Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 135 Don’t worry

The Atdis was quickly fully equipped with the help of Duanmuci and Horii.

Dr. Yatsuo originally did not want to load weapons on the Atdis, but under Duanmuci's persuasion, he finally loaded the Atdis with a super-powerful main gun, the Magus Cannon, which uses the Magus power system as its energy source. !

The power of this Mags cannon.

Duanmuci calculated it and found that it was stronger than the cascading flash he usually used.

Inexplicably, there is a feeling of being the strongest foreign aid.

However, after thinking about it, Duanmu Ci unexpectedly discovered that his combat effectiveness was once again equivalent to that of a "fighter".

"Does this mean that the combat effectiveness of scientists is equal to that of battleships?"

If you think about it carefully, it's not unacceptable.

That's a battleship!

A single person has the power of a battleship, but what else is needed is a bicycle.

Does Zoffie have the power of a battleship?

Duanmu Ci held his chin and thought for a long time.

It seems that I have never seen any battleship that can withstand the light of Zoffi's M87.

"The most powerful thing is the M87 light!"

"If you rely on weapons, you will have flaws! No wonder Zoffie will not be able to use the M87 and even overturn in the hands of the volcano monster Patton."

Duanmu Ci weighed his own strength. Isn't it a trivial matter for him to take care of Barton now?

It's much better than the previous situation where all kinds of technology were used to deceive Barton. Now I can finally say with confidence that I am better than Barton.

The battleship sets sail.

Sure enough, as soon as the Mags system was activated, Sky Island began to appear.

Duanmuci did not follow, but Dagu piloted the Victory Feiyan and escorted the Atdis together with Xincheng.

This tactic is actually the same as the infantry-tank coordination tactic on the ground. The main battleship relies on heavy firepower to break through the enemy's defense, and the highly flexible fighters beside it can deal with some enemies that the main battleship cannot deal with.

Logically speaking, the two ace pilots, Lina and Xincheng, should go out, but because the Atdis is a bit difficult to operate, Lina, the real ace, is needed to operate it, so the escort fighters became Dagu and Xincheng. .

As for why I didn’t take Duanmu Ci with me.

They were afraid that Duanmuci's crashing habit would affect the fighter's luck. . .

Duanmu Ci: "What a shame, it's so annoying to talk about this kind of thing. A group of people who have experienced higher education still believe in these superstitions."

Hui Jian smiled and said: "Students in higher education are the most superstitious! They have to worship various gods and Buddhas before every exam."

Duanmu Ci: →_→

"What's the use of that? Why not worship me? Maybe I can help them make up lessons."

Hui Jian: "You don't understand this. Geniuses like you in the scientific community must have never experienced the joy of examination skills."

Duanmuci: "???"

Hui Jian: "You know everything and then go to the exam to get full marks. This is not called exam skills. It's just filling in the blanks. It's skills to know nothing and still get a passing score."

"Think about it, does this not need the blessings of the gods and Buddhas in the sky?"

Duanmu Ci has really never experienced this kind of situation. When he was in the Kingdom of Light, he was a super genius with perfect scores in Keke. There is no such thing as ignorance, and naturally there is no such thing as "you can still pass the test by relying on your exam skills after you don't understand." Such a thing.

"But what's the point?"

Hui Jian smiled and said: "This process is the meaning."

"Their exams are like the difficult problems we encounter now. You may not be able to solve all problems, but you can use certain methods to deal with them to ensure that you will not be completely stumped by the problems."

Duanmu Ci probably understands this.

It's like this variable equipment he made out of plasma metal.

Although there are many problems that have not yet been solved, they have been put to use!

"As long as it can be used, it's true that not all problems must be overcome!"

Duanmu enlightened.

Plasma metal usually has pretty good properties. After energy is injected into it, its properties become active and it is easy to self-destruct. . .

This is also a problem that Duanmu Ci has not yet been able to solve.

However, the physical properties and other properties of plasma metal are really perfect, otherwise Duanmuci would not have thought of using plasma metal to create his "incarnation".

This time we can only hope that there will be no problems with the plasma metal equipment.

Duanmuci looked at the statue beside him.

"Captain, what kind of god is this?"

Megumi said: "This is Sugawara Michizane, the god who manages knowledge."

Duanmu Ci's eyes widened: "There really is such a god!"

As he spoke, he decisively picked up the statue of Sugawara Michizane.


The Atdis has already approached Sky Island, and only when it gets closer can everyone see clearly that this is a giant mechanical island.

At first glance, it looks like something made by those in the mechanical engineering department.

It looks quite powerful, but there is nothing aesthetic about it.

Just as they were about to approach the island, a large number of small Gobnu flew out, and the battle was about to break out!

Duanmu gave them a clear view from the base.

"Xincheng is an ace pilot after all, and with the current performance of the Shengli Feiyan No. 1, there shouldn't be any problems."

"Da Gu's level is not that big, but the problem shouldn't be big."

"Things should be under control, right?"

Hui Jian said nothing because a woman's intuition told her that setting too many flags was not a good thing.


She still underestimated the "curse" that Xincheng had endured. Even if no flags were set, the final result would be the same.

With a puff, the dashboard of Xincheng's fighter jet gave various warnings.

Duanmu Ci: "?"

"No, I could have dodged these little robots just now!"

"How did Xincheng get hit!!!"

Iruma Hui: "..."

As if a chain reaction had been triggered, Dagu was also hit and forced to land.

It was okay for Xincheng to make an emergency landing, because he was far away from the Atreides, so he flew directly into the Atreides.

Dagu was too far away from the Atreides and had to make an emergency landing on the mechanical island.

Not long after he made an emergency landing, a bunch of small Gobnu surrounded him and combined into another huge Gobnu.

Gobnu (Oguma).

Unlike Gobnu Kiga, Oguma is heavier and taller, and has more energy in his body. This is the strongest robot used by the mechanical island to protect itself!

Dagu didn't indulge him, and soon took out the magic stick, revealing his huge body in a burst of light.


Shorter than Gobnewoguma.

But it doesn't matter.

Tiga looked at the green transparent stripes on his body.

These are plasma metal, the new equipment given to him by Duanmu!

When this metal was loaded on his body, Tiga immediately felt its existence, and seemed to be able to control this equipment through "thoughts".

"Turn into a long sword."

Then the plasma metal turned into a long sword.

"Turn into a hammer!"

The plasma metal turned into a hammer.

And began to shine, and the light became brighter and brighter.

Tiga: "Awesome, this metal also has a luminous special effect, is this the characteristic of this metal that Duanmu said?"

Duanmu Ci on Earth saw this scene, silently closed his eyes and turned his head away.

It's over, this Sugawara Michishin God is useless.

Forget it, Tiga, after you die, I will take care of your wife and children, don't worry about it.

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