Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 423 Dark Lopus Legion, Dyna

The three of them were trapped in a quagmire as soon as they came in.

But Univos was not panicked at all.

Unlike the two young men who were so angry that they only knew to chop monsters.

A mature warrior has a clear goal at any time in the battle.

He has been looking for a route that can pass many enemies and quickly reach the Tree of Life.

After tearing several monsters in a row with the Eight-Point Light Wheel in hand, he finally found a relatively open position.

There is such a large open area in this battlefield. Univos can't help but suspect that there may be an extraordinary character in it.

Compared with this group battle like entering a swamp, he is more willing to accept fighting with a powerful character.

So he shouted.

"Kai, Gagula, get ready to speed up and follow me!"

Univos's shouting made the two of them sober up instantly. They had just killed the enemy to a certain extent and forgot their own pain. They just tried their best to feel the feeling of the weapon passing through the enemy's body.

As soon as they woke up, they saw Univos rushing out with all his strength, at an incredibly fast speed. The surrounding monsters didn't even react yet, and they made several empty strikes towards the place where Univos was originally.

Is this the power of professional warriors?

The two followed him, but their movements were a little slow and they were hit several times, but soon their speed also increased, slowly catching up with Univos who deliberately slowed down.

"How do you feel?"

Both Gagra and Orb's heartbeats were already in their throats. After hearing what Univos said, they both needed to slow down before they could barely speak.

"A battle of this scale is really too exciting."

"I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, I will be completely left in."

The three were attacked many times, but few monsters were actually killed.

Except for Univos who caught a monster and beat it to death, in fact, Gagra and Orb's attacks only caused light or heavy damage to the monsters, and they were not able to directly cut them in half or kill them.

Judging from the vitality of the monsters, such injuries only need to rest for a period of time, and they can recover well, and there may not even be scars.

Univos is a veteran on the battlefield, so he can really kill the enemy and reduce the enemy's combat power.

"There is a lot of powerful energy in the direction we are going this time, and perhaps the combat power of each combat unit is not weaker than you two."

"But this does not mean that we can't fight. The most important thing for a large-scale war is to have thick skin and flesh. You two have met the requirements of thick skin and flesh, and you won't be killed so easily. There is a fight."

Gagra, Orb: "..."

Why do I feel that the situation is a bit wrong.

The two looked around. Although there was danger ahead, it seemed that it was the easiest place to approach the Tree of Life. There were too many monsters around, and there was no chance at all.

"We're here!"

As soon as the voice fell, Univos braked directly

"Fuck! There are so many Zeros!"

"Didn't we say that there are no Zeros in this world!"

Looking carefully, it was indeed Zero, but the color was very different from that of Zero, and the center of the eyes was still connected.

Strictly speaking, it has only one eye.

Because it is not separated at all.


It really feels a bit like that.

After complaining in his heart, Univos calmed down and got into a fighting posture.

The Dark Lopus Zeros below also discovered Univos and rushed up.

As soon as the two sides fought, Orb and Gagra understood what Univos meant by saying that the individual combat ability was no worse than theirs.

The two swords fell on the Dark Lopus and only drew a string of sparks, and could not cause direct damage like when attacking other monsters.

In addition, the fighting skills of these Dark Lopus are quite powerful. Both of them are newcomers. Although they have practiced a lot of fighting skills before, their melee skills are still good.

However, the opponent used the cosmic boxing.

It was a copy of Zero's cosmic boxing.

Except that Univos can beat these Dark Lopus in fighting skills, Gagra and Orb are both incapable of exerting much power and causing much damage.

In real combat, the probability of hitting the opponent directly and causing a lot of damage is very low. Most of the time, the opponent will break the killing move and fail to cause much damage.

Orb and Gagra were being beaten.

Univos was not much better. While he was busy fighting with these dark lops, he had to send them into his Meta field one by one.

It was very hard!

The three of them also fought and retreated.

Getting closer and closer to the sacred tree.

But the closer to the sacred tree, the harder these dark lops hit.

Univos was okay. He was very resistant to beatings and had good fighting skills, so he didn't suffer much.

But Orb and Gagra were a little bit unable to withstand it.

The two of them had already been hit by a beam ray each by accident.

Gagra was okay. After all, it was not him who was hurt, but Janai.

Orb was not so good. Because of the severe pain, his attacking movements were a little deformed.

Faced with this situation, Univos could only take out a bunch of small balls and sprinkle them on the enemy group.

At the same time, he held one of the two people with his left and right arms and flew quickly into the sky.

Then there were violent explosions on the ground.

It turned out that what he had just scattered was a plasma metal ball saturated with energy.

Since he became proficient in controlling the energy saturation of plasma metal, this thing has become a kind of unexpected attack method for Univos.

Such an explosion made the dark Lopus below stagger, but it was not so easy to destroy them. The body of the dark Lopus was made of super-strong alloy. Normal Ultraman's fist could even make a sound of bronze bells when hitting it, and it could not break the defense.

The explosive power of plasma metal is indeed very strong, but the explosion in an open space will not be as powerful as the explosion in a closed space, so the real killing is not much.

But this is enough.

Univos just wants such a time difference.

The three took this opportunity to rush to the Tree of Life quickly, and shortened the distance by a long distance.

"Okay, almost there!"

After Univos coded the distance, he suddenly stopped and began to charge the light.

Crossing his hands in front of his abdomen, he created a series of bright electric currents.

This was a charging action of cascading flashes.

Orb also began charging the Origami beam.

At the same time, Jagger's main gun was also charging.

The three beams combined might be able to cut down such an exaggerated tree.

However, at the moment when the beam was released, Univos suddenly discovered that there seemed to be an Ultraman under the tree.

Because the tree looked quite small in comparison, Univos discovered it by chance.


"Does it mean that the monster he sealed is under this tree?"

Univos suddenly had an ominous premonition.

But the beam had already been sent out, how could it be taken back just because he wanted to?

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