Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 217: Fighting against the Root Destruction Body

After that, Duanmuci was stunned by a series of situations.

Just forget about a flying backspin kick that kills with the inner thigh.

There are also lunge punches that use the chest muscles to kill the enemy.

There are also uppercuts that use the biceps to kill the enemy.

Use the triceps to kill the enemy's hand knife.

Tregear successfully reached the legendary martial arts realm.

Turn your whole body into a weapon!

"Can you join the Space Guard just like this?"

Duanmu Ci felt a little weird. Who was the examiner? His Ultra Eye was no longer useful. He had become Ultra short-sighted, right?

However, no matter how much Duanmuci complained.

Ulfgarth was still overwhelmed by this strange fighting method.

In the end, Tregear defeated Ulfgarth with his completely inconsistent fighting skills, and then sent him back to the jar to be exiled to the universe again.

"This Ulfgarth is also a poor monster transformed by the original death body."

Duanmu Ci said to the commander of the stone chamber on the side: "For humanitarian reasons, there is no big problem in letting him go."

Commander Shishi frowned slightly: "You mean there is a deeper problem?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "Send it away. In the future, the root-destroying body will definitely transform it to become more powerful and then send it back to fight with us."


Duanmu Ci smiled and said: "Actually, it doesn't make any sense."

I don’t know why the root-destroying body released these little monsters. Logically speaking, if it wants to directly wipe out human civilization and destroy the earth, it can directly invade on a large scale, just like the last time Yunivos invaded another country. As seen on a planet.

Sending people over one by one like this is like professionally sending experience to upgrade the protagonist.

Duanmu Ci thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Maybe this is the problem!"

Commander Shishi: "???"

Seeing Duanmu Ci suddenly take action, Commander Shishi and Staff Officer Qianye were a little confused as to what he was going to do.

Then I saw a bunch of data appear on the big screen.

They knew that Duanmu Ci wanted to show them specific data, but Duanmu Ci was the only scientist present. Commander Shishi and Staff Officer Qianye couldn't understand what the data represented.

"This is the spatial fluctuation data in recent years."

Duanmuci pointed to a row of changing data and said, "Actually, before Gebu appeared, the space had begun to fluctuate slightly."

"The root body of death has gradually extended its evil hand to the earth through certain means."

"It's time."

Commander Shishi and Staff Officer Qianye looked at where Duanmuci was pointing, and the time was clearly marked on it.

"At this time, space fluctuations suddenly intensified."

Staff Officer Chiba: "Is it because Gebu appeared? At that time, Gebu seemed to have traveled through space."

Duanmuci shook his head: "That's not the case. When Gebu came, the fluctuations in this space were already so violent. The real problem is that Gaia and Gebu are fighting."

"The specific reasons can be seen in the data below. Every battle will make the fluctuations in this space larger."

"So the root-destroying body will continue to create powerful monsters to harass the earth. The purpose is to let Ultraman fight the monsters, and then absorb the energy released by the battle to intensify the space fluctuations, so that the root-destroying body can have a chance to act like the first time. That way, transport the monster directly through the wormhole!"

Duanmuci's analysis made Commander Shishi's brows furrow even more.

"This is a conspiracy."

When monsters appear on Earth, it is impossible for Gaia not to take action, and it is impossible for humans not to resist, but once they take action, the energy released by the battle will be used to open the space-time channel.

Monsters cannot become extinct.

In other words, human beings will have to face the source of destruction sooner or later. Will the predicted destruction really happen?

Duanmu Ci smiled and said: "The so-called conspiracy must be effective when it completely suppresses the opponent."

The commander of the stone chamber was surprised: "What do you mean?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said: "Now that we know the enemy's purpose, we naturally have the means to deal with it."

"Aren't you just planning to build a time and space channel to come here? Can't we just put a time and space blockade on him?"

Staff Officer Chiba was stunned: "Is this really possible?"

It has to be said that since scientists like Duanmuci entered the XIG command center, they felt that the reality they knew in the past was no longer realistic.

Duanmu Ci said: "This is not difficult. I actually have ready-made technology here, and I don't even need to study it more."

Duanmuci's Ultra Treadmill has the effect of blocking space.

However. . .

Three days later.

Commander Shishi didn't wait for the news from Duanmuci, so he called Higuchi, the person in charge of Geo base.

Then Higuchi said this: "Dr. Duanmu is very happy with his research now, and everyone has been cooperating with him in his work, but to be honest, the principle of this thing is a bit complicated, and we don't know what he is doing specifically."

So mysterious?

Commander Shishi didn't take it seriously.

Then a month passed.

