Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 171 Plan F is successful

"We have the best warriors and the best stone statues. All we need is a prop that can transform people into light."

Saeki Rika is a serious woman. Just by looking at her for the first time, Lina knew that the woman in front of her must be a professional soldier.

But it's hard to say what her specific talent is.

After all, talent is not something that can be obtained by being serious.

And if she was not selected by the Victory Team, there is only one possibility, that this woman's story is not legendary enough.


Lina suddenly asked: "Compared to this Saeki Rika girl, I am more curious. Do you know who Univos turned into?"

Staff Officer Goto snorted: "These have nothing to do with the current situation."

"Ununivos is an Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light. If we take action against him, it is easy to cause unnecessary conflicts. My goal is to better protect the earth, not to push the earth to the opposite side of the Kingdom of Light."

"So, Team Dagu, do you understand your own uniqueness? You are not a warrior from the Kingdom of Light, but a member of TPC. No one is more suitable than you!"

Dagu: "..."

He didn't know how to answer this question.

Instinct told him that once this research was completed, it would definitely lead to unacceptable consequences.

But now he couldn't refute it because he had no evidence, and not everyone was as thick-skinned as Duanmu Ci, who would rely on his sixth sense.

Fortunately, they didn't know that the magic stick was a transformation prop.

However, just when Dagu was rejoicing, Saeki Rika directly picked up the magic stick.

"This thing should be his transformation prop."

Dagu: "???"

How did you know?

Saeki Rika said: "These others are exorcism props, which are sold downstairs in my house, but I don't believe them."

"I've never seen this thing, and don't you find that the upper part of this thing is a bit like Tiga's breastplate?"

Staff Officer Goto nodded: "It looks like this is it."

Dagu was numb, his brain was running at high speed, and then he thought of a routine.

"Actually, is there a possibility?" Daigu said, "I can turn into Tiga without this thing. This is just a souvenir." Dr. Lu Ruyue: "I don't believe it." Daigu: "Then I'll demonstrate it!" As he spoke, he tried to call on the light power in his body. To everyone outside, Daigu's body began to emit bright light. Finally, the light seemed to reach a certain limit, burst suddenly, and then dimmed in an instant. Daigu turned into a Tiga who was almost as tall as a human. "This?" Staff Officer Gondo looked at Dr. Lu Ruyue: "How do you explain this?" Dr. Lu Ruyue: "So Daigu is actually like Go Hideki, the type without a transformation device?" Tiga easily broke free from the restraints, and quickly came to Lina's side and helped Lina to remove the restraints. Then he said to Staff Officer Gondo: "Such research is very dangerous. We don't have the power to control it yet. If we continue to study like this, humanity is likely to be destroyed."

While speaking, Tiga swept his light, and all the exorcism props on the table and the divine light stick in Saeki Rika's hand were all taken back into Tiga's light.

Then Tiga took Lina away from the secret base on the moon.

Staff Officer Gondo and the others did not change.

At this time, a scientist came over.

"Dr. Lu, all the data has been collected!"

Dr. Lu Ruyue looked at Saeki Rika.

"Are you ready?"

Saeki Rika nodded: "I have already prepared to sacrifice."

After all, this is an experiment to turn humans into light. They have no way out. If they fail, they will die directly.

And the probability of death is very high.

Saeki Rika is the only one who has super individual combat capabilities and battlefield command capabilities, and is willing to sacrifice herself for such difficult research.

Staff Officer Gondo said: "Don't force yourself. If you feel it's difficult, tell us and we will stop the experiment immediately!"

Saeki Rika smiled and said: "Everyone has been preparing for this experiment for too long. I will not let you down."

Then a bunch of large machines were brought to the scene.

These are plasma generators.

Originally, the last key data was missing.

But these data were collected at the moment when Da Gu transformed into Tiga.

In other words, now all that's missing is human experiments.

Unlike Duanmu Ci, other people's experiments are more rigorous.

Although it is said that if they fail, they will die, but the probability of failure has been controlled very low.

But when a large amount of current passed through Saeki Rika's body, she couldn't help but scream in pain.

At that moment, Saeki Rika felt that every cell and every area of ​​her body was burning rapidly, and the intense pain kept hitting her brain. Even though she had experienced many rigorous trainings, she felt that she was a little difficult to support at this moment.

But now she no longer had the energy to say that she wanted to stop the experiment. She could only watch the pain getting stronger and stronger until her body gradually collapsed and turned into starlight.

These starlights all contained Saeki Rika's will.

"Go in!"

Saeki Rika instinctively controlled herself to fly towards the chest of the stone statue.

A little bit of light went in, and more and more light went in!

Until finally, all of Saeki Rika's light entered the chest of the giant stone statue.

The colored timer on the chest of the stone statue also showed a bright blue glow, followed by streams of light pouring out of the colored timer, washing the giant's body over and over again.

Until finally, a female giant inlaid with silver and gold appeared in front of everyone. At Saeki Rika's request, the giant's posture was very upright. If the proportions were changed to a woman of 1.7 meters, the breasts would be at least D or above.

Of course, Staff Officer Goto originally did not want to agree to this request. After all, it was really inconvenient to fight with such a big chest, but Dr. Lu Ruyue understood women's psychology very well, and finally satisfied her little wish.

The effect presented now is very good.

But soon something was not right.

For a moment, the giant's eyes turned red, as if he was going to run away.

But this phenomenon only lasted about two seconds before Saeki Rika returned to normal.

After the false alarm, Dr. Lu Ruyue just told his assistant to record the situation for future reference.

After regaining consciousness, Saeki Rika looked at her hands in disbelief. The power that kept flowing out of her body told her that she felt really good now.

Then the light dispersed and returned to its original appearance, which amazed her again.

"I didn't expect it to be so easy for Ultraman to cancel the transformation."

Staff Officer Goto walked over with a smile and patted Saeki Rika's shoulder hard.

"Well done!"

"Summarize the situation and we can start mass production!"

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