The monster was quickly given a code name.

Its name: goldras

"If this continues, this space-time realm will soon expand to the entire world. By then, the entire earth will be involved in its space-time realm. I don't know where it will be involved!"

A thin layer of sweat broke out on Horii's forehead unconsciously.

"If we don't stop it, the whole earth will be destroyed!"

Duanmu Ci: "Don't worry, I have been doing research on dimensions."

"Although it is not possible to travel through time and space yet, it is still possible to block this time and space boundary for a period of time."

Everyone looked at Duanmu Ci.

Duanmuci: "But that requires a lot of energy. Feiyan EX-J is not enough to carry such powerful energy, so I need Atdis to come on board!"

Hui Jian nodded: "In that case, let Atdis appear."

As a huge battleship, the Atdis is generally not used if it can be used. It consumes too much energy. The point is that there are many preparations and it will be relatively slow. Generally, by the time it arrives at the scene, the monsters will be nothing but ashes. Gray.

This time the situation is special, and the space-time world is relatively stable. There is no explosion at the beginning, giving everyone a lot of room to prepare.

At the same time, Duanmu Ci also began to modify the Atdis' main cannon, adjusting the energy frequency to the frequency of dimensional blockade.

In fact, Ultraman in any world uses light energy, and the only difference is the specific wavelength frequency and waveform.

When the basic energy can be determined, these three elements can play a corresponding role as long as they are adjusted.

Duanmuci adjusted the data in less than half an hour.

Just wanting to seal off this space-time realm, the energy required is indeed quite exaggerated. If it hadn't been for the completion of the research on the Magus power system and such a large aerospace battleship, it would be impossible to meet this energy demand.

At that time, Duanmu Ci can only use his own Meta Domain to forcibly interfere with Goldras' time and space, and then fight it in the Meta Domain.

This seems to be okay, but Duanmu Ci has not forgotten that there are several "terrorists" imprisoned in his own Meita domain.

If we go to fight at this time, isn't that the same as going up to die?

So, young people, it’s great to have such a strong team!

If this was a team like Leo's MAC team, Duanmuci would have no choice but to do it by himself when encountering these things.

The consequences will certainly not be much better.


"Since time and space are blocked, can we also block the movement of monsters?"

That Goldras looks very ferocious, and he may not be able to defeat him here.

With such a big battleship, it shouldn't be a problem to block a monster, right?

Duanmuci, who was extremely mobile, began to transform.

Then another half hour passed.

Ye Rui and Tezuka Yuri are having fun!

Because it was a public expense to eat, drink and have fun, Yerui felt a little guilty at first and didn't dare to use it. But soon he let go and took Tezuka Lily around. It didn't matter if he couldn't find a home. As long as you had money, the whole world would be yours. It can be your home!

Food, drink and entertainment were all available. To commemorate such a happy occasion, Yerui took a photo with Tezuka Yuri. He bought a necklace that could hold the photo, clipped the photo he just took into it and gave it to Tezuka Yuri. .

The two of them were having fun here, and Ye Rui secretly hoped that Duanmuci would finish the renovation of the Atdis later, although he knew that this would not be good.

On the other side, Commander Zongfang, who was at the scene, was almost going crazy.

"The situation is getting more and more unstable. Isn't Duanmu ready yet?"

Megumi, who was sitting in the command center, was also quite anxious, but her face remained stable and she said: "Horii has a backup plan here, but we studied it and found that the backup plan still doesn't work."

Horii also nodded and said: "The alternative plan can only break the time and space boundary. The monster still has the possibility of going back. If this monster Goldras is determined to go back, we probably won't be able to stop it."

"So if you want to keep the monsters, you still have to use the time and space blockade mentioned by Duanmu Ci to temporarily block the time and space realm."

At this moment, Duanmu Ci rushed in.

"It's all done!"

Megumi nodded: "Lina, Shinjo, Dagu, Horii, the four of you go pilot the Atdis!"

The four of Lina nodded and quickly rushed to the Atdis.

Because Ye Rui was away, Duanmu Ci temporarily took his place to do the analysis work.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

It took a while for the Atdis to take off, but after it took off completely, it quickly arrived at Sakuragaoka. Munakata saw the arrival of the Atdis and began to arrange the ground troops.

After Duanmu Ci in the command center confirmed that Atdis had arrived at the designated location, he issued the launch order.

"Atdis, the main gun, the Mags cannon is launched, the target is the clouds in the space-time realm in the sky!"

The energy of this dimensional blockade is modified on the Magus cannon, so just firing the Magus cannon is equivalent to firing the space-time blockade cannon.

Lina adjusted the battleship and raised the main gun muzzle. At the same time, Shinjo changed the "cannonball" to a Magus cannon, and Horii was responsible for parameter adjustment.

After everything was ready, Xincheng shouted "launch" and pressed the launch button.

Then a blue beam of light rushed out from the main gun muzzle and headed straight for the space-time clouds in the sky.

There was no explosion. The beam of light disappeared into the clouds, and soon there was no movement at all.

This scene made everyone confused for a moment.

Iruma Hui looked at Duanmu Ci who was chewing gum calmly.

Duanmu Ci just spread his hands when he noticed the captain's gaze.

"The machine is fine. We'll know if we continue to watch."

Sure enough, just when everyone was wondering why the space-time blockade cannon had no effect, blue rays of light sprinkled from the clouds, the space-time world was cracked, and the huge figure of Goldras appeared in front of everyone.

Commander Zongfang reacted the fastest and gave the order immediately.

"Target, Goldras! Fire!"

A large number of tanks and various turrets aimed at Goldras, and both beam cannons and physical shells were fired at this moment.

Goldras, who was suddenly thrown out by the space-time world, was also a little confused, but seeing that all the shells were coming towards him, he did not just sit there and wait for death. He stretched out his hands in front of him, ready to deploy a space-time barrier to resist these shells.

However, all space-time abilities in this place were blocked. Goldras opened his hands, but the imagined space-time barrier did not appear. Because of this action, he lost time to dodge and was hit head-on by all the shells.

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