Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 403 I want to debut as an idol

What a coincidence.

When Duanmu Ci and the others were discussing becoming stars, Chigusa Kuno, who was passing by, heard it.

This touched her heart.

Chigusa Kuno's dream since childhood was to become an idol.

She worked hard for this, but becoming an idol is not just about being cute. Compared with strength and cuteness, more often it requires "financial resources" and "luck".

Unfortunately, Chigusa Kuno is not very strong in these two aspects, and it is almost impossible for her to stand out.

Because there are countless young girls in this country who want to debut as idols, but only a few can really succeed in the end.

The dream is good, but the reality is cruel.

And now, she heard a few Ultramen talking about her dream here casually.

At this moment, her feelings were complicated.


Somehow, she said something.

She was also confused.

Seeing a few people turn their heads, Chigusa Kuno blushed, and almost couldn't help turning around and leaving.

But at this time, she didn't know where she got the courage from, she stood up and said

"Well, I just heard you guys talk about being a big star."

Chigusa Kuno and Kenta Wataru followed Hikaru Tani and the others and called Duanmu Ci and the others teachers.

Mainly because they didn't know how to address them.

Duanmu Ci nodded, and then said something shocking: "So, you want to be a big star?"

Chigusa Kuno didn't expect Duanmu Ci to be so direct, he just came up with a big bomb, and she was stunned for a moment.

Is this how the Ultraman of the Land of Light usually communicate? Isn't it more tactful?

"Well, maybe, probably, that's my dream."

Duanmu Ci nodded: "I understand, it doesn't matter who becomes the big star."

"But there is a problem."

Kuno Chigusa looked up: "What's the problem?"

Duanmu Ci: "You are not Ultraman."

"Our star means to reveal the identity of Ultraman in front of everyone, and then cooperate with humans to achieve a common battle."

Kuno Chigusa knew that she had thought wrong when she heard this, and her face immediately turned red uncontrollably.

Just as he was about to say something to ease the awkward atmosphere, Zoffy on the side said nonchalantly

"Actually, don't we have a lot of female warriors?"

Duanmu Ci raised his eyebrows: "Are there a lot?"

Zoffy nodded seriously: "A lot!"

Duanmu Ci: "Then how did you stay single for so many years?"

Zoffy's eyes widened: "Isn't it because I'm too busy with work! If it weren't for work, if it weren't..."

Tairo on the side coughed lightly: "Zoffy Nissan, calm down."

"Univess, don't always change the subject. We are clearly talking about female warriors now."

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "You are so anxious, do you want to find a wife among the female warriors?"

Well, this person has gone crazy.

Leo held his forehead helplessly: "Zoffy, you can talk about yours, don't worry about him."

Zoffy nodded: "It's completely possible to let a female warrior and Chikusa-san be of one mind and body, isn't that perfect?"

Kuno Chikusa was flattered: "Is this really appropriate? I can't fight either!"

Originally, it wasn't for her to fight, and everyone didn't care at that time.

It's just that it's easy to find a female Ultraman, but it's not so easy to find a female warrior.

There are countless Ultramen in the Land of Light, but only a few can become warriors, and even fewer female Ultramen can become female warriors.

This is not about favoring boys over girls, but male Ultramen do have more advantages in terms of physical strength.

"Don't you have that AI? Screen it."

Duanmu Ci spread his hands.

A bunch of female warriors were soon screened out.

Although there are not many, there are indeed choices.

As for Mother of Ultra, Princess Yulian, Ultraman Bess, these relatively powerful female warriors have long been resurrected, and they are the ones who were screened out and resurrected the fastest.

The remaining female warriors are not bad.

About seven or eight warriors can barely beat a Red King.

Duanmu Ci was speechless when he looked at their data on the tablet.

"Haven't they used the Ultra Treadmill? Why are the data so low?"

Taro spread his hands: "The Ultra Treadmill is not a compulsory course."

"After all, what you made is really like a torture device. Without a certain amount of courage, you dare not go in."

Leo felt the same way. He was the first to experience the Ultra Treadmill. That was the most painful period of his life.

However, the bonus after the pain is still quite powerful.

Now his wrist strength has reached 250,000 tons, which is equivalent to breaking through the limit of Ultraman.

It is also because of this pain that, except for Ultraman who really wants to live on the earth or fight to the death in various places, other Ultramen don't want to use the Ultra Treadmill.

"Hey, these people are really, how can they be honored without hard work?"

"Are they here to find a husband in the Space Guard?"

"Then how did you stay single for so many years, Taro?"

Taro scratched his head: "Although, I want to tell you that I actually have a wife and even a child."

Duanmu Ci: "..."

"Okay, okay, let's play it this way, right?"

"You guys like to keep your wives to yourself, right?"

Zoffy coughed lightly: "Univess, you're off topic again. The first thing now is to find a female Ultraman with one heart and one body for Chikusa."

Univess spread his hands: "I think you're not bad, and you didn't say you have to have a female Ultraman!"

Zoffy almost jumped up when he heard this. The previous scene was still vivid in his mind, and he didn't know if he could still control his battle after having one heart and one body.

"No, no, no, it's better to choose a female warrior."

"Don't you feel weird when you see Justice?"

After searching for a long time, they finally found a female warrior with slightly higher data, a wrist strength of 30,000 tons and a grip strength of 15,000 tons!

This data has both zeros and integers.

It's very real.

Fortunately, Kuno Chikusa didn't come here to fight, and everyone didn't expect her to fight or anything.

Things went quite smoothly.

The reporters here want the big news.

Kuno Chigusa wants to be the big news.

They just randomly found a relatively famous news media in the industry, and the two sides basically hit it off. After Kuno Chigusa showed her Ultraman transformation, she was directly treated as a guest of honor. After that, the matter was left to professionals. Duanmu Ci and others couldn't intervene even if they wanted to.

Tiga was still on the way to explore everywhere. He even found a ruin similar to the Luluye ruins in this world, but it was meaningless. There was nothing in it. It was really just a ruin.

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