Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 240 One to Nine

Hiroshi Fujimiya also became a little numb after hearing what I dreamed about.

But soon, an even more troublesome problem arose for him.

Higuchi passed by Fujimiya's laboratory as usual.

But what was different this time was that after he paused at the door of Fujinomiya Laboratory for a while, he nodded as if he had thought clearly, then walked in and said.

"Fujimiya, I have something to tell you here."

Fujimiya had just heard that GUARD was going to blow up Gob and their planet, and he was a little dazed for a moment. Now when he heard Higuchi's words, he instinctively turned his head.

"Is there a problem?"

Higuchi looked at Fujimiya's appearance and thought he was too absorbed in his work, so he didn't pay much attention.

"That's right, GUARD headquarters and everyone at Alchemy Star have come up with a plan."

Hearing this, Fujimiya suddenly became energetic and asked

"Is it a plan to blow up Gob's planet in the M91 galaxy?"

Higuchi was stunned: "So you know?"

"I see that you have been busy all the time, and I thought I would tell you about this after you are done."

Fujimiya nodded: "I just found out."

Higuchi smiled and said, "There's one thing you definitely don't know!"

"Our place has been chosen as the launch site!"

"That missile is going to be launched from us!"

"In the future, our Geo Base will be written into human history, aren't you excited?"

Compared with the air base, the Geo base is really miserable.

Originally, it was only engaged in scientific research work, and it was unlikely that it would be as famous as the air base for direct combat.

In addition, Geo Base is a secret base. If there are no major achievements, it may be completely removed from human history in the future, as if this base does not exist.

But it’s different now!

If such a historic scene really happens, even if the Geo base needs to be kept secret for the time being and the location will not be reported, in the future, after the Geo base is no longer a secret base or is disbanded, this matter will appear. It’s in the history books of mankind.

These scientists are not short of money or anything else, and their biggest hobby may be honor.

Fujimiya: "..."

This is true.

What a surprise. . .

Fujimiya, who knows that this is the conspiracy of the root cause of death, now wants to leave Geo Base directly. If you want to be infamy for eternity, don't get involved with me.


"Administrator Higuchi, is there a possibility, and I'm just saying it's possible, that we are following the script of the root-destroying body?"

Higuchi was surprised: "Is this possible?"

"That M91 was discovered by your Alchemy Star. Alchemy Star shouldn't make such a mistake, right?"

Hiroshi Fujimiya was also a little helpless, and he couldn't describe the situation for a while.

Because everyone here is not an animal rights activist.

Let alone blowing up a monster planet. If they feel it is necessary, there is no problem in blowing up a hundred of them. There is no such thing as cruelty or cruelty.

So it is obviously unrealistic to convince him with words that can convince my dream.

"What if the root cause of death wants to use our missiles to destroy us humans?"

Higuchi: "Why? If they have this technology, why don't they just drop a missile to destroy us, but use our missiles to destroy us?"

"Isn't this unnecessary?"

Fujimiya: ⊙_⊙

Damn it, I never thought of this possibility before.

The technology of the root-destroying body is so much higher than that of human beings, and it can also control antimatter. It shouldn't be a problem to create a missile that can blow up the earth, right?

Why not use it?

Are you worried about being intercepted by Ultraman?

Or does it have a deeper meaning?

"Ahem, I think you can consult Dr. Duanmu about this matter."

"Compared to Alchemy Star, Dr. Duanmu is actually the top expert."

Higuchi nodded. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the title given by Duanmu was like thunder.

Chengnan University itself is quite a "fantasy" university. Everyone who comes out of it is the top talent, and many of these talents are students given by Duanmu.

It can be said that the Alchemy Star is a group of super geniuses who surpass ordinary humans, so Duanmu Ci is a peerless strongman who has realized all his talents.

Geniuses are certainly admirable, but the most powerful ones are the real top of the food chain.

"Okay, let me ask Dr. Duanmu."

Higuchi originally thought that this was definitely a good thing, but now that he thinks about it, it might actually be the conspiracy of the root cause of death.

In this case, wouldn't putting the launch silo in the Geo Base be tantamount to setting yourself up for trouble?

When you are in doubt, it is best to ask the experts.

So far, the person who has fought the most against the root-destroying bodies is XIG. Among XIG, the person who has studied the most monsters is Duanmu Ci. What he says should be credible.

So Higuchi searched for a while and dialed Duanmuci's communicator.

There was only a "click" as the communicator was picked up.

A rather delicate-looking nurse with an oval face appeared on the screen.

Higuchi: "???"

"Excuse me, is Dr. Duanmu here?"

Little nurse: "Oh, I'm looking for Mr. Duanmu!"