Within this month, I also encountered two monsters. One is an evolved jellyfish monster, Shaygomezad. It looks more terrifying and has stronger mental power. It has been able to directly affect human cognition. It affected Dunzi for a while, and then he was hacked to death by Gaia, who was successful in the "Cosmic Boxing Technique".

But after watching the replay afterwards, Duanmu Ci was very sure that Gaia must have wanted to use a sprint punch like a Superman punch, but was dodged by Shaygomezadeh, and finally turned into this style of play.

Then there is the anti-matter monster Anqimata, which Duanmu Ci had prepared countermeasures for before. This monster was very confident at first, thinking that it was antimatter and had no solution. However, it was defeated by the anti-antimatter device that Duanmu Ci had previously researched. Later, Agu Ru used a set of Wing Chun, and the last liquidator directly ended his simple and sad life.

And now, Duanmuci's new invention is finally ready.

After dozens of iterations of experiments, Duanmuci finally turned this thing into an inconspicuous antenna.

Commander Shishi looked at this inconspicuous little thing, and he really couldn't believe that this thing could eliminate the fluctuations in time and space.

"Does this thing really work?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "Of course it works!"

In fact, Duanmu Ci originally just wanted to create a large space-time blocking device, and consuming more energy every day was nothing.

But later I heard a scientist from the Geo Base complain that when facing the enemy, he could only passively attack and could not take the initiative to attack. It was very frustrating!

Duanmuci thought about it and realized that this seemed to be true!

But how can we take the initiative to fight against it?

Duanmuci thought for a long time.

Finally, after such a long period of research, he finally came up with something quite powerful.

It can even be said that there is no solution for it!

Phase converter!

This is not as simple as simply eliminating space fluctuations on the earth.

On the contrary, it did not eliminate spatial fluctuations at all, and even helped to expand them.

But the final destination of all space fluctuations is not on the earth.

This is the magic of time and space. It is clear that the exit is right in front of you, but the things inside cannot be touched when they come out.

And the real exit is. . .

Duanmu Ci did not place this exit in the Kingdom of Light.

Because he was not sure whether the Kingdom of Light could deal with so many monsters sent by the Origin Death Body.

So he directly placed the exit on the K76 planet.

That's right.

Duanmu Ci is directly linked to the King Star.

When the root-destroying body passes through this time and space channel, it will have the opportunity to directly face the King of Ultra.

This is a blessing that not many people in the universe have. I believe they will like it.

As for why Duanmuci had the space-time coordinates of King Star.

Who makes the Ultra King need a technology that can meet the activity needs of the elderly that can fish at any time?

At that time, Hikali was autistic and in the process of seeking revenge against Bogaru. There was no one in the entire Kingdom of Light who was more suitable to create such a thing than Duanmu Ci.

So Duanmu Ci had the time and space coordinates of King Star.

Commander Shishi looked at this small thing and finally had it installed above the air base.

The other side.

On King Planet K76, the Ultra King looked at the gloomy sky and fell into deep thought.

He often had such a pensive expression, and Leo and Astra didn't think anything was wrong.

"Do young people today like to trick old men so much?"

The Ultra King shook his head.

Then look towards the "fishing sea".

Forget it, let’s continue fishing.

Fishing here is equivalent to fishing anywhere in the universe. The scientific principles are very complicated. The Ultra King has also done a lot of research on science, but he has not been able to crack this thing at the scientific level.

On the other hand, in the direction of magic, the Ultra King can create something with the same effect.

"Leo, Astra, do you know what is the most important thing about fishing?"

Leo: "Bake it and eat it?"

Astra: "I like boiled fish fillets."

The Ultra King was helpless: "It's not about eating."

"By the way, Leo, you went to the Kingdom of Light for a long time last time. You said you wanted to teach the children of Tregiana. What was the final result?"

Leo had a headache when he heard the name: "How can I say Tregear?"

"He's kind of a geek."

In fact, Leo had given up teaching Tregear.

In the early stage, he just taught him the cosmic boxing technique, and later let him practice with others.


Tregear didn't know why he went astray like this.

Later, after Leo saw his actual combat effects, he finally gave up the idea of ​​teaching him well.

I heard that the examiners of the Space Guard's entrance examination were also confused.

When it comes to fighting, Tregear is really unqualified. His fighting skills make children laugh.

but. . .

This fighting technique can really kill monsters.

At that time, many Space Guard team entry test examiners felt that their hearts were broken.

Thinking of this, Leo couldn't help but sighed: "It's not necessarily a bad thing if your muscles are too strong."

The King of Ultra nodded: "It seems that you have a lot of insights."

"Univos's invention is quite interesting. I'll help him."

Leo: ⊙_⊙?

Aren't we talking about Tregchia? Why is it talking about Uniworth?

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