Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 30 It smells so good

Soon, the other three of the Four Dark Kings discovered that the newcomer Yabo hadn't come to the meeting yet.

Grozam, the most explosive general, said directly: "What's going on with this Yapo man? He didn't even come to the meeting. He clearly doesn't take us seriously!"

General Desiremu said: "What does it matter? As long as everyone is doing things for His Majesty, it doesn't matter if you are late."

Just when Grozam was about to start to wonder if there was something wrong with Disrem's mind, Disrem said sullenly: "However, if I am not doing something for His Majesty and delaying the meeting, then I am delaying His Majesty's meeting." Something happened!”

In the end, it was Zhijiang Mefilas who spoke: "Your Majesty has known for a long time that we are excluding newcomers. If you go up to report this, wouldn't it bring trouble to Your Majesty?"

"In my opinion, we can hide this matter for the Yabo people first, and explain to him the importance of the meeting."

"If he does it again in the future, it won't be our fault for not helping him with marriage."

Grozam snorted coldly and didn't say much. Although he felt that these two brainiacs were too rude when talking and procrastinated in doing things, he was not really stupid.

Now the emperor clearly wants to absorb new blood into the imperial army, and the Yabo people are the leaders. To deal with the Yabo people at this time is tantamount to disturbing the emperor's important affairs. Doesn't this mean to die?

Moreover, General Mou and General Zhi usually don't hold back anything good. The Yapo people will definitely not end up well if they offend them. If I don't have a bright mind, I can just watch silently from the sidelines.

Smart people have their own way of playing, and unsmart people have their own way of surviving. This is the Imperial Army.

However, being too keen on playing power is also the reason why the Imperial Army has changed from a dark army with fierce combat capabilities to the current chaotic group that makes it difficult for all parties to watch the battle.

On the other side, the Yabo people discussed by the three kings were constantly making various shrill screams.

He regretted it.

He regretted it after ten minutes, but there was no regret medicine on this treadmill.

That thunder.

It’s really cracking!

The Yabo people were almost killed inside, so they could only grit their teeth and keep running.

There is no battle meeting of the Four Heavenly Kings in his mind now, because he has no extra energy to think about these things!

It's not like he hasn't thought about escaping from this place by relying on his extra-dimensional abilities, but who would have thought that this place even has dimensional abilities blocked. Not only that, when he used his dimensional abilities, he was hit hard by the enhanced version of Thunder.

Then he behaved.

There was nothing he could do about it, he had no extra means.

For the first time in so many years, he felt that technology was so important. If he had mastered more technology and had more trump cards, he would not have no trump cards at all.

But he could not bring up any resentment against Univers.

Because the plasma light continues to purify his dark power, and this dark power is resentment, which leads to him not only not hating Yunivos now, but even his resentment towards other Ultraman is gradually fading, even when he is exhausted , he occasionally thinks about

"Why do I resent Ultraman? Don't I just want to become famous? Do I need to fight Ultraman to the death?"

Then, the power of resentment became thinner and thinner, and its power became weaker and weaker.

. . .

Ten hours.

The Yabo people didn’t know how they got here these ten hours.

The moment the treadmill stopped, he lost consciousness and fell to the ground obediently.

At this moment, he looks like a super big duck neck, and he has become a veritable duck neck man.

"Univers, I want to kill..."


He suddenly found that he felt relaxed all over. Although he was very tired, he felt very relaxed, as if the heavy pressure had been relieved all of a sudden.

"Can it be said that I have really become stronger?"

Thinking this way, the Yabo man pointed a light at a jar in the distance.

With a "po!" sound, the jar shattered, seemingly so easily.

He couldn't remember what the power of the light was like when he was so tired and had no physical strength, but he felt that he must have become stronger!

This is a kind of intuition unique to aliens, also known as the "sixth sense"!

It's like the feeling of my younger brother shouting 666 from the side.

He was relieved at this moment. He looked at the quiet treadmill beside him, his eyes filled with "gentleness". As long as he could truly become stronger, the previous torture didn't seem to matter.

How can you become stronger without experiencing pain? Is it still called becoming stronger without experiencing pain?

(Yes, the father of Leo and Ultra thought so too.)

. . .

On the other side, Duanmuci was teasing Yabuki Yue with a cake.

"Do you want to eat?"

Yabuki swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but still shook her head in confusion: "I don't want to eat it."

Duanmu Ci smiled: "You said so!"

Yabuki nodded.

Duanmu Ci: "Listen up, everyone. I told you before that he doesn't like cakes. I'll invite you all to the coffee shop today!"

"Ah Yue, just stay here and be on duty. You have nothing to do anyway, right?"


Yabuki watched helplessly as everyone went out together, and he could only "take care of the house" here alone. In the end, he could only grit his teeth and regret it.

"Damn it, why did I refuse just now!"

It’s not even possible to refuse.

The free ones are the most expensive.

He didn't know about the others, but the free things Duanmu Ci gave must be the most expensive. This was his intuition as a scientist.

He just didn't know what Duanmu Ci wanted.

. . .

At the same time the next day, Duanmu Ci quietly brought a piece of mousse cake to him.

"How is it? Do you like it?"

This time, Yabuki Yue didn't hesitate: "I like it."

Duanmu Ci smiled: "Do you want to eat it?"

"I want to eat it!"

"How much do you want it?"

"Very much!"

Seeing Yabuki Yue's perfect cooperation, Duanmu Ci curled his lips and showed his true intention: "Then can I borrow your knight's aura to study it?"

Yabuki Yue: "This won't work!"

Duanmu Ci: "What's wrong with that? You don't fight Bogaru anymore, and when we fight the Anperla people, we don't expect you to take action. You hold this thing as a decoration. You might as well change it for a piece of cake."

As he said that, Duanmu Ci handed the cake to Yabuki Yue. Yabuki Yue's vision was instantly filled with cake. Just when he was about to open his mouth, he watched the cake get farther and farther away from him.

"Such a good deal, do you still need to consider it?"

Yabuki Yue shook his head like a rattle: "This is my exclusive equipment. When have you ever seen exclusive equipment lent to others casually?"

Duanmu Ci: "No? Why did I hear that Geno's Geno Galaxy is often borrowed by Max and not returned? I heard that it has been renamed Max Galaxy now."

"Anyway, I can't do this. This is something given by the King of Ultra. How can I lend it to others casually? Isn't this disrespectful to the king?"

Duanmu Ci stretched out his hand to interrupt him and said, "Just tell me how many pieces of cake."

Yabuki Yue looked like he had lost a lot and said, "One piece of cake for one day, this is my bottom line. We have been partners for many years, so I give this price!"

"Okay, deal, but aren't you disrespecting the king by doing this?"

Yabuki Yue took out the Knight's Breath, handed it to Duanmu Ci, and quickly took the cake

"You are going to deal with the Anperla aliens, the king will understand, this cake is so delicious!"

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