Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 194 The Light of the Earth

When Duanmu Ci was happily chatting with the KCB reporters, he suddenly found an exaggerated dimensional fluctuation in the sky, and then a huge thing that looked like crystal fell from the sky.

"Hey, hey, hey! Mr. Reporter, your work is here!"

Tabata Kenji looked in the direction of Duanmu Ci's finger and suddenly widened his eyes: "What is this?"

"Dimensional fluctuation, it seems that something is going to be sent here."

Duanmu Ci: "Okay, you go to the war correspondents, I'll contact GUARD, it's time to start work."

Tabata Kenji nodded, it was obviously not time for chatting and leisure.

After leaving the KCB trio, Duanmu Ci turned on his mobile phone and contacted the air base.

"This one that appeared this time has obvious signs of life inside. It is a monster over 70 meters long. It is meaningless to rely on ordinary aircraft. Let's just let the Fighter go!"

The Fighter series fighter is the current ace model of XIG. All the technology is the most advanced, and it is equipped with the anti-gravity system developed by my dream. It is even more advanced than the Feiyan series fighter of the Victory Team, and can perform many exaggerated stunts in the air.

The installation of the anti-gravity system has brought unprecedented innovation to the fighter. The previous fighter was like a flying swallow in the sky. It looks agile, but in fact all its movements can be predicted.

The fighter equipped with the anti-gravity system is like a fish swimming in the sea. It can go when it wants to go and stop when it wants to stop. If it wants to perform a salted fish turn over, it will never turn the river upside down.

Duanmu Ci once studied the anti-gravity system in the Victory Team and installed this system on the Sherlock car. It can fly and fight, but the enemies he faced later were more powerful than each other, so he didn't use it much.

I didn't expect that the earth's anti-gravity system in this world can be installed and used on a large scale, and it can play such a big role.

The most important person in this is Gaoshan Womeng, Duanmu Ci's proud student.

Gaoshan Womeng is indeed a genius of Alchemy Star. He miniaturized and simplified the anti-gravity system, which is the main factor that allows it to be loaded on a large scale.

Simplicity and efficiency have always been the pursuit of scientists, just like when the AK series of rifles were invented, the simple, efficient and reliable AK successfully defeated many complex firearms and became the gun king.

Seeing that this monster was about to come out, Duanmu Ci looked around and found a place where no one paid attention to transform and fight.

But at this moment, he saw Gaoshan Womeng running around.


"What is this kid doing?"

Before Duanmu Ci went up to catch Gaoshan Womeng, there was a sudden explosion.

It turned out that the crystal that had been obediently suspended in the air for about 100 meters fell to the ground, and the whole ground was shaking violently. Duanmu Ci had a good sense of balance and it didn't affect it much, but he saw Gaoshan Womeng slide out with his own eyes, and then rolled on the ground for several circles.

After landing, the crystal suddenly exploded, and the fragments scattered in all directions, like a fragmentation grenade, causing more or less damage to the surrounding buildings.

But this is nothing.

Because what came out of it later was everyone's real nightmare.

A huge monster drilled out from the remaining crystal film.

The moment he saw it, Duanmu Ci understood that the so-called root destruction body of Alchemy Star must be the ones he encountered when he first came to this world.

Because this monster is a large category among the countless monsters at that time.

The sickle in both hands that looks sharp but is actually useless, and the pointy horns that look like witch hats are its main means of output, releasing a bunch of small fireballs that are not powerful but very annoying.

In addition to the extraordinary tankiness, ordinary instant cross-piercing rays cannot kill it in one shot.

The monster Gob began to wreak havoc as soon as it appeared. Fortunately, the Lightning Team attacked very quickly. Not long after Duanmu Ci sent the message, the Lightning Team arrived at the scene, formed a formation and aimed at Gob with missiles.


Duanmu Ci: →_→

"Who is the one who didn't hit a single shot?"

That's right, the three fighters were in a triangular formation, and the leader's fighter, Katsumi Kajio's Fighter SS, performed well. Apart from him, the other two Fighter SGs were quite poor.

The hit rate was touching, but the key was that the dodge was particularly clumsy, and he completely treated the anti-gravity fighter as a jet fighter, and then was hit and fell as expected.

Although Kajio was an absolute ace, it was no surprise that he also used the anti-gravity fighter as a jet fighter. If it weren't for his perfect operating ability, he would have ended up like the other two fighters.

"But I have to say that the ejection function of the Fighter series fighter is quite safe, and there will be no situation where the lever is invalid."

However, compared with the Victory Team's Feiyan series fighters that are all equipped with lasers, the Fighter series fighters are mainly equipped with thermal missiles, and laser cannons are only secondary.

So even if Kajio was so amazing, and he turned around in the air for a few times, and all the heat missiles hit Gob, he still couldn't cause fatal damage.

In the end, they had to retreat because they ran out of ammunition.

The special forces had no choice.

Duanmu Ci was about to transform and join the battle, and then he saw a bright red glow blooming on Memu's body.


Then the radiance shot straight into the sky and turned into a giant with red and silver colors. It landed in a particularly exaggerated posture. The whole ground shook for a while, and a large amount of dirt and dust was shaken up.

Because Duanmu Ci was relatively close, he was fortunately covered by the dust and fell to the ground. . .


He spit out the sand in his mouth.

"Who landed without shock absorption!"

At this moment, Duanmu Ci thought of three thousand kinds of punishment.

But after thinking about it, I Meng was his student after all, so he should not be so cruel. Two thousand kinds would be enough. Three thousand kinds were really too much.

However, I Meng was just a scientist after all.

Really just a scientist.

Even if he became this Ultraman who looked very capable, he would only punch continuously after rushing up.

There was no killing power at all. For a strong man like Gobu, he didn't even need to block this move. He could not cause any damage even if he punched his chest with his small fist.

Fortunately, most of Ultraman's real means of attack are not fists and feet. The two sides fought for a long time. When Gob thought everyone was a rookie, Gaia suddenly used a scalp ray.

. . .

Duanmu Ci didn't know what this move was called. Anyway, when he used it, all kinds of light flew around on his head, looking like flying dandruff~

However, the lethality was quite good. A large amount of light turned into close-fitting light blades after hitting Gob, constantly breaking Gob's body, and finally more light poured into Gob's body from the wound.

After a violent explosion, Gob was dead.

I won the first battle in my dream.

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