Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 144: Attack with Confidence

Zara and Lucia looked at each other, and finally Zara said: "If possible, I hope to return to our planet."

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "Your planet has become a hunting ground."

"Although the problems of the Muzhen people will be solved soon, without your own power, you can't even protect yourself."

Zara and Lucia also knew that their planet lacked the power to protect itself. The universe was developing, but they seemed to be developing without development.

Weakness is not a crime, but it will allow the guilty to seize the opportunity.

"That's what I think."

Duanmu Ci said: "Do you know what you are in the eyes of the earthlings?"

Zara shook her head: "Are you a disaster victim?"

Duanmu Ci: "You are friendly aliens, and very rare friendly aliens."

Hearing this, Zara and Lucia looked at each other with a little surprise.

"The Earth is very powerful." Duanmu Ci said, "If you don't believe it, you will soon see the fate of the Muzhen people."

Sure enough, the Victory Team's work efficiency is quite amazing. The Muzhen people thought that their spaceship was invincible, but they crashed after encountering the Victory Team's new fighter.

The spaceship turned into a ball of fire the moment it landed.

After an explosion, the Muzhen people became huge and turned into a monster that looked like an insect.

Seeing the appearance of the Muzhen people, Lucia and Zara trembled unconsciously because of fear.

Duanmu Ci saw all these situations. This is the fear of an enemy that cannot be dealt with, but such fear will not last too long.

Because it will be different soon.

The Muzhen people thought that they could finally drive invincible after their transformation, but who knew that this fighter was so fast, and various high-energy beam cannons kept hitting him, and each shot must take away something.

The first shot tore off a large piece of flesh from Muzhen's arm, causing him to scream in pain. But before he could fight back, the beam cannon of the Feiyan EX-J tore off another piece of flesh from his thigh.

Muzhen was now like an insect waiting to be slaughtered, being manipulated at will by the Victory Team.

But even so, Muzhen still didn't think he was doomed. The horn on his head flashed, and a blue light was emitted.

I thought that the fighter would definitely not be able to dodge this light because it was so fast, but who knew that the Victory EX-J fired a special bullet, which flew in the air to form a barrier and completely blocked the light.

Xincheng, who was acting as a firepower in the fighter, raised his eyebrows: "You dare to fight back?"

"This horn can fire lasers, right!"

As he spoke, Xincheng locked onto the horn on Muzhen's head and pressed the launch button.

With a whoosh, a purple beam cannon was fired, and it blew up the horn on Muzhen's head in just one shot.

This directly shocked the Muzhen people.

The entire cosmic person was spinning in circles, his head was buzzing, and the severe pain from the top of his head told him that he couldn't even defeat a spaceship on this planet!


The Muzhen people roared and emitted some strange pheromones.

Horii at the scene immediately analyzed this pheromone.

"This seems to be something that calls out to its own kind?"

The problem with Ultraman destroying these cosmic people is that he can't kill them with one blow, which will give the enemy time to choose.

Shinjo didn't care: "We'll just fight as many trash as we can!"

Lina laughed: "Shinjo, you've been very confident lately!"

Shinjo laughed: "With these new equipment, who are we afraid of?"

Lina: "Okay, let's finish this guy off first!"

Hori: "Then we have to try our new weapon, the deflected beam cannon!"

Hori adjusted the weapon, selected the target, and then AI Doraemon controlled the trajectory. When the launch button was pressed, a bright purple beam drew a huge arc in the air and finally hit the back of the head of the Muzhen star.

Then the head of the Muzhen star exploded like a watermelon!


Shinjo and Horii clapped their hands.

"I didn't expect that the new weapon Duanmu researched is so powerful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Duanmu Ci's voice came from the headset: "Hey, hey, hey, I can hear everything you said on the scene!"

Xincheng spread his hands: "We are praising you."

Duanmu Ci glanced at the radar: "Let's talk about these things later. According to our detection, a large number of cosmic people are rushing to you. You should first consider how to deal with them."

After informing everyone on the scene of the situation, Duanmu Ci looked at Zara and Lucia, who were still a little scared: "What do you think, the Muzhen people are not so powerful."

Zara: "Your defense team is very strong, but there are not many such strong defense teams on your Earth, right?"

Duanmu Ci shook his head: "You just didn't get the point."

"The duty of the Victory Team is to rush to the scene as soon as the enemy is discovered, and to reduce the losses to a minimum. The most powerful equipment on our Earth has never been here."

Atlantis is the most powerful equipment for mankind at present.

And such equipment can be mass-produced.

Duanmu Ci knew that weapons would be updated and replaced quickly, but TPC was wealthy and had already mass-produced a lot of Atlantis.

TPC is a representative example of how powerful the power of the whole world can be when combined.

Compared to the general world, the defense power of this world is definitely top-notch.

Just when Duanmu Ci was daydreaming, a number of Muzhen people's spaceships arrived at the scene.

Watching the Victory Team dealing with them, Duanmu Ci said to Zara and Lucia: "You two take a rest here and don't run around. I'm going to the toilet."

After that, Duanmu Ci walked to the toilet.

Soon after, a ray of light flew from the TPC headquarters to the battle scene.

Feiyan EX-J also split into two fighters at this time, a large Alpha similar to Feiyan II, and a small Beta similar to Feiyan I.

After splitting into two fighters, the total power was weaker, but relatively lighter and more flexible. The spaceships of Muzhen people seemed too backward in front of the fighters of the Victory Team, and they were all shot down soon.

But these Muzhen people can also become huge, and after falling, they all turned into huge monsters.

At this moment, the confident Shinjo felt a little dazed.

"Are we going to face more than ten monsters at a time?"

It's exciting just to think about it!

"Number is not the most important thing!"

At this moment, a voice reached the ears of the Victory Team.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Horii: "This voice is!"

A burst of light flashed from the air.

A blue figure fell from the sky.

"The important thing is to feel the enemy with your inner eyes!"


Everyone shouted out Univess's name at the same time!

Univess made a "yeah" gesture to everyone.

"Long time no see, friends!"

Compared to Tiga, who received many full attendance awards, Univess's appearances were relatively few.

But everyone's love for Ultraman is the same.

Shinjo also responded: "We have to deal with more than a dozen enemies this time, so don't let us down!"

Univess gave a thumbs up: "Don't worry, who am I? There will be no problem!"

After that, he rushed into the crowd of Muzhen Star.

Then I was beaten up by Oudon...

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