Just as Duanmu Ci thought, some people in this world are really crazy about "entertainment to death".

Justice's human body is called Fujiwara Juri.

She listened to Univos' words and wanted to see with her own eyes whether the humans on this earth deserve to die.

Then she met those crazy rappers not far away.

As we all know, most singers who can only rap are not serious people.

Entertainment to death is just one of the projects. Everyone is crazy and rebellious as if they have completely abandoned the world.

"Dracion is a piece of trash" and "not as good as Ultraman" are the first words.

Fujiwara Juri's blood pressure soared after hearing this, and he almost lost control and started killing.

But this is just one of the many aspects of life.

Facing the countdown to the world being cleared, Fujiwara Juri still has his own judgment.

Although these people are hateful, they are far from the point of death.

And most of the world is still normal.

It's just that now, everyone's views on this "countdown to the end of the world" are polarized.

On one side, they absolutely do not believe that humans will be cleansed.

On the other hand, people think that humans are too insignificant in the universe and it is impossible for them to survive the elimination of such a powerful civilization. Even if there are so many Ultramen, it is useless.

It is also because of this serious polarization of thinking that Fujiwara Juri can be said to have seen all kinds of beings here.

But no matter how you look at it, humans are not at the level of death, but sometimes you feel that if this continues, humans will sooner or later become a force that affects the entire universe.

At that time.

Fujiwara Juri was a little confused.

Logically, she should completely believe what Delacion said, but now she is thinking, should humans really die?

Future humans will stir up the universe, so if that's the case, then educate humans and make them less arrogant, isn't it?

In short, there are many ways to solve the problem, but it is definitely not a crude choice to completely wipe out the human beings on Earth.

So, is there really something wrong with Delacion?

Fujiwara Juri was confused, sitting on a stone pier, looking into the distance with lifeless eyes, letting the breeze blow her hair.

"But, such a world will still be destroyed in front of the Giga Endora, right?"

Once the Giga Endora is turned on, Justice believes that he cannot stop its operation.

Ultraman is as powerless as ordinary humans in front of such a super battleship.

For some reason, Fujiwara Juri suddenly thought of Univos. The equipment on the blue Ultraman should be all high-tech.

He should be a very powerful scientist. I wonder if he can develop the corresponding technology?

But soon she overturned her thoughts and smiled helplessly.

"I am also desperate. Now there is not much time. Even if there is technology to deal with it, it is impossible to make it so quickly."

In the final analysis, time is not enough.

She thought of Zoffy.

Yesterday, Zoffy blew up the Gorka mothership with a beam of light, which really shocked her.

I am afraid that her strongest beam will not cause much damage to Bishop Gorka, which shows how terrifying Zoffy is.

But it is still a pity.

Zoffy's "intensity" obviously cannot stop the Giga Endora.

So, what is needed to stop Giga Endora is concerted efforts?

Is it possible for all Ultraman's rays to combine and destroy Giga Endora?

Fujiwara Juri had unknowingly put herself on the opposite side of Dracion, and for the first time felt how painful it was for those who were enemies of Dracion.

Just when she was confused, a little girl came over.


Fujiwara Juri: "???"

. . .

On the other side, Baltan, who had been saved by Gaos, found Duanmu Ci and the others.

And told everyone one thing.

"There is only one way to solve the problem of the earth!"

"Summon Reijudo!"

"When two powerful forces in the universe meet, his figure will appear in the shining light."

"Ultraman Reijudo!"

Duanmu Ci frowned.

This riddle-like statement is a bit strange, but he has some ideas about the two major forces in the universe.

"Zoffy, the two powers they are talking about are not Ultra King and Noah, right?"

"Is this Delacion so powerful? We need these two to combine and become a new Ultraman to fight."

Zoffy also nodded, very solemn.

"I can ask Ultra King to come out, but Noah..."

Duanmu Ci: "Don't look at me, I can't transform into Noah stably. If I want to transform into Noah, I only know a stable way, which is to gather the light of hope in the whole universe, but do you think this is realistic?"

Zoffy frowned: "Then should humans really die?"

Duanmu Ci: "Of course not!"

"In fact, if you think about it carefully, what we are really facing is just the Giga Endora."

"This is not Delacion, it's just a super battleship."

"I already have the technology to deal with it, and I may not even need any help from Regido. I can solve this crisis directly."

Little did they know that the two Baltans on the opposite side were stunned by the two people's fierce words.

"What, you can call Ultraman?"

"You can transform into Noah!"

"Who are you?"

Duanmu Ci waved his hand and said casually: "I am Univos, the chief scientist of the Space Science and Technology Bureau of the Kingdom of Light, and this is Zoffy, the captain of the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light."

The two people's eyes lit up, and they looked at Zoffy in surprise and said

"You are the legendary Zoffy!"

Zoffy: "?"

"Although I don't know what legend you are talking about, if the possibility of having the same name is excluded, I should be the Zoffy you are talking about."

Looking at the gradually surprised eyes of the two, Duanmu Ci waved his hand quickly.

"What about me? I am the head of the Science and Technology Bureau, a fierce man who once defeated the dark universe emperor Anperla. Haven't you heard of my name?"

The two Baltans looked confused.

"I'm not impressed, but we have heard that the Anperla people were solved by Ultraman Noa."

"You said you can become Noa, isn't that the time?"

"Even if I don't become Noa, I'm still famous, right? Probably."

Duanmu Ci was dissatisfied: "I also control the universe black market!"

"I have so many titles, you must have heard of one or two, right?"

The two looked at each other blankly.

Okay, no need to say, Duanmu Ci already knew that they really didn't know him.

It's really not that easy to become famous in the universe.

"But if the King of Ultra can come, the matter of Delacion can be solved immediately."

"The King of Ultra and Noa are at the same level as Ultraman Legend."

Duanmu Ci: "Ah?"

"Then using two such powerful Ultramen to combine into a Legend of the same level, isn't this a loss?"

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