Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 256 Two to the Eighth Power

Bright light filled Dunzi's eyes.

When she regained her vision, she suddenly felt the entire ground shaking violently. She instinctively looked in the direction of the shaking and saw a red giant standing on the ground.


Muttering the name of the giant.

At this moment, Dunzi's mind was blank.

She really didn't expect that the weak-looking Imeng would be the Gaia who fought bravely with countless ferocious monsters.

This huge contrast made her not know how to describe her feelings for a while.

In general, it was quite complicated.

"Hahaha, Gaia."

Zebub had no intention of attacking Dunzi, and his goal had always been Gaia.

"Are you waiting for Aguru?"

"It's useless. Aguru was stopped by my friend not long after returning to Earth."

"You who can't merge are just two warriors of average strength!"

Gaia SV, a hurdle that all villains cannot ignore when making plans.

Among all the information that the Root Destruction Body has, only when Aguru and Gaia are present at the same time and use some means to merge can they become Gaia SV with extraordinary power.

So this time, Zebub is so confident because Fujimiya has long been attracted by another Destruction Demon, so he is quite confident to choose to go against Gaia.

"Oh, by the way, are you still looking forward to your other friend, Univos, right?"

"But he is probably not idle now. At this moment, it is a problem whether your so-called air base can continue to fly in the air."

However, Gaia's imaginary anxious jumping did not appear. Instead, he looked at him indifferently and said, "Are you still going to fight? Why are you talking so much nonsense right at the beginning?"

"Is this the characteristic of your Root Destruction Body?"

Looking at Gaia's casual look, Zebub felt a little bit unconfident in his heart.

He quickly recalled the plan for this battle.

He kidnapped Dunzi and led Gaia over, and then another Destroyer Demon Blitzbloz went to intercept Aguru to prevent Aguru and Gaia from merging.

In order to prevent Univos from coming to support, he also sent his own treasured monster, a monopole monster with a body length of 333 meters, Mochian to attack the air base.

These two arrangements were enough to prevent others from coming to support.

And he himself was confident enough to kill Gaia.

It was not a problem for Blitzbloz to kill Aguru.

The only place where there might be omissions was Univos in the air base. He had a little chance of solving Mochian. After all, the last time the giant beast Zolim was killed by his unknown move, it was normal for him to burst out extraordinary power.

But Mochian only needed to delay for a little time.

In the end, as long as he and Blitzbloz acted together, no matter how powerful Univos was, he would not be their opponent.

After carefully checking his plan, he still didn't think of any problems, so he re-examined Gaia.

"I hope you can be as confident as you are now!"

Gaia got into a fighting posture: "So, are you finally ready?"

As soon as these words came out, Zebub suddenly felt a nameless anger.

This Gaia is so confident that he doesn't even bother to take advantage of his distraction when he was talking?

He felt insulted.

But at this moment, the light on Gaia became stronger and stronger, and he couldn't help but stretch out a hand to cover his eyes.

"What's the situation?"

"What's the point of wasting energy like this?"

Gaia shook his head: "This is not the energy I release."

"It's just that there is too much energy in the body! I can't control it and it overflows!"

Zebub: "!!!"

This sounds, how does it feel... . .

Something is wrong!

Zebub didn't wait any longer, holding a sharp knife, rushed towards Gaia quickly, and stabbed him in the abdomen with a salted fish thrust, yiya sword technique.

He had already increased his speed to the limit, but at the moment when the sharp knife touched Gaia's body, it was like a bomb, a powerful energy gushed out, and the sharp knife was broken by the energy, and it was unknown where it flew.

Then Gaia's light gradually faded, and it completely changed its appearance.

"Gaia SV?"


Zebub could no longer care about the fact that his sharp knife was broken.

"Agul is not here, how could you?"

Gaia didn't talk much nonsense with him. The so-called Gaia SV, you can tell whose form it is just by listening to the name. Is it strange that he can transform?

"The battle is over, Death!"

As soon as the voice fell, Gaia strode towards Zebub. As soon as the two took over, Gaia grabbed his wrist with one hand and pulled it back violently, and the other hand pressed against his abdomen, and threw him hard to the ground.

Then he picked him up from the ground, leaned back, and fell again like an arch bridge.

Zebub only felt a sharp pain in his neck, as if it was about to split.

But before he could recover, Gaia grabbed him again and threw him to the ground.

