Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 293 The Power of Mathematics

I heard that Dark Faust had fought against the light and won the cascading storm.

When leaving, Duanmu Ci spread his hands, feeling that it was a bit unbearable to continue like this.

But if I can survive this crisis, maybe I can go further.

Just maybe.

Because many Ultramen rely on idealistic power to defeat their opponents.


At most, it is an experience card for the strong. After using it, it will be gone after solving a certain enemy.

And this situation is the majority, only a very small number of realms are retained after the outbreak.

For example, the true power of Ultra Father.

"So, the biggest possibility is that I am exhausted and have not made much progress in the end."

How can this be?

It is a rare opportunity to meet so many powerful dark giants. Even if I risk my life, I have to catch a few and take them back for experiments, right?

What idealistic power outbreak, this is not something that Ultramen should think about at all. It still depends on science, step by step, and steady improvement. There is no limit!

So, after returning to the Night Raid Team, Duanmu Ci decisively locked himself in the laboratory.

The Jedi counterattack experiment began.

"Eh? Can you make ultra-low temperature water to train Ultraman's cold resistance?"

"Shouldn't we start studying the method that Ultraman used to enjoy Earth's delicacies in the Kingdom of Light last time?"

"The specific principle of the mutual conversion of light and matter should also be put on the agenda."

I didn't know until I thought about it. After thinking about it, Univos realized that he still had a lot of things to study.

But think about it carefully. If you really study these things, how much time will it take? By the time you finish studying them, the daylily will be cold.

"No, no!"

Univos rubbed his head: "Start with things that can improve your strength."

Now his strength has reached the limit of his "potential", and using the Ultra treadmill and chest stone crusher will not make any difference.

According to the more popular saying, his capacity has reached the limit.

Under normal circumstances, it cannot be improved, but he recently thought of a new way to increase his strength.


Noah's Hellfire!

It is the skill that knocks Dark Zagi far away with one move.

Univos has Noah's "gene" and a powerful flame in his body. When he was in GUYS, Univos had already awakened the flame. Now, the flame has been used to transform Univos' breath, allowing him to use fighting skills that exceed his physical limits.

But this is just the beginning. Univos is preparing to develop a set of "soft armor" with flame explosion as the core.

This soft armor is not considered armor, but is integrated with the light itself, just adding an ability.

Once it breaks out, it can release a more powerful energy output.

If the light is compared to water flow, Ultraman with more energy is equivalent to a deeper and larger reservoir, and ordinary light is equivalent to water flowing in a small water pipe, with a small flow rate and no special ability.

The Specium light is equivalent to boiling the water in the water pipe, which has a certain lethality.

M87 light means compressed water, just like the water pipe with a strong spray used when washing a car.

Cross Storm means turning water into ice cubes and liquid into solid, with physical killing properties and some special functions.

So now the transformation that Univos wants to carry out is to use bombs to detonate and force the water out instantly.

Increase the impact force.

Continuous explosions will continuously flush out a large amount of water, and the energy output efficiency will naturally increase.

The idea is good.

However, doing so is equivalent to burying bombs all over your body. If Univos is not confident in his ability to resist, he would not dare to do so.

Everything comes from confidence.


Half an hour later, Univos was lying on the Ultra Electrotherapy Chair with bruises all over his body, and from time to time, he would spray out clusters of bright sparks.

"Something must be wrong, and we have to continue researching!"

Continue researching after recovery.

Covered with bruises again.

Just like the moves that Univos used to deal with those huge monsters in the past, the destructive power of energy explosion inside is much higher than that of attacking from the outside.

Univos's body defense is indeed unique, but it still can't resist the impact of the internal flame explosion, and can't even release a beam of enhanced power.

However, this back and forth did make his body defense a little stronger.

As for why he knew he had become a little stronger.

That was because Univos had a special machine to check all the values ​​of the whole body.

He found that the strength of his body, which had not changed for a long time, had changed a little.

Although it was just a small step for him, it was a big step for the entire Kingdom of Light!

Well, since there was plenty of time anyway, it was not impossible for them to slowly increase their energy by self-explosion.

