Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 321 TPC's Strength

Sure enough, something went wrong.

It wasn't the unknown hand, but Dark Faust was resurrected.

After he knew the tone of the whole world now, he knew that there was no chance to trick Univos and the others into opening the Meta Realm and then converting it into the Dark Realm.

In this case, he didn't act anymore and showed up directly in the city center.

Then he started to wash the ground with various lights.

This move came too suddenly and should have caused a large number of deaths.

However, under the construction of TPC, all buildings are now equipped with a simple energy shield.

It can offset most of the energy impact.

Because it is to destroy the city, not to attack Ultraman, and factors such as breaking defense must be considered, so Dark Faust did not concentrate the energy, and even let the energy diverge to hit a larger area.

Therefore, these shields have protected these buildings well.

The imagined situation of the city center being razed to the ground again did not happen.

At the same time, elevators quickly went underground to help all the people still on the ground to take refuge quickly.

All this seems troublesome, but in fact it was all done in an instant.

When everyone had successfully evacuated, special fighters flew out from all corners of the city and began to surround Dark Faust and attack him.

If you look closely, you will find that there are no pilots in these fighters. They are all remotely controlled by humans from a distance. With superb unmanned driving technology, many tactical means that cannot be used on fighters at ordinary times can be used.

For example, when the laser cannon of the fighter has limited damage to Dark Faust.

A fighter hit Dark Faust's back directly, knocking him off balance.

This is just the beginning.

Dark Faust stabilized his body, and before he could speak, he saw another fighter hitting him.

Looking at the sharp nose of the fighter, he understood it immediately.

"Is this a ramming horn installed on the fighter!"


Ramming horns were previously installed on ships and used to hit the enemy's hull when fighting the enemy.

The lighter the structure of the aircraft itself, the better. Generally speaking, it will not be equipped with ramming horns that increase the weight of the nose.

But all the fighters of TPC rely on the anti-gravity system to fly, so there is no problem of too heavy nose.

And these fighters can fly at full speed, and the speed can reach 9 Mach supersonic speed. At such a speed, using such a heavy ram to hit the opponent is much more lethal than any beam cannon.

The power is equivalent to a weakened version of Leo's flying kick.

So when seeing this move, Dark Faust had no time to complain, and could only dodge with a backflip.

But when he flipped his belly upside down, a fighter had a very accurate timing and poked him directly in the abdomen, messing up his movements.

And the one who operated this fighter was Duanmu Ci.

As long as he didn't play in person and treated this as a game, he would be an ace pilot.

"Haha, do you understand what Timing is?"

After saying it, he was still not satisfied and repeated it again.

"Ah? Do you understand what fetal name is!"

Dark Faust felt that he must not have checked the almanac before going out today.

Because he never believed in these things.

But today he believed it a little.

"What's going on? I just took a short break, and the outside world has become like this!"

It's not his fault. It's just that society is developing too fast. Duanmu Ci himself was a little surprised.

Before the existence of alien beasts, this world was like an ordinary Earth in the early 21st century, without any black technology.

Then the alien beasts were made public.

TPC rose under the promotion of Duanmu Ci.

The swallows in front of the halls of the rich and powerful in the past flew into the homes of ordinary people.

The black technologies that were originally unimaginable gradually became civilian products.

So now it has become like this.

Goromu Shinya and Dark Lukiel, the Haier brothers, also saw this and were anxious in their hearts.

But there was no way. Goromu Shinya also wanted to make trouble, but Dark Lukiel was a little scared and was still waiting for fate.

The two could only waste time.

During this period, they just watched giant alien beasts appear one after another, and then they were slaughtered by various special forces and Ultramen in turn.

Now I finally met a dark giant, and he seemed to be quite powerful. I thought I could get back at him.

Who would have thought that I would be dumped by a "big bitch" when we met.

I was stunned.

"Lugiel, if I don't merge with myself in other worlds, can I merge with this dark giant?"

Goromu Shinya suddenly asked: "Even if it's not a fusion, just taking his power is fine!"

"It's better than letting him die here and wasting his dark power, right?"

To be honest, dark Lugiel was also tempted.

"This dark Faust has the same power source as dark Mephisto. Absorbing his power will not affect our fusion with another you in the future."

"But we still need a perfect plan at the moment, otherwise everything will be in vain!"

Perfect plan?

Goromu Shinya almost vomited when he heard this word.

There is no such thing as a perfect plan in this world. If you are scared, just say you are scared. Why do you have to say so much nonsense in a roundabout way?

Thinking carefully, Nexus and Univos were not stronger than them at that time. If they had chosen to fight to the death instead of running away when the "microcosm exploded", perhaps none of these messes would have happened now.

It's useless to say all this now.

At that time, Goromu Shinya also wanted to run away, and he was also exhausted by Univos's means.

In the final analysis, it looked like an accidental operation, but it was actually an inevitable result.

"Then when will it be safe?"

Dark Lugiel: "Don't worry, this dark Faust is not as simple as it seems, and it's not so easy to be eliminated."

"After that, as long as he escapes with serious injuries, we will be behind him, and naturally we can turn his dark power into our own!"

"That's when it's really safe!"

The idea is great.

However, Duanmu Ci has already discovered the two of them who thought they were hiding in the dark.


"These two, they thought they were hiding well, right?"

Since last time he knew that they used subspace stealth to avoid various detectors, Duanmu Ci specially made a subspace detector.

Don't be too precise in positioning.

How can the villains nowadays be so unprofessional that they let the protagonist level up?

On the other side, Saida Riko couldn't help shaking her head as she watched Dark Faust being bloodbathed by unmanned fighter jets from afar.

"Dark Zagi is really going backwards as he grows older."

"There's no one capable person under his command, what's the point of using him as a whetstone?"

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