Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 443: Gentle Trap

Leo was very martial and did not attack Taiga while he was lying on the ground.

Instead, he quietly waited for Taiga to get up from the ground.

Taiga was also very strong and tried very hard to prop himself up from the ground, and then barely got into a fighting posture.

"The pressure in this space is really great!"

Leo held his hands in front of his chest, looking quite casual.

"It's just that you haven't gotten used to it yet. Don't worry, you will get used to it soon."

After saying that, Leo put one hand on his waist and stretched out the other hand, stepped on the horse stance, and took the posture of cosmic boxing.

Although some people jokingly call this posture the "fendingcun" of Hongquan, it is actually more like the posture of karate.

It is normal for both sides to look like this, after all, karate originated from Tangshou, and Tangshou was changed from the fighting skills spread out from the Tang Dynasty.

Of course, cosmic boxing has a history of many years, even longer than human history. When cosmic boxing dominated the universe, human ancestors had not yet evolved into highly intelligent creatures.

Taiga saw that Leo's fighting posture was good, so he also made the same gesture.

Leo just smiled and reminded him gently.

"I'm going to attack!"

Yes, Fengyuan was still as gentle as ever, and he was still the boy who would continue to move forward even if he was beaten and scolded!

Taiga was also very emotional. His father Taro had said that Leo was actually a very asshole.

Now it seems to be true.

He has the demeanor of a master!

In response to Leo's gentleness, Taiga nodded fiercely and said

"I'm ready!"

After that, he saw Leo quickly stepped forward and swept over with a whip kick.

This action was quite clear.

And the whip kick is a type of fighting skill that is easier to crack.

The "status" is similar to the straight punch.

At that moment, Taiga's mind had flashed several ways to crack the whip kick.

At the same time, he sighed silently, worthy of being a master, when he first attacked and trained himself, he had to increase the difficulty of counterattack step by step, so as to find his limit, and then force himself to constantly improve himself at the limit.

It's amazing!

In fact, Leo did want to find his limit and then train him.

But it was a little different from what Taiga imagined.

Leo was not going to train Taiga at his limit, but to train him beyond Taiga's limit!

Just when Taiga stretched out his hand to hold Leo's whip kick, a huge force burst out from Leo's leg.

The power of this whip kick was too brutal!

Taiga was swept away more than 100 meters with one kick, and rolled on the ground for several circles.

Leo often used whip kicks to sweep his legs, and he knew that this move was easy to crack.


With his terrifying physical fitness and resistance, he could completely crush the enemy, and make up for the shortcomings of the skill itself with strength.

Taiga was stunned when he got up.

He had clearly defended just now!

But why was he swept away in the end!

Is this reasonable?

Is the power of this whip kick reasonable!

It must be an illusion, definitely an illusion, right!

Seeing that Taiga had stood up, Leo walked up again and said gently

"Continue training!"

Then, whip kick, Taiga flew.

. . .

It didn't take half an hour.

After only two or three minutes of training, Taiga had multiple fractures on his body and had to stop training and go to the Ultra Electrotherapy Chair for treatment.

In order to avoid thinking too much, Taiga decided to ask Leo.

"Leo Nisan, what are your current physical data?"

Leo: "My wrist strength is about 250,000 tons, my grip strength is about 100,000 tons, and my jumping power is 2,000 meters."

These are all after the evolution of the Ultra Treadmill.

Of course, Leo's physical fitness was already terrifying.

Now it has just become more terrifying.

Taiga was numb when he heard this number.

The most powerful person he had ever seen was the muscular man Titus.

But even Titus only has 150,000 tons of wrist strength and less than 100,000 tons of grip strength.

And Titus mainly uses boxing, and his leg strength is not very good.

Leo is a master of leg skills.

No wonder his whip kick is so fierce.

"Leo, your muscles don't look that big! Why are you so strong?"

Leo smiled and said, "Ultraman is still very different from humans. It's not that the more muscle mass, the greater the strength."

"Although we have muscles and organs, we are still light in essence, so the real strength is still related to our own light."

Of course, Taiga will definitely not understand such a profound truth now.

Leo thinks that the most effective way is to "teach by words and deeds", mainly by teaching by deeds.

Looking at Leo's casual look, Taiga feels numb all over.

Oh, that was electrocuted, that's fine.

However, facing such a powerful attack method of the opponent, how to resist?

As expected, armor is still needed, right?

Thinking of this, he looked at the Dikuta gear armor lying on the ground in the distance.

Although this thing affects the flexibility of movement, its defense is really high.

It can effectively prevent being killed.

From this moment on, Taiga had a mysterious obsession with armor.


Tiga, who had changed into the Dikuta Gear Armor, was given special care on his legs by Leo.

The Dikuta Gear Armor was worn in vain.

. . .

On the other side.

Titus and the others had agreed to train, but they ended up eating barbecue and singing outside, enjoying life outside.

"I heard that Leo's fighting skills are very strong."

While barbecuing, Titus suddenly mentioned this.

"It's a pity that we didn't have a chance to see it."

Astra smiled and said, "We have been in the form of spark puppets during this period, so it's normal that you can't see it."

Although it's not a spark puppet, no one can see it, after all, Leo brothers usually stay with Ultra King.

Ultra King is usually best at diving.

You can't see the human figure at all.

If you can't see Ultra King, you can't see Leo brothers.

"But my arm strength is actually stronger than Leonis-san."

Astra rarely showed off his physical strength.

He is usually introverted, doesn't chat with others, and doesn't show off his strength. This time he was able to brag to Titus, obviously because of the barbecue.

Men, after drinking a few glasses of wine and eating some barbecue, will be more powerful in bragging.

Titus was also very curious.

Then, while eating, he also started to fight with Astra.

It must be said that the training method of U40 is still very traditional and powerful.

Titus's strength is comparable to that of the most elite warriors of the Red Clan.

So he can be suppressed by Astra with dignity!

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