You say life is like a dream.

I say life is a show.

At first, Nexus refused "electrotherapy purification".

But after purification, it seemed to become really powerful, and this time he couldn't help but feel excited.

In the end, he succumbed to the temptation of becoming stronger and was purified many times by Yunivos.

Uniworth took the opportunity to go out during his busy time and deal with some small alien beasts with the night raid team.

In fact, he wanted to find out the news about "Godzilla", but now he has not found out at all. Univers knows that Godzilla is not dead.

It was supposed to be solved last time, but the last scene clearly told Univos that "Godzilla" was not dead.

At the same time, Dark Faust was not really left behind, which Yunivos could understand. Before the "mastermind" was eliminated, it would not be so easy to experiment with the Dark Giant.

It’s good to have something gained.

But now the dark giants should not belong to the same force. One is more like a villain from the Kingdom of Light, and the other is his opponent.

Logically speaking, the villains of the Kingdom of Light should be dealt with by the Kingdom of Light, but Yunivos happened to catch up, and he is also considered a member of the Kingdom of Light, so naturally he has no shirk of responsibility.

. . .

"Things may have been a bit rough lately."

When Duanmuci returned to the office, he just picked up a cup of coffee. Before he could drink it, the captain and Kureisuke suddenly said this.

Duanmuci looked at the captain in surprise: "What's wrong?"

Wakura Eisuke: "Now some reporters have begun to find that something is not right."

"We are working together with some detectives to investigate the earthquake."

This earthquake naturally refers to the disaster caused by alien beasts.

Those buildings were originally blown down by the "atomic breath" of the "Godzilla" alien beast, which must be very different from a real earthquake.

It's okay to deceive ordinary people, but how could those reporters with sharper noses be deceived.

The problem was immediately discovered.

Now many reporters have begun to investigate. The memory police are intervening, but they don't know how long they can intervene.

The power of TLT comes from the government, and it can naturally be controlled from the top. However, the world is so big that even the sun cannot shine, not to mention that TLT is not the sun.

Saijo Nagi sighed: "Our newcomers haven't finished training yet. We don't even have a chance to deal with large alien beasts. We are just dealing with some small soldiers. These things have nothing to do with us."

Duanmu Ci did have some ideas.

"Is it possible that this is a question given to us by the mastermind behind the control of the alien beast?"

Wakura Eisuke: "Title?"

Saijo Nagi: "Does the alien beast have a controller?"

Duanmu Ci: →_→

The doubts of these two people were so basic that Duanmu Ci didn't know how to educate them for a while.

"Actually, it seems that the purpose of the appearance of alien beasts is to destroy humans, right?"

Saijo Nagi nodded: "What else?"

Duanmuci: "Actually, of course not."

"According to the information we have so far, the alien beasts feed on human fear and have wiped out all humans. What do they eat?"

"There are still many alien beasts that cannibalize humans directly. There will be no problem if they eat one or two, or even dozens. In fact, it does not affect sustainable development. But if humans are wiped out, what will they eat? ?”

This time Saijo Nagi also understood the key point.

"What the alien beasts want is not to kill more people, but to make humans afraid!"

Wakura Eisuke remembered something, turned on the screen, and pulled up the video of "Godzilla" killing everyone that day.

"Godzilla" was indeed very ferocious at the beginning, and the most people died at the beginning, but later on, when everyone was very scared and running around, "Godzilla" started to let loose, and basically nothing happened after that. People have died.

"Sure enough, this discovery is very important!"

"What the visitors mean is that their planet was destroyed by the alien beasts. It seems that this is not what they mean now. The purpose of the alien beasts is just to collect fear. Destroying a planet is an operation to drain the lake. Out of biological instinct, they should Wouldn’t make such a choice!”

Saijo Nagi: "But no matter what, we still have to kill the alien beasts and we cannot let them grow!"

Duanmuci nodded: "That's for sure. Alien beasts must eat people if they want to survive. We don't have so many people here to give them food."

"But vice-captain, this is not the point. If you think about our equipment, these equipment are all produced by the technology supported by the visitors. Compared with the civilization of the visitors, our equipment is only in the initial stage."

"They had such powerful technology, why did they perish?"

"There is such an existence that can cause visitors to blow up their own planet and destroy it. So on our earth, can our half-baked technology really be able to deal with such an existence?"

Saying this, Saijo Nagi was confused.

"Furthermore, these alien beasts move out very regularly, and even have a sense of tactical thinking. I think there should be really high-intelligence beings behind them giving orders. Otherwise, the alien beasts don't seem to be smart with their intelligence. Why? What tactics might be used?"

"Nowadays, the alien beasts only need to hide in some remote corner, and then arrange a giant alien beast to wreak havoc in the city, and they can feast on it."

"Until the alien beasts are strong enough and our TLT can't solve them, they will appear openly and eat thousands or tens of thousands of people every day. There are billions of people in the world, and so many people die every day. The alien beasts can completely achieve "sustainable development."

Nishijo Nagi's eyes widened: "In that case, wouldn't humans become livestock raised by alien beasts?"

The good captain and Cang Yingfu also looked very ugly, and his anger could be seen from his slightly trembling hands.

"What should I do?"

Finally asked this question.

Duanmu Ci said: "In fact, the only way to overcome fear is to face it."

"But once the memory police stop erasing memories, they will immediately be in chaos and unable to face fear."

This is not difficult to guess.

Many people who have seen alien beasts are crazy. If there were no memory police, there would be many more crazy people in this world.

"The memory police have eliminated everyone's fear of aliens, but they have also eliminated everyone's courage to face them!" "We should select and preserve the memories of those who are mentally strong and have the courage to resist aliens, and accumulate their courage. One day, humans will no longer be afraid of aliens, and the worst outcome will not happen."

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