Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 251: Using one's spear to attack another's shield

Duanmuci was extremely busy here.

Fujimiya’s side is also quite exciting.

After he thought about it, he still couldn't accept Dr. Inamori's statement.

In any case, Dr. Inamori has become a "traitor" now. Like Klaus, no one is good or bad.

And Fujimiya also has a way to find Dr. Inamori.

He took out a tracker, which showed that the target was on the moon.

That's right.

Just when Dr. Inamori was close to him, he had secretly attached a tracker to Dr. Inamori.

As an enemy, never let scientists get close.

Dr. Inamori didn't know this principle and let Fujimiya Hiroshi come into contact with her for so long. The price was that her whereabouts were discovered by Fujimiya Hiroshi.

After confirming the destination, Fujimiya took a look at his sapphire bracelet. A red light and a blue light inside complemented each other and combined with each other, just like the two yin and yang fish entwined in the Tai Chi diagram.

He and I Meng exchanged a small part of the light with each other, and then cultivated it in the way Duanmuci said. Now the two groups of light have been cultivated to the same size, and there is even the possibility of going further.

"Perhaps Aguru's power is far from reaching its limit."

Hiroshi Fujimiya was about to rush to the moon when he suddenly saw something on the table. After thinking for a moment, he put the thing in his pocket, then turned into blue light and shot straight into the sky, flying towards the moon.

At this time, Dr. Inamori's current body, the hyperspace fluctuation life form Kuimezadeh, is resting on the moon.

It itself is a monster with super telekinesis.

The so-called hyperspace fluctuation ability is just a means to resist enemy attacks.

What's really powerful is its telekinesis, which is so powerful that it can even rewrite other people's memories.

And this kind of rewriting is not like the rewritten memory of Mefilas, the four wise generals of the Four Heavenly Kings of Ampera.

Mephilas' rewritten memory is relatively shallow, but he planned it better so that everyone would not actively resist such memories, so he could maintain stability.

Kuimezadeh's rewritten memory was forcefully rewritten.

What kind of memory you have is what kind of memory you have.

It's like eating poisonous mushrooms. If your dog hadn't come up to you and asked, "Are the mushrooms delicious?" you wouldn't feel poisoned even if you saw the colorful world.

Let the unreasonable become reasonable forcibly, this is the horror of Kuymezadeh.

However, if you want to use that kind of global control ability, you need to use the power of the moon. Just like the sun will reflect when it shines on the moon. Using the principle of moon reflection, Kuymezad is going to turn his mind power into light and shine it on the moon. , and then through the amplification of the moon, it is finally projected to the earth to achieve the effect of controlling everyone.

This is the most efficient move it can think of at the moment.


Before she could take any action, a blue light fell from the sky and blasted a huge crater on the moon.

Aguru's figure appeared in front of Kuimezade.

"Dr. Inamori, it's time to end this farce!"

Kuymezad stood up and locked his eyes on Agur in front of him. As long as he made a move, there would be an immediate reaction.


Aguru moved!

Kuymezadeh sidestepped.

But there was a flash of loneliness.

Aguru didn't make a move at all, he just raised his hand and made a common pose, which is to stand up straight and point one hand straight at the opponent.

Kuimezadeh: "..."

Keep staring.

The so-called battle of swordsmanship often happens in a split second!


A blue cutting ray of light emitted from the fingertips of Aguru's palm pointing at Kuimezade. There was no prelude or any warning. Kuimezad was hit by this cutting ray before he could react.


A cloud of sparks exploded.

Then a series of cutting rays of light emitted from Aguru's fingertips.

Kuimezade, who had just been hit, was still in pain. He had no chance to resist now, so he could only forcefully eat Aguru's series of cutting rays.

The promised fights between swordsman masters and the promised stream-of-consciousness battles are completely non-existent.

Ultraman's fighting is all about fists and punches, and there are fighting skills, but there is no fighting artistic conception, because the fighting artistic conception is inherently fake and was written by novelists who don't understand fighting skills.

In a real battle, even a master who has mastered the art of swordsmanship will look like a random chop in a real fight.

There is absolutely no such thing as a real one-sword Iai attack that will attack the opponent first and then attack first.

The so-called momentum, the so-called stream of consciousness, actually never existed.

But Dr. Inamori doesn't understand this.

Now Kuimezade just feels that Aguru has learned many powerful fighting skills, so that the sword tactics he understands are completely meaningless.

It's definitely not that you are too weak, but that the enemy is too strong!

That being the case!

Kuimezade said: "Fujimiya, do you really want to go against me?"

Aguru: "Isn't the answer already obvious?"

Kuymezadeh sighed, and then his voice was a bit sharp: "If you don't know how to appreciate someone, don't blame me."

Then she made a sound wave, and two monsters slowly walked out from behind it.

"Super Gob, super Batzus, deal with him!"

Yes, it was Super Gob and Super Bats that had been strengthened by the Root Destruction Body.

But Agul and Gaia had blown up dozens of such monsters together last time.

So when he saw them appear, Agul was still quite dismissive.


When they really took action, Agul felt the pressure.

These two were completely different from the previous ones.

First of all, the armor. Gob originally looked like Golzan in armor, and now he changed into a set of armor, which made him look more like him.

And he was also stronger.

Agul's fist even made a metallic sound when it hit it!

But Agul's power was not just this.

After using the energy-enhanced flat attack, Agul punched Super Bats back with a fierce punch.

Then he drew out the Agul saber, which was an upgraded version of the Agul Blade, which was more slender and had stronger cutting ability.

He cut several deep scars on Gob, who had not been repelled yet.

But it was just a few scars.

It didn't really cut the Super Gob into several pieces.

Kuimezade sneered at the side

"Give up, these two battle beasts are super-strong versions of the root destruction body that have been transformed with great effort."

"Not to mention you, even if Gaia and that Univos come here, it will be meaningless!"

Aguru nodded: "It is indeed something."

"Then this thing will be mine in the future."

Kuiimezade: "???"

Then it saw Aguru take out an Ultra Enhanced Controller...

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