Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 447 This is not a sneak attack

Although I don’t know what makes Dark Lukiel look less like a villain now.

It may also be because Dark Lukiel’s original intention was not to kill people, but to pursue the true meaning of life.

The affairs of philosophers can at most be regarded as discussions, and their sins will not lead to death.

So strictly speaking, Duanmu Ci didn't dislike Dark Lukiel very much, he just had to fight with him sometimes when necessary.

"But you are from the future. Do you know what things I have invented in the future?"

I didn't expect Duanmu Ci to ask such a taboo topic so straightforwardly, and Dark Lukiel didn't react for a moment.

"If you ask such a topic, it will change the future, right?"

Seeing that he still had some concerns, Duanmu Ci patted his shoulder.

"First of all, everything has changed since your future people showed up."

"Not to mention anything else, I can make those crystals on the Milky Way now, but they don't mean much to me."

"There is also Yinhe's ability to quickly improve his basic abilities as his emotions fluctuate. I have also analyzed it clearly."

"I should still be wandering around in this time period in the future, right?"

Dark Lukiel tilted his head and thought for a long time, trying to review the "ancient" history in his memory.

"Well, during this period, I might be in the Kingdom of Light."

"It seems that there are people from the Reblondo planet causing trouble, and there are also a lot of Zero clones, Dark Lops, causing trouble. These things have prevented you from running around in the Kingdom of Light."

Duanmuci: "..."

Reblondo planets are in rebellion?

It seems like everything was arranged by yourself, right?

So according to history, he should have been the behind-the-scenes director of various events during this period?


"Am I not a scientist? This kind of thing should be left to Zoffie and the others, right?"

Dark Luji Elchen praised: "No, in fact, compared to Zuo Fei's very straightforward fighting methods, you are much better at using all kinds of conspiracies and tricks!"

Duanmuci: "?"

"Are you praising me?"

Dark Lukiel nodded seriously: "Yes, there is nothing wrong with conspiracy, right? The key is to look at the purpose. The purpose is evil, even if it is done in an upright way, it is wrong."

Duanmu Ci held his chin in thought.

Does this mean I'm not upright enough?

"Bah! You are not bright! I am a scientist, and what I am best at is frontal combat!"

"If you don't believe me, I'll show you in frontal combat right now!"

As he spoke, Duanmuci's heart beat rapidly, and a ray of light burst out, taking the form of Univers and shooting straight into the sky.

"Look, everything about me is fair and aboveboard!"

By coincidence, the production line has been producing non-stop recently. The second Giga Endora has been built, and the core has been charged under the light of the small plasma spark core, and it is now fully charged.

Then Univos opened the transparent tablet computer and began to adjust the coordinate parameters on it and perform various precise calculations.

Dark Lukiel was a little surprised and asked loudly

"Why bother adjusting parameters manually?"

Uniworth looked like someone who had come before.

"Although the AI ​​is good, it can be easily countered. Only offline mode is the most perfect defensive posture. I am a veteran, and you will not be wrong if you listen to me."

He was indeed a person who had stolen Gigabit Endola from others.

It's a pity that all those Giga Endoras were blown up by Zoffi.

If he couldn't beat Zuofi, he thought at the time. . .


Yunivos's eyes suddenly lit up, yes, he usually couldn't beat Zoffie!

But now he is only eight thousand years old!

The 8,000-year-old Zuo Fei doesn’t even know what the Voice of the Stars is!

After solving the problem of timeline confusion, we have to return to the normal timeline. At that time, Zoffie becomes a macho man again. If we want to find an excuse to beat him, we have to do it now!

But now I have to prove that I am definitely not an expert in conspiracy!

We are serious, honest scientists, okay? The whole body is shining with the brilliance of holiness!

At this time, Belial is fusing the dark core.

Univos is recharging Giga Endora.

Dark Lops is trying his best to help Belial fuse the dark core.

Univos discovers that Giga Endora is fully charged.

And then there it is.

"Planet Reset Ray! Launch."

Giga Endora kept changing its posture in the air, and the main cannon in the center was revealed, condensing light at an accelerated rate.

Even Giga Endora itself cannot withstand such powerful light, so various energy rings need to be used to control the beam, and at the same time increase the cohesion of the beam.

When the light rushed out of the battleship, it was like a pillar of divine punishment with countless haloes coming straight to Beria's base.

Beria thought his base was safe this time.

But what he didn't expect was that Univos had enhanced many versions of the detectors and detected their specific locations without much difficulty.