Then he lifted up the dazed Zebub and threw him to the ground, and then he did a Taishan crush.

Really, if the sharp knife hadn't broken, Zebub would definitely have found time to stab Gaia.

But there is no if, the sharp knife has broken, facing the powerful suppression of Gaia SV, he has no chance to fight back.


Another shoulder throw, this time Zebub heard the sound of his bones breaking.

Fall again.

Multiple fractures are serious.

Fall again.

I don't know how many times he fell, anyway, Zebub had no time to wake up, fortunately Gaia fought for so long, and he vented all the anger in his heart.

No torture.

Backed off, his arms drew a big circle around his body, leaned forward, and pulled his left hand down.

Hand rubbed the light, photon streamline.

The bright light surged out like a big wave, drowning Zebub and ending his sinful life.

At the same time, on the other side, Aguru, who had transformed into SV form, also used the same Aguru streamline to burst Blitzbloz's organ used to absorb light, and the remaining energy also ended Blitzbloz.

Until his death, Blitzbloz didn't understand why Aguru still had an SV form.

Didn't we agree before that if they are separated and cannot merge, they can't transform into SV?

The same applies to the air base.

The huge monopole monster Mochian met Duanmu Ci and it can only be said that it was unlucky.

Such a big monster didn't even have a chance to enter the atmosphere and was beaten like a table tennis by the interception satellites placed in the universe.

The 333-meter monster was beaten into less than 50 meters and finally completely shattered.

It didn't even force Duanmu Ci to transform into Univos.

Having technology is good!

Afterwards, the commander of the stone room sighed: "Although these monsters look powerful, it was a close call."

If the monopole monster directly touches the ground, it will lead to the destruction of the earth.

But in front of this pile of interception satellites, let alone the ground, it is not even qualified to touch the atmosphere.

However, just when everyone thought that the matter was almost over, the face of the commander of the stone room was not as relaxed as expected.

. . .

That night, Fujimiya dated Reiko, Ameng dated Dunzi, and Tregear dated food.

And Duanmu Ci, together with the commander of the stone room, stood in front of the window of the command center and looked at the dark night sky.

"Dr. Duanmu hasn't slept yet?"

Duanmu Ci: "Scientists like me..."

Before he finished speaking, the commander of the stone room smiled and said the rest of his words

"Sleeping one more second is a waste of resources, right!"

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "Probably."

"Although the world will turn without anyone, it is also good to make it turn faster and more steadily."

The commander of the stone room said with emotion: "The earth is really a good place."

"Such a quiet night, I don't know how long we can enjoy it."

Duanmu Ci was a little surprised, but soon relieved.

The person in front of him is one of the most astute commanders he has ever met, how could he not feel it.

"It seems that the commander has guessed it."

The commander of the stone room nodded: "In recent days, the attacks of the root destruction body have become frequent and deadly, and the style has completely changed."

In the past, the root destruction body still had a test component. Because it did not know the strength of Univos and the will of the earth, it used various means to slowly torture and test.

But the recent plans have come with murderous intent, ready to destroy the earth directly at any time.

This time, the death of the two Destruction Demons and the end of this Mochian only opened the prelude to the final battle.

"Next, the root destruction body will go all out. Can our current technology withstand it?"

Duanmu Ci shook his head: "It's not that easy."

"Unless nuclear bombs are used in large quantities, our strength is not enough."

The commander of the stone room shook his head: "But a large-scale nuclear war will definitely make the whole world riddled with holes, right?"

As he spoke, his fists clenched, his eyes were exhausted, but still firm.

"What else can I ask for? As scientists, you have done your best."

"As a commander, my responsibility is to use the current equipment to the greatest effect and eliminate all the invading enemies!"

"The rest is our business."

Duanmu Ci just smiled, his eyes were equally firm: "When the scientist's mission is over, I will automatically become a warrior, and the next task is also my mission."

The commander of the stone chamber was a little unconvinced and smiled: "You? Warrior? Have you learned to fly a fighter?"

Duanmu Ci argued: "I am a scientist, there is nothing a scientist can't learn!"

"It's just that I was cursed by the sky, it has nothing to do with not learning it!"

Besides, the battle he was talking about was to transform into Univos and fight the root destruction body again.

It's just that this kind of thing can be kept in mind.

Let everyone know the truth when we leave, so it won't be considered a lie, right?

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