Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 204 Hyperspace Fluctuation Lifeform


This creature looks very primitive.

It just floated in the air, and below it, the buildings collapsed inexplicably. The XIG command center was full of normal people, and they had no idea why the collapse happened. It felt like the scene was magical all of a sudden.

Then Duanmu Ci brought them back to reality with one sentence.

"It should be the ability of the telekinesis system that caused these buildings to collapse at the molecular level."

"This monster is very likely the discontinuous hyperspace wave life form predicted by Chrisis."

Stone Chamber Commander: "Hyperspace wave life form? What does this mean?"

At this moment, the Lightning Team has arrived at the scene and has applied for an attack.

Duanmu Ci said: "There is no point in attacking now. It is a discontinuous existence, and all attacks will pass through it."

"If you want to really attack it, you need to use phase interference to concentrate its discontinuous existence and turn it into a physical entity."

As Duanmu Ci said, the Lightning Team tried it, but it really couldn't hit it. The missile went straight through the monster, just like hitting a mirage.

At this point, the big brother, Staff Officer Chiba, was also at a loss.

"What should we do?"

Duanmu Ci said: "Actually, I have already prepared to study this matter, but I didn't expect it to come so soon."

"But it doesn't matter. I am now in the quantum mechanics laboratory of Chengnan University. Here are all the equipment I need. The phase interference machine will be built soon. Before that, evacuate the crowd to prevent the disaster from expanding."

Womeng and the other two also nodded. After Duanmu Ci hung up the phone, he said: "Wake up, Sato's love can be discussed slowly later. Tell him to come back and do research."

Duanmu Ci's impression is that Sato is either in love or heartbroken. He is a very magical person.

If Duanmu Ci is not a professor now, he would want to ask Sato if he has any secrets in this regard.

Womeng doesn't need to participate in this research. He went back to the air base and prepared to modify the fighter jets at the air base so that the fighter jets can cooperate with this device.

On the surface, everyone is very busy, but in fact

Duanmu Ci told everyone in the quantum mechanics laboratory that he would go to the scene to see the disaster situation, and then handed over all the work to them.

Then Duanmu Ci went to drink tea~


Duanmu Ci received the news from Fujimiya. He had repaired Chrisis. Now Chrisis is no longer intermittent like before. He predicted with all his strength.

Mezade is the name of this jellyfish. It also looks like another monster. It is not very strong, but this discontinuous existence ability is indeed a bit difficult to deal with.

If this is placed in other defense teams, others may be directly at a loss.

Moreover, this monster is also a telekinetic master. Its telekinetic power has a strong destructive power, and after upgrading, it can also have a strong ability to seduce.

These abilities are what it relies on to survive. It's a pity that its underwear has been stripped by Chrisis now.

As the "running dog" of the former root of destruction, Chrisis has mastered a lot of information about the root of destruction.

Maybe the Root Destruction Body never thought that he would be betrayed by Chrysis, and in order to make Chrysis cooperate with them, many plans had to be made known to Chrysis, so now Chrysis has a lot of information about them, and has truly become the first line against the Root Destruction Body.

Alchemy Star has everything.

It is completely possible to prepare countermeasures before the Root Destruction Body takes action.

I have never fought such a rich war~

Duanmu Ci passed a lot of information about Mezad back to XIG and handed it over to Memen to prepare.

However, Memen has a naughty idea now.

He wants to go to the sky!

Literally, he wants to be a pilot.

As a scientist, he has an adventurous heart.

So he did not transform the Fighter SS captain machine, but the Fighter EX, Director Di's special car.

However, Duanmu Ci estimated that after the transformation, Director Di might not have the opportunity to fly his own fighter plane in the sky again~

Can the fighter plane in the hands of Ultraman be good?

Do you want to think about how other Ultramen transform?

If everyone didn't know that fighter jets are just a product of technology, the scientists in the past might have thought that Ultraman was transformed from a fighter jet.

After all, when a fighter jet crashes, an Ultraman appears. It's obvious that it's a problem with the fighter jet!

This EX number is probably doomed.

But Duanmu Ci has no opinion.

He doesn't fly anyway.

Regarding this simulated aircraft, the highest score has always been occupied by Kajio, and it is much higher than the second place.

Duanmu Ci has also occupied an unmatched position in the flight simulator.

That is the lowest score in history. . .

When he went in to control the fighter jet, let alone hit the target to score, not long after he entered, the fighter jet flew around in the air, and then plunged into the ground, ending with a negative score.

So far, no one has been able to break Duanmu Ci's record, even Sasaki Dunzi, who has never driven a fighter jet, has at least a positive score.

Duanmu Ci knows that this is the curse of the sky!

There is no way to not be able to drive a fighter jet!

Time passed quickly. Half an hour later, everyone in the quantum mechanics laboratory, plus a bunch of students from other laboratories called by Sato, a professional "socialite", all came and built the phase interference instrument in time.

When Duanmu Ci came back from drinking tea, the matter was almost resolved.

There shouldn't be any problems in the next battle.

Duanmu Ci can go back to study the metal life form first.

"Administrator Higuchi, I am Duanmu Ci, an analyst and scientific consultant of XIG. I want to take a piece of metal life form's body tissue for research. Here is the file."

Higuchi, the administrator of Geo Base, nodded after reading the file.

"This kind of metal life form is really powerful. We are still studying it. Fujimiya is also very interested in it."

That must be interested.

This kind of metal life form has quite complete information in Chrisis, and it is these data that show how powerful they are.

Even if it becomes fragments, it is estimated that there is still a possibility of resurrection.

Especially in such a place, the Geo base stores a lot of information about Ultraman. When the metal life form merges the information of Ultraman and makes a super evolution, no one can resist it.

However, it must be said that the technology of the root destruction body is indeed quite terrifying, and even surpasses the Kingdom of Light in many aspects.

After accepting the metal life form, Duanmu Ci returned to the air base.

At the same time, the battle against Mezad also began.

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