Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 389 Resistance Training

"Forget it, these are not important."

Duanmu Ci pulled his thoughts back.

There are too many messy things in this world, and not just one or two.

"In general, my research is actually inspired by the Dikuta gear armor."

Although I haven't worn it much, everyone probably knows what the Dikuta gear armor is.

This thing is generally used by red warriors when practicing fighting skills.

It is used to give yourself a lot of resistance. When the user is familiar with this resistance, he can exert extraordinary strength when the resistance is removed.

Resistance training can also be called "resistance training".

This is a training method that almost every athlete or fitness enthusiast must go through.

Of course, the Ultraman of the Kingdom of Light has also trained.

But that kind of resistance is still not enough!

Duanmu Ci knows how powerful the burden brought by the huge body is.

For example, watching Leo fight and watching other Ultraman fight will give you a different feeling.

Other Ultraman is like a slow-motion replay, punching and kicking the enemy is heavy, but the movement is very slow.

Leo hits the enemy very quickly, and it seems that he has not caused any damage.

However, in fact, Leo often removes the body parts of other monsters directly, and his fists will only hit the monsters harder than other Ultramen.

The reason why he can perform so quickly is, on the one hand, Leo's physical talent, and on the other hand, Leo has been hovering on the line of death for many years, and he has been working hard during training.

He has long been accustomed to the kind of fatigue that makes his body heavy and even unable to lift his arms, so the resistance when Ultraman fights is the same as nothing for him.

When he is gigantic, he can fight like a human body.

It is difficult for other Ultramen to achieve this.

It was also the last time that Zero showed an exaggerated movement smoothness after removing the Dekuta gear armor, which made Univos remember it in his heart.

So, he researched an excellent training place!

. . .

"Ultra Competition Room!!!"

Watching him skillfully take out a house and put it on the open space.

Everyone has gotten used to it.

It's just that the two young people, Hall Light and Ishido Meiling, can't accept it.

Hall Light even said directly: "Where did such a big house come from?"

Zoffy smiled and said: "You'll get used to it. It's no problem for him to put out a palace."

Duanmu Ci explained: "This house is not as small as it seems. After entering, it is a very large space. You can set up various obstacles and various combat environments to simulate various extreme combat environments."

"However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there is a 'resistance mode'. If you exercise in it, there will be strong resistance whether it is breathing or moving!"

"Only by overcoming such resistance can you fight!"

As he spoke, Duanmu Ci walked in first.

Seeing the researchers so confident, others were a little relieved.

Only Zoffy, who knew Univos best, still felt that something was wrong.

Univos' invention is not to pit others only. When he goes crazy, he pits himself and attacks indiscriminately!

Sure enough, as soon as he entered, the moment Duanmu Ci pressed the mode selection button, he was forced to lie on the ground because his body was too heavy.

But even so, he still insisted and said to the people who were also pressed down by the strong pressure: "This pressure is not bad, everyone!"

Taro barely raised his head: "Are you really using this pressure for training?"

While speaking, light burst out from his body and he turned into a life-size Ultraman form, and then he could barely stand up slowly.

Church Light followed suit and took out Galaxy Spark to transform into a life-size Galaxy, but it was also very difficult to stand up. In this case, let alone fighting, it was very uncomfortable to punch.

Duanmu Ci also turned into a life-size Univos and said.

"Pressure is only one of them. In fact, the most important thing here is resistance. Fighting here is like fighting in the water. The harder you fight, the greater the resistance. It is very effective for training!"

Taro didn't want to listen to Univos at all. He felt that it was difficult to breathe now, so he turned around and wanted to leave.

Then he found that the door was gone.

Seeing this situation, Univos said as a matter of course: "You know me. Training must have the belief of burning the boats, so the door will only appear after we finish training."


The most uncomfortable one is Ishido Meiling.

She can't turn into Ultraman, so she can only use magic to resist. Now just sitting there and breathing has exhausted all her strength.

"I told you."

Zoffy clenched his fists as if he had won: "Univos never considers whether he will be hit when he does things! When he gets crazy, he even hurts himself!"

However, now he is a spark doll and Leo, and it is also very hard.

Fortunately, the smaller the body, the less pressure, and the two of them can barely hold on using Ultraman's telekinesis.

Univos said: "Don't waste this training opportunity, the door will appear in two hours!"

Two hours?

Everyone looked at each other and felt that this number was not much more.

Taro was also stunned. Is Univos so kind now?

At that time, the highest level on the Ultra treadmill was to run at full speed for ten hours.

This mere two hours is not like his style!

Having said that, Taro soon realized that he was still too young.

Hall Light did not want to waste this training opportunity. After fighting with Taro for about five minutes, Taro turned around and asked Univos.

"It should be at least half an hour now, right?"

Univos spread his hands: "It's only five minutes."

Taro: ⊙_⊙?

Now he suddenly understood what it felt like to spend a day like a year.

In the past, "spending a day like a year" was just an idiom in the book, but now he really has a personal experience.

At the same time, he also understood why it was set to only two hours.

Because two hours is enough to kill.

After two hours of training like this, the door appeared, but everyone present had no strength to go out.

This is mental fatigue, mental fatigue, and it has nothing to do with the energy that cannot be measured.

Everyone just sat on the ground and breathed heavily.


Everyone suddenly realized.

Univos, the scientist, was the first to get up.

"Okay, five seconds. If you don't get out, I'll start the next round of resistance mode training!"

After hearing this, everyone present dared not breathe, and rushed out tumbling.

Unives also cancelled his transformation and walked out.

At the same time, he did not forget to look down on everyone present.

"It's a pity that you are still warriors and you don't have a strong ability to withstand pressure like a scientist like me."

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