This is Duanmuci's communicator. Who else could he be looking for if he wasn't looking for him?

But how could Duanmuci's communicator appear in the hands of a young nurse.

"He's not in now."

Higuchi: “???”

The nurse said helplessly: “Mr. Duanmu is a person who can’t sit still. Just now, Sister Ryoko was just careless, and he untied the rope and ran away in the wheelchair.”

“He ran too fast and didn’t even bring the communicator.”

Higuchi: “…”

What is going on?

“You, normal people can’t run faster than a wheelchair?”

The nurse said as a matter of course: “Dr. Duanmu is the champion of wheelchair racing!”

Okay, this title is OK.

Higuchi is now completely numb.

These powerful scientists really can’t think with ordinary people’s thinking.

On the other side, Duanmu Ci was speeding in the air base.

Then I saw the three depressed Lightning Team members.

I went up and asked and found out.

They really lost to Meng in the wheelchair racing.

Kajio is very shy now~

After telling Duanmu Ci about the situation, he felt really embarrassed and found a corner to face the wall.

Kitada and Ohgawara didn’t care.

It was indeed a bit embarrassing, but they had been ashamed of so many things over the years that they had long been used to it, and even had the energy to comfort Kajio, who had always been at the top and was having a hard time accepting the reality because of the huge gap this time.

Duanmu Ci looked at the comradeship of the three and couldn't help but sigh.

"It turns out that not being good enough has this benefit."

"The better the person, the easier it is for their mentality to explode. For those who are not good enough, their mentality is directly invincible!"

Just start.


Duanmu Ci suddenly said.

"Although you are fighter pilots, the requirements are not as strict as others, but the basic physical fitness must be guaranteed."

"I'll tell Director Di and ask him to take you to do some devil training."

Hearing this, the three of them instantly became energetic, and even Kajio put aside his entanglement, turned around and walked over, saying calmly

"It's better not to contact Director Di, we can just exercise by ourselves!"

Half an hour later.

Duanmu Ci watched the three of them exercise in the gym.

"Captain Kajio, your bench press is not standard!"

"Kitada, Ohgawara, you two are taking the opportunity to slack off again!"

The three of them were really convinced.

Why do I feel that Duanmu Ci is more cruel than Director Di.

"You can't stand it after just a little exercise?"

Duanmu Ci was walking around in a wheelchair, and then he saw the three members of the Ravens.

"Hey, Captain Daocheng, come and exercise!"

Captain Daocheng heard the voice, turned around and saw Duanmu Ci running around in a wheelchair.

"Dr. Duanmu, you really can't stay idle!"

Duanmu Ci pressed his hand.

"Don't worry, it's just a minor injury, I don't care about it."

"But you are here too, why don't you come and train with the Lightning Team?"

After hearing what Duanmu Ci said, Captain Daocheng realized that the Lightning Team was "training hard".

"Captain Kajio, you are here too? It's really rare!"

After Kajio pushed the barbell onto the rack, he got up with difficulty.

"We also come to the gym very often, right, Kitada, Ohgawara."

Kitada nodded seriously: "Yes, that's right."

Ohgawara: "Yes, we clearly came here half a month ago."

Kitada said confidently: "We even exercised for half an hour!"

Looking at the increasingly naughty eyes of the three members of the Ravens, Kajio felt that he was provoked.

"You don't believe it, right? Okay, let's exercise together, whoever lies down first loses!"


Captain Daocheng was just here to take a look, who knew there would be such a good thing.

Usually, they are not the opponents of the Lightning Team in various competitions. Isn't this the opportunity for revenge?

Duanmu Ci smiled and said: "Then I will be the judge!"

They hit it off.

Just when everyone was about to start training, the Falcons also walked into the gym. Seeing a group of people gathered here, they also came to take a look curiously. After hearing about the competition, they joined the competition without hesitation. . .

The news soon reached the medical center.

Then Duanmu Ci, the referee, was quickly caught by a group of people from the medical center.

Without the referee, the game did not stop. The rule with a referee at the beginning became the rule that whoever lies down first loses.


Unexpectedly, the three members of the Lightning Team, who were weak before, gritted their teeth and exerted 200% of their combat power.

The other two teams refused to admit defeat when they saw this situation, and they all exerted combat power beyond their own limits.

As we all know, too high intensity of exercise will cause problems.

So, they were finally carried to the medical center to keep Duanmu Ci company.

Duanmu Ci was happy to see the "prosperous population", but the others were very uncomfortable.

The most uncomfortable one was undoubtedly Director Di.

"What? All the people from the three teams are lying down?"

"What if the monster comes?"

"Let me drive the EX?"

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