Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 160: Horii Angel

Hui Jian and her mother-in-law didn't know what they said. Anyway, the atmosphere was not very pleasant. When she went out and looked at the familiar Drum car, all the unpleasantness was suddenly blown away.

"Team Dagu, Team Lina, come out."

Dagu and Lina walked out slowly like children who were caught without turning in their homework.

"Captain, what a coincidence, you are here too."

Jujian Hui: "You just followed me here, and you asked me if I'm here?"

Dagu: "This is none of our business. If you want to blame Duanmu, Duanmu, why don't you come out quickly!"

Duanmu Ci laughed and walked out: "Captain, you are here too, what a coincidence!"

Intermediary benefits: →_→

"Look at my expression, it's a coincidence."

Duanmu Ci smiled and said: "I just saw the signal of Sherlock's car coming from this place. I was a little curious, so I brought Dagu and the others to have a look. I didn't expect to see you, captain. What a coincidence."

Hui Jian was helpless, all of them were adults and still acted like children.


At this time, Hui Jian saw Lizi standing behind Duanmu Ci.

"Member Duanmu, aren't you going to introduce me?"

Duanmu Ci reacted and said, "Oh, her name is Saita Riko, she is..."

I didn’t know how to introduce it for a while.

If Lizi hadn't been here, Duanmu Ci would have shamelessly introduced her as his girlfriend, but it was obviously not the case now. It was still too easy to be slapped in the face when introducing her in front of the person involved.

If I had known earlier I wouldn't have brought her here.

But after thinking about it, it would be quite sinful not to bring her here and let her stay here alone.

"It's my fellow countryman."

Hui Jian smiled and said, "So he's a fellow countryman of yours, a childhood sweetheart?"

Duanmu Ci: "Uh, is it? It should be considered right?"

Lizi smiled and said nothing, but the pressure was already pouring on Duanmu.

"By the way, Captain, I heard them talking about angels. What's going on with this angel?"

Jian Hui sighed and took out the PDI to show Duanmu Ci.

"This is the angel. Zongfang has gone to investigate the situation. It seems that he has confused many people now."

Duanmu Ci looked at the picture of this angel: "Huh? What era is this in? Can such an ugly angel confuse people?"

Hui Jian: "The fact is that it has confused a lot of people."

"I'm going to ask Karen to help make an announcement to admit that this angel is the game they are planning to release."

Confuse the real with the fake.

Ever since Kallen completely turned fake into fake last time, Hui Jian discovered a new way to use Kallen.

"Repay the other person with his own way?"

Duanmuci thought for a moment: "It doesn't seem impossible?"

"Let's take a look at this angel first."

Although it is said that falsehood can be deceived, but I am afraid that this angel will make falsehood come true.

When the time comes to directly destroy the city, Karen will be blamed for it inexplicably.

With doubts, Duanmuci quickly arrived at the scene.

There is indeed an angel floating in the sky, and the special effects are much more realistic than ordinary virtual images.

It doesn't look like the current technology. It will take at least a year or two to reach such a technical level.

Even if Karen tried to imitate her, she probably wouldn't be able to do it.

Soon Duanmu Ci discovered the reason why so many people were intoxicated by this angel.

There is a certain amount of mental interference that people with weak willpower cannot resist.

"I have a solution to this angel problem."

Duanmu Ci's words made Jian Hui look sideways for a while.

"Do you know what the problem is?"

Duanmuci nodded: "This angel has a hypnotic effect, just make a jammer."

While he was talking, Duanmu Ci had already taken out his commonly used tool kit, and then started to modify it skillfully with his own PDI.

Hui Jian was speechless: "Team Duanmu, do you usually treat your PDI like this?"

Duanmuci: "I have added a lot of functions to it. Now it is not just a communication tool for our victory team, it is a multi-functional tool."

“You can even use it to play games!”

Jian Hui just wanted him not to fish when he went to work, but then he thought, if he didn't fish and just made a lot of messy things that no one could bear, it would be better to go to work and fish.

Duanmuci: "OK, the transformation is complete!"

"I didn't expect to be able to see angels during my vacation. Unfortunately, we won't be able to see them for long."

Dagu wondered: "Is interference the interference with electromagnetic waves?"

Duanmuci: "More than that, just watch, it will be effective soon."

At this moment, there was an old woman in the square who beat everyone else and successfully got the opportunity to make a wish like an angel alone.

"Lord Angel, please grant me the ability to win every battle in mahjong!"

As soon as this statement came out, the scene immediately became excited.

"Mother-in-law, isn't that what you were talking about just now?"

"Yes, don't you want your little grandson to go to a good university?"

"Are you worthy of your grandson!?"

"Lord Angel will never agree to your wish!"

. . .

The scene gradually became chaotic, and if the person making the wish was not an old woman, but a young man, there would have been a fight.

But at this moment, the angels in the sky suddenly began to distort. If you open the Ultra Eye, you can see that the special power entangled in everyone is quickly dissipating.

"Look, look, the angel has changed!"

After the special power dissipated, everyone stopped calling "Lord Angel" and started calling him by his first name.

The effect was immediate.

Then the angel in the sky turned into...


A Horii was telling jokes in the air with an Osaka accent, and everyone who saw the angel was stunned.

"What the hell! How did the angel become like this?"

"It must be the rubbish wish made by the mother-in-law just now that caused the angel to change!"

"Damn mother-in-law!"

When a group of people denounced the mother-in-law, Zongfang, who knew the real reason, patted Duanmu Ci on the shoulder: "Go back and be careful of Horii."

Duanmu Ci smiled and said: "It's okay, my vacation has just begun."

Da Gu almost laughed: "Lina, look, Horii is flying in the sky!"

Lina laughed and scolded: "Da Gu, you are so bad!"

She said so, but she had no intention of stopping it.

On the other side, the prophet who felt that he could absorb a lot of wish power felt that the wish power was rapidly draining away, just like a broken water tank. In just about ten seconds, all the wish power was drained away, leaving nothing.

"What's going on?"

Witch: "I feel like there's something wrong with the angel."

After a look, it turns out that the angel is indeed the problem.

"How did our angel become like this! It looks a bit wretched."

"I seem to have seen Tiga!"

Seeing the witch eager to try, the prophet quickly stopped her and said, "The probability of us failing to defeat Tiga is relatively high if we go out to find him now."

"God is not in this dimension, and our power is very limited. In this case, why not try what the dark Faust said before and cooperate with him? Anyway, we won't lose anything!"

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