Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 396: Our Gatanjea is back

"I become a magical girl?"

I don't know why, but he wanted to laugh.

"Teacher, I'm a man."

"Even if I want to change, I can only become a magical boy!"

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "Magic girl is a profession, not a gender."

"Besides, with my current technological strength, it's not difficult to change the Y in your chromosome to X."

It's so casual.

Litang Guang decisively defended his Y chromosome and said

"It's better not to do that. Besides, I'm already Galaxy now, so I don't need to transform into a magical girl or something, right?"

Okay, that's good.

There are actually people who can resist the charm of a magical girl.

Duanmu Ci didn't die so easily.

"It's better not to become a magical girl. After all, this profession is still a scientist in the end."

"Why not become a scientist directly!"

Litang Guang: "But my dream is to become a traveler."

Duanmu Ci said with a nostalgic look: "Child, your childhood dream was to become a scientist!"

"Alas, the child has grown up and gradually forgotten his original intention."

After speaking, Duanmu Ci sighed calmly.

Litang Guang: "..."

If he remembered correctly, his childhood dream should be not to go to class, and later he was forced to give up his original intention under the pressure of two teachers, and then he dreamed of becoming a traveler.

Then the two teachers told him that if he wanted to be a traveler, he needed to study hard, and also needed a lot of physical training and fighting experience.

So, when did he dream of becoming a scientist?

"Alas, the child has grown up and is unwilling to listen to the teacher."

Just when Litang Guang was distracted, Duanmu Ci began to sigh again.

Finally, Litang Guang could only helplessly say, "Teacher, do you need my help?" Hearing this, Duanmu Ci's "sad" movements paused, and the expression on his face became visibly happy. "Okay, you are so considerate of me, I am very happy. In this case, you can turn into Galaxy and let me study it carefully. Just study it casually for a while, just for a while!" Litang Guang didn't know what a horrible story it was to be studied by Duanmu Ci, and said naively, "Okay, it happens that I have nothing to do now." Duanmu Ci curved his mouth: "Young people are still good. Taro and others refused to let me study them. In fact, how can I not know what their situation is?" Although Litang Guang was a little surprised, he didn't feel anything wrong at this time. Now he hasn't been "beaten" too many times by Duanmu Ci's research, and he is indeed "young" from the inside out. Moreover, Litang Guang believes that it is not a bad thing for him to know more about the light of the Galaxy. Duanmu Ci also thinks so. It's just that the experimental equipment may be a little old. The old here does not refer to the year, but the style.

When Duanmu Ci tied Litang Guang to a stone pillar, Litang Guang had not yet fully awakened, but just felt a little surprised, not knowing why he had to be tied up for the experiment.


Duanmu Ci explained: "This kind of lock is more than two thousand times tougher than steel, and it is basically impossible to break it by brute force."

In simple terms, this lock is almost as tough as Ultraman's head. The ability to break this chain means that Ultraman's head can be blown up.

This situation is indeed uncommon.

"Teacher, we are just studying the light. Do we need to tie me up with something so powerful?"

Duanmu Ci said: "If it is just a simple light, of course it is not necessary."

"But in fact, your light is no different from the light of other Ultramen in the Kingdom of Light."

Litang Guang was surprised: "Since there is no difference, shouldn't it be the same no matter who you ask to study?"

Duanmu Ci: "Different, the difference lies in the true origin of each person!"

"For example, your physical strength will become stronger as your mentality changes. This characteristic is not possessed by other Ultramen. I am not sure if I have studied something in the future, but now I want to see what the source of this power is!"

"It's just that you may have to suffer a little in the process."

Physical pain?

Litang Guang didn't expect that he had this ability. He also wanted to study his own power clearly so that he could better control his abilities in the future.

He could still accept some physical pain.

"Don't worry about me, just study! Teacher!"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "You have such a firm determination, very good!"

"Don't worry, everything that follows is just an illusion. Although it may be more real, it is just an illusion. You have to believe me."

After speaking, Duanmu Ci put a helmet on Litang Guang's head. This wave of operations made Litang Guang a little confused.

What the hell is this helmet? Isn't it supposed to use pain to stimulate potential?

But soon he didn't have these doubts.

After the helmet was fully put on, Litang Guang suddenly felt dazed.

Then in his consciousness, he sat up from another place.

The person next to him patted his shoulder happily and said

"Xiao Guang, you finally woke up!"

. . .

In the outside world, Duanmu Ci had just sent Litang Guang into the VR world, and the sky suddenly became dark.

"Solar eclipse?"

Duanmu Ci looked up at the sky in surprise. The sun had been completely blocked.

But even if it was a solar eclipse, it would come slowly. There would always be a process. How could it become completely dark in an instant like this?

It looked like a monster had appeared. Who was it this time?

This was the first monster in the world? Was it already of this level?

Suddenly, a roar that went straight into the sky came, and Duanmu Ci's face suddenly sank.

There was a feeling that was not very good!

He was very familiar with the source of this sound.

He had even destroyed it before.

Or he had taken the head that belonged to someone else.

The evil god Gatanjea!

Although many monsters had this roar, Gatanjea's depression and frustration were unique.

Sure enough, Duanmu Ci didn't even need to open the detector. A huge black figure had already fallen from the sky and floated in the air.

This Gatanjea was completely different from the Gatanjea that could only fight at sea. It was the kind that could fly and fight!


A strange sound came out of Gatanjea's mouth, and then a purple beam of light shot out, creating a deep pit in the back mountain and causing countless violent explosions.

The residents near the Falling Star Mountain ran out after hearing the noise, and only realized it belatedly after seeing the evil god Gatanjea's destructive figure and fled.

Gatanjea had no intention of dealing with these ordinary people.

At this moment, its attention was all on Terozofi and the others.

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