Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 132: Deep resentment

These robots are very dangerous. On the surface, they are just ordinary robots, but in fact, they are modular machines.

If they are allowed to gather in large numbers, they may become huge monsters.

Duanmu Ci dare not make a conclusion before analyzing their structure and system.

"After combining these robots, if you want to exert greater combat power, it is better to make them into four-legged beasts."

"But who knows? What if they like to enlarge in proportion?"

Yamaoka spread his hands: "So what should we do with these robots? Take back TPC and destroy them uniformly?"

Duanmu Ci shook his head: "I find that you are all very brave. You dare to move anything into your base."

"The enemy may still be worried about how to invade our headquarters. Now we can take the enemy home directly and save trouble."

Yamaoka: →_→

"Then tell me, how to solve it?"

Duanmu Ci said: "The best way is to release these in batches, and then use laser cannons to completely crush them."

"Good idea, then where should we put them?"

Duanmu Ci was about to speak when he suddenly received a message from Ikuma Hui.

Duanmu Ci was silenced.

Yamaoka Yi also received the message. He picked it up and saw it. He immediately understood what Duanmu Ci meant by this expression.

After discussing for so long, the top management of TPC finally came to a conclusion. No matter what, they should collect these robots and put them in the TPC headquarters. If they can take them by their side, they won't have to worry about them causing damage to the city.

"Have they always been so confident?"

Yamaoka said helplessly: "What else can we do? We are just small soldiers and can't decide the overall situation. Let's do what the commanders say. Maybe it will really work?"

Duanmu Ci shook his head: "I always feel that this method is a bit dangerous."

But after thinking about it carefully, Duanmu Ci also knew what the commanders were worried about.

If these robots merge into a huge robot in the city, it will undoubtedly cause great damage to the city, and countless people will be killed and injured.

Rather than bombing the city, they would rather the enemy watch in front of them, so that they can quickly control it.

"Forget it, just move it back like this."

"Now that TPC has such strong firepower, even if Ultraman goes in, he may not be able to get any benefits. What can a modular robot do?"

Having said that, Duanmu Ci took advantage of everyone's inattention to steal a lot of small robots from the car and put them into the Meta field.

The TPC staff found that the robots could not be fully loaded into the truck. They were confused at first, but Duanmu Ci stopped in time, and they finally filled the truck and drove to TPC headquarters.

In this way, Duanmu Ci used the method of shearing wool to shear the robots all the way, shearing a little from one truck, and a little from another truck, and soon collected a lot of small robots.

In the end, under Duanmu Ci's continuous shearing, the total amount of these robots was only about half when they were sent back to TPC.

"Don't put all your eggs in one basket."

At the same time, Duanmu Ci also carried a robot back to study openly.

Everyone knew that he was a scientist, so they didn't think it was strange. It's natural for scientists to do research.

That night, Duanmu Ci found the "chip" given by the robot.

If Duanmu Ci hadn't studied a lot of robots in the past, he might not be able to find the robot's "chip" so quickly now.

Then it was a long time to decipher the chip.

This thing is a real treasure. It contains a lot of scientific information. I don’t know why others hide these scientific information in these robot chips, but Duanmu Ci said he was very happy.

The scientific civilization inside is different from the current Earth.

It is also different from the Kingdom of Light.

But the wonderful ideas in it still make Duanmu Ci applaud.

The more he deciphered, the more he felt that he was nourished by his thoughts.

"I feel like I am learning the North Sea Divine Art for some reason! I am absorbing other people's knowledge into my own brain!"

Duanmu Ci laughed while absorbing knowledge crazily to enrich himself.

"It's just that the AI ​​of this robot is a bit stupid, and the execution of commands is only at a relatively basic level. It seems that this civilization didn't have much contact with AI when it built this robot."

This is understandable. After all, not everyone can build a robot like Dark Zagi.

Of course, judging from the results, Dark Zagi is also a failure.

"I don't know if I can build a Zagi after studying these robots more."

It's exciting to think about it.

But forget it after thinking about it.

Robots are useless if they can defeat themselves. What if they can't defeat themselves?

Duanmu Ci can only build some to train fighting skills.

But Duanmu Ci is a scientist, not a fighter.

He also prepared robot training in the "palace" that accompanied him.

That is all Duanmu Ci understands about robots. Because they are robots, they can use skills that many people can't use.

Even veterans like Seven who fight robots will fail, not to mention others.

Just when Duanmu Ci was happy with his research.

These robots really stood up.

When TPC continued to test the Mags power system, these robots seemed to have gained energy, and the components of various parts of the body began to gather together.

But soon these robots found that something was wrong. A large number of robots had no trunks and could not be combined together.

It turned out that Duanmu Ci felt that the efficiency was too low when he was wooling the wool, and later he only plucked the trunks of the robots for a period of time.

Without the trunk, the remaining limbs and heads had no platform to be combined together.

So even if these robots have "infiltrated" into TPC, there are still not many robots that can move. There are only a few hundred of them, and they were soon surrounded and beaten by a large number of TPC staff with Hepa guns.

Seeing that one robot after another was about to be knocked down, they finally remembered to combine.

So under the gaze of a bunch of people in TPC, all the robots here gathered together and began to slowly combine into a larger robot.

When all the robots were combined, they directly turned into a giant robot of more than 30 meters.

Soon, the Victory Team arrived at the scene. Everyone looked at the robots more than 30 meters high that were wreaking havoc inside the base. Da Gu raised the Victory Hi-Pa and fired many shots at the giant robots, even directly emptying the bullets.

The others were no less brutal, and the magazines of various weapons were emptied very quickly.

It is conceivable that everyone was very resentful of being disturbed from their sleep one after another.

When everyone was having fun, Da Gu found a corner with few people and no surveillance cameras and took out the magic stick.

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