In martial arts TV dramas, it took decades to practice internal skills, but Ultraman practiced for tens of thousands of years. What level of physical strength and energy would he get by then?


Record it first.

After recording this way of becoming stronger, Univos turned his attention to other directions.

Anyway, now he has to become stronger as soon as possible to deal with the next battle.

However, before he had exercised for long, the robot that served as a replacement sent an emergency message, and the robot had found an excuse to go to the toilet. If he didn't come out, other people would look at him differently.

So Univos had to put down the things in his hands.

Back outside.

After taking out the memory chip and briefly browsing it, Duanmu Ci knew the seriousness of the current situation.

Wangchuan had just solved the problem and made everyone forget their fear, and then the alien beast came to attack directly again.

This time it was still "Godzilla", but it looked stronger. Originally, everyone didn't think there was anything strange about the previous Godzilla, but after seeing this one, in comparison, they always felt that the previous Godzilla was a little too thin.

"Did it absorb the fear of humans and become stronger?"

Duanmu Ci's words awakened both Saijo Nagi and Kazukura Eisuke.

"Is this alien beast the same one as last time?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "This is definitely the same one as last time, it's exactly the same!"

The stronger the alien beast is, the stronger the sense of oppression it gives people, and the deeper the sense of despair it gives people.

Then this large amount of despair will gather into "food" to supply the alien beasts, making them stronger.

Seeing this operation, are the alien beasts ready to show their cards?

"Captain, do the top leaders have any countermeasures?"

Wakura Eisuke shook his head: "This is not something we can know."

"But the Night Raid Group B is already preparing to set off and will arrive at the scene soon."

Looking at the alien beasts that were destroying everywhere in the picture, Duanmu Ci was silent for a moment, found a relatively dark place, released the robot again, and turned into a blue light and left to rush to the scene.

Now that Nexus can't fight, he has to take over first.

The city has become a mess. A large number of residents looked at the terrifying monster that was destroying everywhere. The memories that had just been suppressed by Wangchuan were quickly restored, and the fear of death coming to their faces suddenly surged into their hearts.


I don't know who couldn't stand it and shouted first, and then the whole city collapsed.

It was like an avalanche, and the escape was spreading from person to person.

The people in the whole city were fleeing on a large scale. At this moment, everyone wished they had more legs so that they could run faster and maybe escape.

What they didn't know was that this alien beast didn't mean to kill everyone. Only in this case, if everyone's fear was kept at the highest peak, it could become stronger at a high speed.

So it was like a hunter driving prey, slowly walking towards these fleeing people, locking everyone's fear tightly.

However, just as it was feasting on food, a golden light fell from the sky and gradually turned into a huge cover, covering it inside.

Then the huge cover disappeared, and the alien beast "Godzilla" also disappeared.

The people who were still running desperately suddenly heard a sound of astonishment, so they looked back and then stopped one after another.

"Where's the monster?"

"Is it gone?"

A bunch of innocent people didn't even know what happened, they just remembered being chased by the monster for no reason, and who knows how many people will die in this situation today.

On the other side.

The alien beast has been pulled into the Meta Realm by Univos.

Unlike Nexus's Meta Realm, Univos's Meta Realm is always available and does not require a long time to prepare.

Univos has not changed much at the moment, but "Godzilla" has completely changed. The glowing fins on his back have become more explosive, and his whole body is covered with blue stripes.

His eyes have also changed from the eyes of a cold-blooded animal to eyes emitting blue light.

He looks much stronger.

Is this a new form born from the fear of mankind?

The two sides confronted each other, and this Godzilla knew that all he needed to do was to eliminate all the enemies in front of him.

But the enemy in front of him was an Ultraman, and the energy was too exaggerated, so Godzilla did not act rashly. He wanted to wait for Univos to make the first move and see if Univos was real.

This time Univos became interested.

"Do you have any tactical thinking?"

Then Univos took out a thick stack of math problem books.

"I don't think you want to die, but you will definitely die if you fight me."

"In that case, why don't you do math problems? When you finish, I will let you go."

Godzilla: "!!"

It was completely stunned.

Why is this person like this?

Looking down, it was something it didn't know, and it no longer expected Univos to let it go. It roared! It rushed towards Univos.

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