Just after the planet's reset light penetrated countless time and space, it finally hit something at the edge of the solar system, and a huge explosion occurred. Even though it was so far away, Univos could still see the brilliance of the explosion coming from the edge of the solar system.

"It's just art."

This should be the real power of scientists!

Dark Lukiel also grew in size and came to Univos's side, and also saw the huge light brought by the explosion.

"Awesome! This is the power that scientists should have!!!"

The two huge battleships in front of me were made scientifically.

There are countless super technologies gathered inside.

"This is a scientist's ultimate dream, right?"

Yunivos smiled and said: "Where are you going? Does Noah's Wings know?"

Dark Lukiel nodded crazily: "I know, I know!"

Yunivos: "As long as I am willing to research, I will mass-produce it sooner or later. Do you believe it?"

Yunivos' idea was that it was obviously impossible for Dark Lukiel to believe it, so he made a bet, and if he could do it, he would be considered good.

More face.


Dark Lukiel looked at Univos excitedly like a believer in superstitious gods.

"I believe!"

"Sure enough, you are the truly omnipotent god in the world of science!"

Univers scratched his head, why didn't this guy act according to common sense?

Now that he has boasted a bit too much, he doesn’t even know how to take it back.

But to be honest, he really wants to study Noah's Wings. Maybe it can be mass-produced?

It's just that Noah is more of a symbolic existence, and the wings of Noah behind him are more like something with symbolic significance, and do not necessarily exist as a separate entity.

For example, Yunivos couldn't cut off his own hand and start working on it.

If Noah's Wings were really one with Noah, and taking them down for study would be equivalent to breaking Noah's wings, I guess even Noah with a good temper would definitely not agree.

"But compared to these."

Dark Lukiel suddenly reminded.

"Did you just notify Beria and them?"

Uniworth smiled: "What? Do I need to notify him if I want to beat him?"

Once upon a time, he occasionally read the story about Song Xianggong talking about benevolence and righteousness and not wanting the enemy to attack halfway across the river. He still remembers it to this day.

Destroying the enemy is the main goal!

"Well, that's not necessary."

Dark Lukiel said: "But, are sneak attacks also included in the conspiracy?"

Uniworth was stunned.

"Should this be considered a soldier's trick?"

Dark Lukiel: "Isn't the trick just a conspiracy?"

Does that count? But strictly speaking. . .

I can’t tell clearly anymore.

"Yes, I am the leading conspiracy master in the Kingdom of Light."

Beria base.

The two huge beam cannons of the planet reset ray hit the Belial base hidden in the subspace, and then a violent explosion occurred.

When the Mephilas star saw the light getting closer and closer, they only had time to say "What's going on", and then they were instantly evaporated by the planet's reset light.

Not only him, but the millions of monsters contained in the entire cabinet were also swallowed up in an instant and disappeared completely.

The soul bound by the Spark Doll was freed and began to float continuously in the universe.

On the surface, they are at the edge of the solar system, but in fact, their real coordinates are still on the earth, so their souls were soon attracted to the earth.

Then there's good news and bad news.

The good news is that Duanmuci didn't create those damn glasses here.

The bad news is that Ultra Eyes can see ghosts directly, saving you trouble.

Univos himself didn't even understand what was going on, why so many souls were crowded into the earth at once. Looking at it with Ultra Eyes, it was like a soul shock was released from the opposite side, a torrent of souls. Very déjà vu.

After taking the two treasures back to the Meta's territory, Univos raised his head and looked into the distance, as if he could see Beria's anxious appearance.

Beria was indeed in a hurry.

There's something wrong with his fusion with the dark core!

Now only a small half has been integrated, and the remaining half is still outside. Although the strength has been greatly improved, it is still very different from the invincible improvement originally imagined.

Dark Lops on the side was also affected by the shock wave and is currently recovering from his injuries.

Of course, strictly speaking, the shock wave did not cause so much damage to Dark Lops. The main reason was that he blocked all the impacts for Beria at the critical moment, which made the injury more serious.


Although he still didn't know who was attacking him, Beria already insisted that it was Yunivos who did it.

Because after all, only Univers would do such a thing.

Such a huge impact light was emitted from a place with no end in sight.

This must not be the light used by Ultraman.

If a normal Ultraman could reach this level, Beria would stand on his head and play with a gigabit battle meter!

It must be some kind of giant machine, such as a battleship, and it is definitely a super battleship.

Univers is the only one on earth who has mastered this kind of technology.

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