Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 441: Thick Skin and Tough Flesh

On the tablet screen, Univos sat on a stone nearby, watching Bishop Glocka fighting with Bats leisurely.

And the Super Bats that was supposed to be hidden was fighting Bishop Glocka very hard, giving people a sense of déjà vu of dismantling Gundam with bare hands.

The fighting power of Super Bats was not to be underestimated. Bishop Glocka, who might not be defeated by two Ultramen combined, could not defeat it for a while, and even gave Univos time to study how to improve Bishop Glocka's fighting style.

Although Bishop Glocka was good, his fighting style was too cumbersome.

The advantage of being cumbersome was that it had strong lethality. One hit was enough to hurt the enemy, but when encountering a very flexible enemy, Bishop Glocka's actions might be avoided by the opponent at will, just like the boss in Dark Souls, who had strong lethality but could not hit anyone, so he could only be shown off by others.

Or if you encounter a monster with thick skin and flesh, you can't break the defense for a while, wasting everyone's time.

In this case, you need to make different changes for different enemies to restrain the opponent. This is the contradiction of technology!

In the end, I found that the strength of the bucket is the real strength!

When Belia saw the picture in the tablet, he understood it instantly.

"As expected of the head of the Space Science and Technology Bureau, huh? Wait, he seems to be the captain of the Space Guard?"

"What is his identity?"

"Where is Zoffy? No, Zoffy is just an 8,000-year-old young warrior in the information. Why did I suddenly mention him?"

Beria's originally clear thinking began to become confused when he saw Univos.

The Mefilas star next to him saw Belia so confused and hurried forward to support him

"My lord, what's wrong with you?"

Beria shook his head, didn't speak, and soon regained his calm.

"Univos is worthy of being the captain of the Space Guard. His technological strength is really amazing!"

"I didn't expect that he would find the Super Bats that I hid so deeply."

As soon as he finished speaking, Belia seemed to remember something.

"Not good!"

He rushed to the research center of the Salome people. Before he got there, he heard an explosion from the research center.

Hearing the explosion, Belia felt his face black.

These Salome people are really incapable of doing things and more likely to cause trouble.

Although he was angry, he was still more worried about his Dark Lopus, so he hurried over.

Then he saw the scattered body fragments of Dark Lopus as soon as he opened the door.

"Salome people, what's going on?"

The Salome people who had just spoken to Belia very confidently walked over with a blank face.

"My Lord, I disappoint you."

"This body is already the best body. According to our calculations, this body should be able to withstand the energy of the entire star, but I didn't expect it to explode directly after being hit by the dark core."

Beria didn't want to care about these. He only cared about the chip of Dark Lopus.

"What about the body of Dark Lopus?"

Salome shook his head: "That's nothing. We are doing a separate experiment. We will not load the chip of Dark Lopus until the experiment is completed."

Belia breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. As long as the core is still there, it will be fine.

Then he took a look at the dark core that was madly releasing dark power.

"This dark core is still so violent."

"If you can't study it, I'll let others help you study it."

Salome said quickly: "My Lord, we don't need help. It's just a temporary technical error. I believe you will get the results you want soon!"

Since Univos cracked their technology, Belia's trust in them has also dropped to a dispensable level.

A group of people is not as good as one person.

Who can you ask for justice in this matter?

There is only one possibility.

Belia thought that Univos had this technology for a long time, but there was no corresponding technology, so it had never been used.

He didn't believe that Univos could crack this technology in such a short time.

. . .


Nan Xizi was sitting on Univos's shoulder, watching the battle with him, and was impressed by Bishop Glocka's strength from time to time.

"I have never seen this kind of technology."

"Is the fighting style of the rest of us too primitive?"

Univos said: "But it is also necessary to exercise your muscles and bones properly."

After speaking, Univos stood up, and Nan Xizi also took the initiative to fly to the side.

Then Univos took out a small ball-like thing and threw it out

"Come back, my Bishop Glocka."

The small ball burst into a bright and dazzling light when it landed, and Bishop Glocka was taken back into the small ball.

Then Univos stretched out his hand, and the ball returned to his hand. He flipped his palm and the ball disappeared.

It should have been taken back into Univos's weapon.

Then Univos stretched his muscles and approached Super Bats.

The fight between Super Bats and Bishop Glocka just now was too slow. It was obvious that both sides were very strong, but the fight was like a fight between chickens. How could Univos, who had such a bad temper, tolerate it?

"Humph, in a real fight, raising your hand is a special move. As the saying goes, a lion will fight a rabbit with all its strength!"

While speaking, Univos suddenly raised his hand and fired an M55 beam.

It hit Super Bats' chest head-on.

After a burst of explosions, Super Bats slowly fell down.

Univos confidently withdrew his hand and said to Nan Xizi beside him: "This is the real way to fight!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a movement behind him. Univos turned his head and saw that Super Bats, who had just fallen, had climbed up again.

Seeing this, Univos gathered power with both hands in front of his chest, then raised his right hand high, a light wheel appeared in his hand, and with a fierce kick of his feet, he jumped in front of Super Bats, and the eight-point light wheel chopped down fiercely from top to bottom.

With a sound of "click!", the eight-point light wheel shattered, and Super Bats was still intact.

"Is this reasonable?"

After complaining, Univos cleverly dodged Super Bats's slap, and at the same time swept a leg fiercely on Super Bats' ankle, sweeping it to the ground.

Then he pulled out a ball of lightning from the left side of his body with both hands and formed a cross in front of him.

"Cross piercing light!"

A golden piercing light hit Super Bats who had already fallen to the ground.

But it was meaningless. Super Bats didn't defend against any of his moves, but he didn't die because of his thick skin.

This time, Univos finally understood why it could fight with Bishop Glocka for so long.

It turned out that the strength of its body was comparable to its own indestructible body!

Thank you for the reward support from the primitive hunter classmate, thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly ticket support, thank you everyone, thank you.

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