Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 343 The challenge begins

Soon, accompanied by waves of noise, many people have begun to challenge the Warrior Summit.

Everyone in this place comes from different civilizations, but the civilizations they are from have basically been protected by the warriors of O-50.

So although O-50 does not have many Ultramen, it has protected many places.

"The Warrior Summit may be a black-hearted company with a 007 work system."

Duanmu Ci suddenly said this, and Zoffy was stunned: "What 007?"

Duanmu Ci: "It's not important, huh? Where is Miss Phil?"

Zoffy said: "She saw everyone rushing forward, so she also wanted to join in the fun."

"It's better to go with everyone, at least the monsters at the foot of the mountain, so many people go together, there will be no threat."

Usually, the threat of those monsters is that there are huge numbers, and they bully "mortals" on the scene.

Now there are more people, and there are endless means. It won't be difficult to eliminate some monsters that are more than ten meters long.

And those monsters seemed to be quite smart. They knew that there were too many people coming this time, so they hid obediently and didn't want to come out for the "buffet", so this group of people came to the middle of the mountain in a mighty manner.

After that, there were various peaks, and they needed to constantly jump from one peak to another, or crawl desperately towards the main peak.

At this point, generally speaking, people outside can't see the situation inside.

But now Duanmu Ci is here!

He put a spherical camera and went in with everyone.

So Duanmu Ci can see clearly what the people inside are like.

"It seems that the Green Lantern equipment is restricted by the Warrior's Peak. In addition to retaining a certain anti-gravity effect, it can't fly."

Zoffy said: "This challenge is actually climbing a mountain. If you can fly, isn't it too unreasonable?"

Duanmu Ci nodded.

That is definitely unreasonable.

But he just wants to challenge the limit of the rules.

Little Gagula also came over, and couldn't help shaking his head when he saw how hard these people were climbing the mountain.

"When I grow up, I must be better than them!"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "What are you competing with them? Most people here fail in the challenge."

"If you want to be strong, you can only aim to be the strongest, for example, aim to be Zoffy."

Hearing this, Zoffy smiled embarrassedly: "I am still far away!"

Duanmu Ci patted Zoffy on the shoulder: "Don't say that, except for the captain in the Kingdom of Light, you are the top combat power."

"Although you are much worse than the captain, you are still young, your age is not even a fraction of the captain."

Ultra Father is a 160,000-year-old man.

Zoffy is only 25,000 years old, so it is understandable that he has less accumulation.

"If it doesn't work, you can target me. I am the chief scientist of the Kingdom of Light and the manager of the Space Science and Technology Bureau. I am responsible for the research and development of various black technologies. There is nothing I can't research, only what you can't think of."

Little Gagula glanced at Zoffy. Although this man has eyebrows like swords and eyes like knives, he looks quite gentle overall. Can such a person really be a very powerful master?

As for taking Duanmu Ci as a target, forget it. It's not so easy to be a scientist. He should be his own swordsmanship master. Playing magic is more suitable for his style.

Duanmu Ci looked at the situation in the picture and suddenly said: "Hey, Zoffy, I found Miss Phil. Do you want to see her?"

Zoffy rolled his eyes and said: "If you want to point it out to me, just point it out. You have to do these roundabout things."

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "You, a man, don't understand any interest. It's your lifelong blessing that Miss Phil can like you. Otherwise, I suspect you will be single for the rest of your life."

Zoffy didn't think there was anything wrong with being single.

Duanmu Ci casually pointed at the last person who was far away from the main group.

"See, Miss Fei'er, you have only climbed less than 1% now."

"What's the goddess of fate taking care of her? I think she is in trouble, but it's true, how can her own strength compare to the blessing of technology?"

Little Gagula didn't agree with this.

"When your own strength reaches a certain level, you don't need the blessing of technology, right?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and didn't explain these things to him.

This child is still young and hasn't experienced much of the beatings of society. He won't understand these profound truths, and there is no point in talking about it now.

The benefits of technology can only be understood by those who have it, just like the benefits of the brain can only be understood by those who have it.

It has to be said that Phil's perseverance is quite good. Although she has been left far behind by others, she has always worked hard to keep moving forward.

It's like a journey with no end in sight. Many people can't help but relax, but Phil is very serious and has no moment of relaxation at all.

Zoffy's eyes have never left Phil since he saw him. Although he knows that Phil may not be the lucky audience, he is still attracted by Phil's determination.

Just like the first time they met, Phil chased him to the bar and was very determined that he was the one destined for Phil.

There is a feeling of clear stupidity.

Zoffy is very fond of this.

But now he also knows that it is more important to unite with O-50, so his focus should be on people who can become Ultraman, but if his sight is away for just a few seconds, he will worry whether Phil will be in trouble, so his sight will turn back uncontrollably.

Zoffy is looking at Phil, Duanmu Ci is looking at Zoffy, with a very conspicuous aunt smile on his face.

Little Gagula suddenly said: "Boss Duanmu, you are laughing so obscenely."

Duanmu Ci casually said perfunctorily: "You are still young and don't understand. Laughing happily is a sign of health. No matter what situation you encounter, you must laugh. Keeping yourself strong is the only way to break the situation."

Little Gagula was stunned. No matter what situation you encounter, you must laugh?

This sounds a bit nonsensical, but it is very philosophical when you think about it carefully!

Then will I have to laugh so healthily in the future?

Only by being strong can you break the situation. This is also in line with his thinking.

I learned a lot of things that I can't learn in the gym today!

Duanmu Ci doesn't care how he has been led astray by himself. Now his attention is all on Zoffy.

It is worth celebrating that the childhood friends who grew up together can have such a fate.

"Something seems to be wrong!"

Zuo Fei suddenly spoke and startled Duanmu Ci, and then he looked at the scene.

Many people were about to reach the top of the mountain, and they had completed about 90% of the journey, but in the end they could not go up there. The storm suddenly became very big, and everyone was blocked here.

Duanmu Ci frowned: "Didn't you say that this is a rare opportunity for Wuyou to break through the situation in a thousand years? Didn't you say that there is no external influence at this time?"

Zuo Fei: "I don't know what's going on, but I always feel that something extraordinary will happen."

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