Just when I came back, Duanmu Ci suddenly asked him a question.

"Have you ever thought about being a trainer?"

I didn't react for a while: "Trainer?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "Have you ever thought that if we all rely on Gaia to fight, wouldn't humans become babies?"

Yes, after the meeting, Duanmu Ci still said the name Gaia, and this name was eventually chosen as expected.

Because everyone really thinks that Ultraman is sent by the earth to protect humans, it is reasonable to use the name of Gaia, the goddess of the earth.

Duanmu Ci said: "Is there a moment when you want to become a monster and wreak havoc?"

I shook my head quickly: "How could it be?"

Duanmu Ci activated the skill ~ Stare!

I dream: "..."

"Okay, I admit that sometimes there is a desire to destroy, but under normal circumstances we all know that destroying things will have a very bad impact on others!"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said: "This is the advantage of being a trainer! It won't affect others because of destroying things."

I still felt a little strange, but Duanmu Ci didn't explain too much and took him directly to a computer desktop.

"This is a VR helmet. When you put it on, you will enter the VR world. I will let Team Lightning enter the simulated aircraft to simulate the flight of a fighter jet, and you will be the monster fighting them."

I dreamed with eyes wide open: "I am a monster?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "You are a monster."

"Let's not do it?"

I dreamed for a while, and always felt that it was really strange for an Ultraman to pretend to be a monster. As a hero, he also has dignity!

Half an hour later.

In the VR world, King Red played by I dreamed madly provoked Team Lightning.

"Hahahaha! Come on, Captain Kajio, can you touch my hair?"

"Forgot, this monster has no hair, Captain Kajio, can you touch my sweat hair? Uh, this monster doesn't seem to have sweat hair either."

"No matter what, Captain Kajio, aim!"

Captain Kajio of Team Lightning had veins on his forehead, and another series of missiles flew out.

Then I saw that Imu shamelessly lifted up a building to use as a shield, and then used the building to smash the fighter plane.

Kajio dodged handsomely, and then heard the sound of Okawara's crash. . .

Kitada followed closely and crashed with him.

It can be said that the crash rate of the Lightning Team is usually supported by these two people.

Of course, because of the frequent crashes, the two have also practiced a unique skill of ejection, and there will never be a situation where the ejection is slow.

Outside, Duanmu Ci, the commander of the stone room, and Director Di were all watching the battle.

"Imu's thinking is more flexible. Let him control the monster and it is obvious that he can show the full ability of the monster."

Commander Shishi nodded: "This monster doesn't have any active long-range ability. If you want to destroy the fighter, you can only throw stones."

"But even so, let him shoot down two fighters. It seems that our training needs to be more attentive."

Duanmu Ci glanced at Director Di who was drinking coffee and not talking.

"Director Di, do you want to try it?"

Director Di was startled: "Not so good, I can just go up, they are already a little overwhelmed."

Duanmu Ci: "But we may have to face many monsters in the future! If two come at the same time, we still have to fight."

"I suggest that Director Di also go up and cross fire with I Meng to increase their strength."

Shishi Commander: "Then I will come too?"

Duanmu Ci smiled: "Then all the other teams will go up!"

Soon, everyone entered the VR training cabin, and Duanmu Ci and Staff Officer Qianye watched the Shishi Commander, Director Di, and Gaoshan I Meng fighting against the heroes in the command center.

Staff Officer Qianye became more and more excited as he watched.

Finally, he joined the battlefield.

Only Duanmu Ci and Qiao Ji and Dunzi who were watching the show were left in the command center.

Maybe after transforming into a monster, their nature was liberated, even Staff Officer Qianye and Shishi Commander both showed extraordinary combat effectiveness.

They were happy, but the special forces were not happy.

The Lightning Team was fine, they had been beaten by me in my dream so many times, they were used to it.

The Raven Team felt like they were in a dream.

As a team composed of all girls, they were very dissatisfied with the idea of ​​​​the director Tsutsumi that favored boys over girls, so they needed to show themselves in such training.

The result.

As soon as they arrived, they were chased and beaten by Jetton controlled by Staff Officer Chiba.

They didn't last for ten seconds and exploded.

Then they were forced to parachute.

Find a fighter again and fight again.

This training seemed to have become a catapult exercise for them.

Not only did they not perform well, but they also became the playthings of Staff Officer Chiba.

It was very uncomfortable.

But fortunately, Staff Officer Chiba didn't just target them.

After shooting down the easier ones, Staff Officer Chiba ran to other teams with a roar.

It was also in such training that everyone realized that the strength of the Lightning Team was indeed not simple.

As an ace unit, although it seemed to be only a little stronger than other teams during normal training, the actual combat effect was completely different.

Kitada and Ohgawara showed the kind of weakness they usually showed during training.

As soon as the intensity is increased, the plane will crash.

But as the captain, Kajio is responsible for everything!

It is not easy to maintain stability in the crossfire.

Everyone was training, and Duanmu Ci was writing AI.

AI for fighter jets.

This should have been a huge project, but Duanmu Ci himself had Doraemon's AI, so he just had to let it help him.

It didn't take long for the AI ​​to be completed.

Duanmu Ci asked the AI ​​to join the battle.

Soon, the group of monsters that had been going smoothly felt the pressure.

AI showed the combat power of Super Saiyans very well.

So, the most mediocre staff officer Chiba quickly went offline even with the strongest Jetton among them.

He was very depressed.

But he soon felt relieved.

Because Wo Meng also went offline to accompany him.

It didn't seem to be embarrassing to have Alchemy Star accompany him.

But Wo Meng felt very embarrassed.

"Why are those new fighters so strong?"

Duanmu Ci said: "It's not that the new fighters are strong, but that they can be so strong. However, there are many unavoidable problems when humans operate them, so they seem easy to deal with."

Chiba Staff Officer wondered: "In this case, can't we use this kind of AI assistance in future fighter battles?"

Good guy, one sentence directly made three teams unemployed!

But Duanmu Ci shook his head: "This is different. AI is just like people, but it will never be a person. It can't surpass its own limits. It is also easy for the enemy to be familiar with the parameters and targeted to break it."

One sentence saved everyone who was unemployed.

In any case, Chiba Staff Officer didn't understand these.

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