Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 186 Gatanjea plus

At this time, Dark Faust didn't know what was about to happen to him.

He didn't have an all-seeing eye, so he couldn't predict the future like Kirino Makufu.

"Long time no see, Nexus."

Univos: "I don't think I need to correct your name again, right?"

Dark Faust smiled and said, "Nexus, Univos, these are not your real names."

"It doesn't matter which code name you use."

"Do you think I can't find other dark giants if you turn these dark giants against me?"

"See, these dozens of dark giants behind me, each of them has become extremely powerful with the help of my dark power."

"Gatanjea hasn't even fully awakened yet, and there is such a huge gap between our strengths. How can you beat me?"

Univos looked at these dark giants and sighed.

"It's a pity for a group of passionate warriors, even though their skills are a little bit poor."

Dark Faust seemed to have heard a big joke: "Poor skills? Haha, all the runaway warriors will be much stronger than their original bodies. You won't tell me that you don't know this?"

He is now looking at the expressions of the Ultraman present, wanting to see regret and fear on their faces.

Unfortunately, nothing can be seen, and even pity can be seen in Camilla's eyes.


"Because Gatanjea didn't show up, you think you are very capable, right?"

While speaking, Dark Faust punched the ground, and a large amount of dark energy surged out.

At this time, Gatanjea, who was like you who just got up early in the morning with your eyes only half open, seemed to be slapped directly in the face and woke up instantly.

Then there was a sound like an elephant's roar, and the sea surface kept rolling, like a boiling soup pot, and a huge snail emerged from the sea.

Really, it's quite huge!

In front of its 200-meter height, these dark giants instantly looked so petite.

Sure enough, hugeness is all about comparison.

Dark Faust smiled grimly: "Camilla, do you regret betraying the darkness now?"

Camilla shook her head: "I kind of regret that I chose to listen to you at the beginning, and I got so many injuries for no reason."

Dark Faust: "???"

Univos snapped his fingers, attracting the attention of Dark Faust, whose head was full of question marks.

"Look up!"

Dark Faust smiled: "This kind of deception, even children won't fall for it!"

This should be his last words here.

Then a large number of light beams fell from the sky, engulfing the dark giants and Gatanjea.

The power of a single shot of the Magus cannon is equivalent to Tiga's Zeperiod ray.

If it was just one shot, it would not be fatal. Although Dark Faust is a typical example of high attack and low defense, the dark power is strong, and maybe it can hold on.

But this is a bunch of Atreides attacking at the same time.

Dark Faust fired one shot, but was unable to withstand the hundreds of Mags cannons that followed.

Dozens of dark giants turned to ashes in just a moment.

In fact, it was thanks to Duanmu Ci's invention that this level could be achieved.

His idea of ​​a deflected beam cannon helped the Atreides achieve beam control.

In other words, although the power of these Mags cannons was huge, in the end all the striking power remained on the surface and would not cause damage to the earth, which allowed them to dare to attack vertically like the sword of Damocles.

Otherwise, if they continued to bombard like this, the dark giants would be gone, but the earth would be almost gone.

But then, Duanmu Ci's expression began to become a little solemn.

Gatanjea was not dead, and he changed his appearance and looked even bigger.


The dull elephant roar of Gatanjea was mixed with the laughter of Dark Faust.

"You are amazing! Univos, you just turned my long plan into ashes in one go."

"But you didn't expect that even if I died, my soul could still be attached to Gatanjea!"

Gatanjea's dark power became stronger and stronger. Univos used telekinesis to notify everyone who was ready to continue firing Mags Cannon.

"Everyone save your energy. This monster is not something that Mags Cannon can deal with."

Univos looked at the people around him.

"Everyone, the time for the decisive battle has come!"

Tiga and Camilla nodded, and then rushed towards Gatanjea Plus together.

Although everyone didn't have much confidence, they really had to rely on them at this time.

Almost face to face, Gatanjea suddenly spit out a purple penetrating light.

This move was extremely fast. If Univos hadn't raised the circular barrier when he saw its energy gathering, he would definitely not be able to dodge it.

But even so, this circular barrier also drained a large part of Univos' energy at once.

According to Univos's estimation, he would be beaten half to death by this beam of light.

At the same time, Univos saw that the Ultramen around him were all entangled by the necks of the tentacles extended by Gatanjea Plus.

Everyone was struggling.

Univos: "..."

After Univos charged up power in the weapon, he raised his hand and fired several particle cutting shots in a row. The golden crescent-shaped cutting light cut off the tentacles that were entangled with them and freed them.

He couldn't understand why these people seemed to be taught by the same master. When they were tied by the soft and elastic tentacles, they thought of using their hands to pull them apart instead of using the cutting beam.

Can this thing be torn apart? Even if it is torn apart, how much more effort will it take.

The freed people rushed forward and punched and kicked Gatanjea Plus.

But no matter how hard they tried, Gatanjea still didn't look injured at all, and his screams were still loud. There were countless tentacles entangled their feet from underwater.

This Gatanjea looked quite bulky on the surface, but those tentacles were quite flexible, even more flexible than human fingers.

With the help of Dark Faust, several Ultramen were dragged down, and then another piercing beam was fired.

The powerful impact fell on Univos.

This directly blew Univos away hundreds of meters.

The most powerful feature of the piercing beam is that it can penetrate the enemy and petrify it.

But I don't know how Univos's body did it. His defense was too strong, and Gatanjea Plus's penetrating light couldn't penetrate his body. He just kept rolling under the strong impact and couldn't stop.

When Univos barely stabilized his body and stopped, he suddenly felt that the powerful dark force was blocking his body.

If this continues, he will become a stone statue!

He quickly reminded everyone.

"Everyone pay attention to its light, it has a petrifying effect!"

Thanks to Ultraman Ip Man for his reward support, thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly ticket support, thank you everyone, thank you!

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