
Dagu sighed as he looked at the night sky.

"That Saki is really the sister I met when I was a child."

"I wonder if she has returned home now?"

Duanmu Ci said: "Of course she has returned home, look!"

As he said that, Duanmu Ci took out a tablet.

"Her home is not far from the solar system."

"After our Mags power system is developed, maybe you can go visit her."

Da Gu: "Did you install a locator on her?"

Duan Mu Ci: "It's a dimensional locator."

"Everyone has to wait until the Mags power system is successfully developed before they can go. I'm different. I can travel through dimensions at will. It only takes a thought to go to her place."

"By the way, I can also study their technology."

Da Gu: →_→

"Not by the way, you came here for the technology of their planet, right?"

Duan Mu Ci: "Don't talk about scientists' affairs in such a vulgar way, okay? I'm just communicating science and technology openly. Only with communication can there be progress!"

"Sometimes." Da Gu suddenly laughed and said, "Sometimes I think it would be great to live as heartless as you."

Duan Mu Ci: ⊙_⊙?

"Are you praising me?"

Da Gu nodded vigorously: "Of course I'm praising you!"

Duan Mu Ci said: "I'm a 25,000-year-old man!"

"I've eaten more salt than you've walked!"

Da Gu laughed: "What kind of sentence is that!"

"But if according to your previous guess, I'm actually the reincarnation of the ancient Tiga, then I'm at least 30 million years old?"

Duan Mu Ci: "The reincarnation age must be reset to zero, how can it be calculated as 30 million."

Da Gu: "But Tiga's body has always been there."

Duan Mu Ci: "Then you have a heart of more than 20 years old, and a body of 30 million years old."

The two chatted until very late.

When Duan Mu Ci returned to his room to rest, it was already late at night.

But he was not sleepy at all, and kept thinking about the universe of the Kingdom of Light.

"Actually, I shouldn't be a warrior from the Kingdom of Light."

Although I have been there for so many years, the energy in my body has also turned into plasma light energy, but the Noah summoned by the "Zhuang Zhou Mengdie" state during the last transformation on Earth is the real source of my power.

Saki returned home, where is my home?

Thinking about it, Duanmu Ci's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally lost consciousness completely.

When he woke up, he found that he had come to a place that looked like a mountain.

Walking along the road that was not really a road, a huge man-made wonder soon appeared in front of Duanmu Ci.

From the outside, there was a strange statue standing, and I didn't know what totem it was. I found out that it was a temple when I got closer.

A temple that looks quite ancient.

The walls of the temple are engraved with various monsters of various shapes, and opposite these monsters is a giant who looks like Ultraman.

These temples usually draw various stories on the walls.

Duanmu Ci read it continuously, and it was still a tragic story.

In general, a planet was destroyed by monsters, and then an Ultraman came. He was very powerful and destroyed all the monsters. Later, this Ultraman left the planet.

The content after that was probably that this planet created an Ultraman like the original one, and relied on this Ultraman to protect itself.

But in the end, this Ultraman without light went berserk, with extremely strong destructive power, and even had the power to destroy the universe.

Then the planet was forced to self-destruct and die with the runaway Ultraman.

But the story after that was different.

The runaway Ultraman did not die, and gained more powerful power.

The next picture is that the original Ultraman came back and used a trick to die with the runaway Ultraman.

But in fact, neither of them died.

At the same time, the monster that originally plagued the planet also came to a new place, and Ultraman and the runaway Ultraman were in this place at the same time.

The story after that was more modern, like there were special forces equipment.

Then there were battles again and again, and the human bodies were replaced again and again. Finally, the light of everyone was gathered, and the Ultraman who had recovered his strength fought against the runaway Ultraman who had recovered his strength.

A fake is always a fake, and it cannot be compared with the original. In the end, it was easily crushed and directly destroyed.


At this time, the space-time fluctuated violently, and three different branches were generated.

The runaway Ultraman in one branch had been destroyed and nothing happened.

In the other branch, a woman gained power and turned into an Ultraman without wings. She ran away in the battle, and was absorbed by the dark Ultraman who had been waiting for a long time, and then turned into another terrifying appearance.

Then it was the person who had transformed into the strongest Ultraman before, and completely destroyed him. The second space-time was stable.

And the third space-time...

Duanmu Ci finally saw the face of the man who transformed into the strongest Ultraman.

It was almost exactly the same as himself.

He also transformed into the final form and easily killed his opponent in seconds.

But just when everyone thought it was peaceful.

The dark power was reborn somewhere, gradually condensed into light, and became familiar to Duanmu Ci.

"This is Lucifer!"

"Is she so powerful?"

"No, this is Lucifer, so the one with wings on his back, could it be Noah!"

At this moment, Duanmu Ci seemed to understand something.

"I'm so handsome!"

"But being a scientist is still promising, being a warrior is too inefficient."

This is his dream, and the Zhuang Zhou dream butterfly that he has studied for so long has finally achieved some results.

Then Duanmu Ci walked to the depths of the temple, walked to a statue that looked like a small airplane, stretched out his hand and touched it, and a large amount of energy poured into Duanmu Ci's body in an instant. He could feel that his whole body was rapidly sublimating and evolving, full of power, and about to overflow.


Duanmu Ci pulled his hand out abruptly.

After checking his energy, he found that it had only increased a little, almost to the level of Tiga, and it didn't become too exaggerated, so Duanmu Ci breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's a close call. If I become too strong, Lucifer will probably come."

He can feel that if he touches this and gets all the power, he will definitely become very strong, but it is definitely not enough to become Noah.

If he can't become Noah, how can he beat Lucifer? If he turns around and gets his energy swallowed, it will be a loss.

Besides, Duanmu Ci looked at the stone wall: "Scientists fight with their brains, and taking action is only the final choice."

"The technology of that planet can even be copied by Noah. Doesn't this show the power of science?"

"The pair of Noah's wings behind Noah also look futuristic. They are obviously scientific products. Doesn't this also prove the power of scientists?"

Noah = Scientist.

Noah is strong = Scientists are strong!

It makes sense!

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