitarian, Yunivos waved his hand and the glass warehouse sank to the bottom of the sea to avoid scaring the children.

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