Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 425 Red Nexus Form!


"It's a bit difficult to use this thing now."

Seeing the situation on the scene, Univos silently put the spike back.

This spike is indeed very useful, but as long as the enemy can resist a little bit and then touch him, he will fall on the spot.

It's okay to deal with enemies who can't move much, but it's not suitable to deal with this kind of enemy who can move at a glance.

Dyna looked at this Silver Zero and suddenly laughed: "He doesn't look that strong now!"

"In this kind of equal battle, we should have a good chance of winning, right?"

Generally speaking, the size of the strong enemies encountered by Ultraman is much larger than that of Ultraman.

Dyna has not encountered strong enemies of the same size as himself.

"Don't underestimate the opponent. The energy in his body is quite exaggerated, but his body strength is limited. If you can find a flaw, you may be able to take him away in one wave."

No matter how strong the energy in the body is, the planet Sphia always uses the body of Dark Lopus, which has limited strength.

However, Sphia also has a characteristic, which is that it can greatly increase the toughness of the object it is attached to when it does not break the defense.

For example, in Dyna's world, Sphia often only merges with some stones, but its physical strength is still terrifying.

First, Sphia can create a subspace shield, and second, Sphia strengthens the strength of objects.

"We have four people, so it's okay to hit it?"

Dyna is not afraid at all.

He put his hands together in front of his chest, and the crystal on his forehead flashed red. Then the pattern on his body turned red, and the whole person became stronger.

Now Dyna, who is very familiar with his own energy, can transform into a strong type and a miracle type at will.

Compared with the miracle type with weak fists and feet, the strong type at present is a real melee reckless man. He even slaughtered the powerful space martial artist Guregel from the Hercules M16 planet.

He felt that this form was enough to press down the Sphia planet, which was about the same size as himself.

Seeing him so reckless, Orb and Gagra followed him and rushed to Silver Zero without thinking much.

It didn't matter to Univos, the enemy was just a little stronger, and it was not like he had never encountered it before.

But now it was finally a serious battle, not a legion battle, so naturally he had to change into more serious equipment.

His energy surged, and soon a blue cloak condensed on him.

He must be handsome when he appears to be in line with his identity!

Slowly floated down.

Dyna was already fighting with this Silver Zero below.

As Dyna guessed, his strong strength was indeed quite strong, even stronger than this Silver Zero.

From the power duel, he was completely suppressing Silver Zero.

After all, this Dark Lopus still used the basic attributes of Zero.

However, Zero's basic physical fitness in the basic state was not strong.

It was only a little stronger than the current Univos, and it couldn't compare with Zoffytaro, the old strong man among the Ultra Brothers, let alone Leo.

But after the energy is strong, the performance of physical fitness will also change.

For example, the physical fitness of Ultra Father is actually similar to that of the first generation Ultraman, but the performance of attack power is completely different. The difference lies in energy.

After being suppressed in the wrestling at the beginning, Silver Zero burst out his energy and played the advantage of energy. Every punch and kick can cause great damage.

At first, Dyna thought that he was a strong type with thick skin and flesh, and it should be fine to take a few hits, but after being almost killed by Silver Zero with two punches, he instantly became obedient.

Fortunately, Orb and Gagra also caught up.

Although they have been fighting continuously for a while, the two can still maintain a high level of fighting now.

Sphia's fighting skills are not as good as Zero, so when they fight Silver Zero, it is not even as difficult as fighting Dark Lopus.

Of course, being hit by Dark Lopus is only a minor injury.

Being hit by Silver Zero is a serious injury.

From this perspective, the difficulty coefficient is still very high.

"Don't come into contact with him easily!"

Dyna said, and then turned into a miracle type, ready to fight guerrilla warfare.

Orb and Gagra also became obedient after being hit twice, without any rebuttal, and chose guerrilla tactics with Dyna obediently.

All kinds of knife-scratching.

Anyway, the tricks are as dirty as possible.


Univos couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hey, hey, hey! How can you defeat the enemy with such a fighting method?"

As he spoke, he slowly landed in a blue cloak and stood in front of Silver Cero.

Silver Cero was also very considerate, and he fired a one-eyed shock wave as soon as he met. Just kidding, the correct name is "Dark Lopus Laser".

It is a super-powerful ray released from the eye, targeting Cero's Amerim Cut.

Of course, the effect of Silver Cero using it is almost the same as that of Shining Cero.

Faced with such light, Univos decisively used the magic weapon.

Gatanjea Shield!

A huge Gatanjea shell blocked Univos, and the powerful impact beam was dispersed instantly. The powerful impact made Univos retreat continuously, but it did not hurt Univos at all.

"It works so well!"

Univos once again sighed at his unique vision.

Why did I think of using Gatanjea as a shield?

It was so wise!

When the last impact of the impact beam disappeared, Univos took back Gatanjea's shell.

Looking at the not-so-conscious Silver Zero, he also said provocatively.

"Is that all you can do?"

Obviously, this provocation was very effective.

So Univos was attacked by the beam for half an hour.

Fortunately, because of this half an hour, Dyna and the others beside him also recovered.

Then the three of them worked together to save Univos from the dire situation.

When Univos took back Gatanjea's shell again, a glow flashed on his body.

The whole person turned red!

This was not the special form with fighter DNA before, but the real red Nexus!

The form of Jun Himeya!

This scene also stunned everyone around.

Dyna couldn't help but say: "Senior, why do I feel that you are a little different?"

Univess smiled: "Of course, because now I use the power of my previous life!"

Everyone: "???"

Everyone didn't understand what Univess meant.

Only Univess knew what he was talking about.

When science and technology develop to a certain level, time and space can be traveled.

Not only the time and space of the world, but even your own time and space.

He is now turning his power into the state of the red Nexus form that appeared before.

The only pity is that he can't become Noah.

Because Noah is an existence beyond time and space, he will not be affected by the rules of time.

He will not be summoned out so easily by Univess.

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