Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 184 Darkness is Coming

When the Black Storm player saw the one-sided comments online, he collapsed on the spot.

If it was just about failure, he might be able to accept it, but there was too much to say.

What caused a lot of damage to the city? If they hadn't intervened blindly, they wouldn't have caused so many casualties. Why a random garbage monster could destroy the city like this is all because of them.

Don't be too aggressive with unprofessional people, as it will only cause a large number of innocent people to die.

Then a list of those who died at that time was posted, including many artists and important people from all walks of life.

Then the deaths of these people all fell on the Black Storm.


The member of the Black Storm team laughed dryly. He didn't know what he was laughing at. He just felt that this matter was a bit sad, so sad that he wanted to laugh.

At this time, the person next to him also glanced at his screen and said, "Brother, you should also read the news about the new Ultraman."

"Really, a pile of garbage just needs to stay inside the garbage pile and don't come out and show off."

"Now that so many innocent people have been killed, why don't they die themselves?"

The person on the side laughed and said, "It's a bit mean to say that."

"They are gods that TPC spent a lot of money to create. Wouldn't it be a big loss to die like this? Their lives are much more valuable than the lives of these unruly people!"

The member of the Black Storm team wanted to be angry, but when he thought of those death lists, all his words were blocked in his throat, and finally he just left the Internet cafe amidst the heated discussion.

At this time, he just felt that his chest was tight, and the sky was gloomy, as if it was about to be suppressed.


They really want to become heroes and win glory.

This is what every fighter wants.

For these top warriors, life has long been put aside. Apart from wanting to protect something, the only thing left is the pursuit of glory, which is their life.

They just want to chase the glory of a warrior.

But in the end we got this result.

Not only did they not get any glory, but they became the target of public criticism.

Of course, he was not the only one who knew the situation. Soon all the members of the Black Storm team knew what kind of hack their side had been.

Reika Saeki was also sprayed by those short videos on the Internet and couldn't take care of herself.

Staff Officer Gondo was also quite miserable.

From the first defeat of the Black Storm to now, he has been under the impact of various public opinions. Now the Black Storm lost again in the "resurrection match".

This was a battle that could not be lost, but they failed again.

It's not a problem to destroy the monsters, but their claws will be numb as soon as the monsters fly.

But everyone knows this is just an excuse.

Because flying speed is Suga's advantage.

Who among the monsters in this world doesn’t have one or two unique skills?

Every time you lose, you have to say that someone else's unique skills are too good. What's the use?

After all, it is still too weak.

In front of Univos, Zoga's speed advantage could not be used at all. Apart from the advantages, the rest were disadvantages, and he was defeated by the most basic light.

If all the Ultraman in Black Storm had the strength of Univers, wouldn't it be easy to destroy monsters?

That was the scene that Staff Officer Gondo imagined at the beginning.

Just when Staff Officer Quan Teng felt that there was no bright future ahead and was about to give up, Dr. Lu Ruyue appeared at this moment.

"I understand why the Black Storm warriors are not strong enough!"

Staff Officer Quan Teng's eyes lit up: "You mean, they can still become stronger?"

Dr. Lu Ruyue nodded: "Of course!"

"And can become stronger than Univers!"

Staff Officer Quan Teng said excitedly: "Is it possible? No, I mean, I don't need to be better than Univers, as long as I can be almost as good as him! Just mention the budget!"

This is really~

"There is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and there is another pit in the dark!"

Dr. Lu Ruyue smiled: "It's not that complicated. It's just about giving them back what they lost and expanding it a little bit!"

Staff Officer Quan Teng was confused: "What was lost?"

Dr. Lu Ruyue showed a mysterious smile and said, "You will know it soon."

When Dr. Lu Ruyue left, a cold light suddenly flashed on her face, and a passing mirror reflected the true appearance of the darkness in her body.

Dark Faust.

That's right, Dr. Lu Ruyue has long been a puppet of Dark Faust.

This was early, even before Plan F was launched, and Plan F was the one he single-handedly promoted.

Poor Dr. Lu Ruyue didn't even know that he had become a puppet. He just thought that he had been working hard for the honor of scientists. Little did he know that he had already entered the embrace of darkness.

Now that it's time to close the net, Dark Faust no longer hides and has taken over all control of this body.

Those Ultraman should have gone berserk when they transformed.

Because it is impossible for a human to become Ultraman.

There is too much darkness in the human heart.

There is only one result of becoming Ultraman, and that is to go berserk to death.

Unless Ultraman can destroy their huge bodies while saving their lives, they will all die together with the dissipation of their huge bodies.

This is the consequence of a mortal's soul forcibly transforming into a giant.

But when they transformed into dark giants, Dark Faust used his ability to absorb darkness to absorb all the darkness that expanded due to their enlargement, thus preventing them from running wild.

Now that they have experienced these things and have been criticized by those people on the Internet, it is time for the darkness to return.

It was at this time.

News of the appearance of Zoga came from all over the world.

This super ancient pioneer monster suddenly appeared in thousands, and the entire TPC was mobilized at once.

After the Victory Team received the news, except for Lina who set off in Feiyan EX-J, everyone else set off in Feiyan 1, and even Duanmu Ci was arranged.

Those extra Feiyan 1 and 2 were also controlled by Doraemon, and they rushed to various places to support the battle and fight against Zoga.

TPC branches around the world also started a full-scale combat mode. For a time, all kinds of fighters and Zoga were flying in the sky all over the world.

The alarm sounded throughout the TPC Far East headquarters.

Even without anyone saying it, everyone knows that the final war is coming.

Director Sawai is more like being welded to the Victory Team, and Director Ji Gang and Staff Officer Nanyuan are beside him.

At this moment, no upper-level meeting is important.

If we can survive this danger, humanity can continue, and all this depends on the main combat team, the Victory Team, as the pioneer.

"The Atreides has also been debugged. The Gale of the Carlo Base and the heads of other bases are ready to drive the Atreides to participate in the war."

Even if a large battleship like the Atreides is mass-produced, it will not be in only one base, because it cannot be loaded at all. Therefore, in fact, a large number of Atreides are distributed in major bases around the world and the lunar base. Everyone has been on standby for a long time just for this moment.

And the Atreides driver selection of the Far East Headquarters~

Director Sawai looked at Iruma Kei.

Iruma Hui also nodded: "Although I haven't done it myself for a long time, I am not rusty, let me do it."

Thank you for the reward support from the unicycle knight classmate, you have a good vision!

Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you.

Speaking of which, I was really busy yesterday, and I only had the opportunity to watch the third episode of Blaze today.

The third episode feels pretty good. Many up masters think it is relatively bland, but I don’t think there is anything wrong with such blandness. It is not simply bland, but filled with a lot of details. Unlike the blandness of water, this blandness is tasteful.

No work can always be climax, which will make everyone feel very tired, so the appropriate blandness can adjust the mood well and accumulate power for the subsequent explosion, so in my personal opinion, this third episode is not worse than the previous two episodes.

From X to Orb, to Zeta, and now Blaze, Taguchi, the eternal god, the detail control never disappoints.

Finally, thank you all for your support of this book, thank you!

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