Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 468 Special Life Form

"What's wrong, Zoffy? What do you want to do with me, the holder of the Star Badge and the chief scientist of the Space Science and Technology Bureau?"

Although Zoffy came to see him, it seemed that there was something very important, but it did not affect Univos from taking out his Star Badge to show it off.

Zoffy: →_→

"Who doesn't have it?"

"Okay, okay." Zoffy interrupted Univos's boasting and said, "Actually, I need your help with something."

Univos shook his head decisively without even hearing what it was: "No, I have to do research and upgrade here! Recently, my technology has not kept up with my own progress, which is not a good thing!"

Zoffy shook his head: "Scientific research can be done anytime, but if this matter is not resolved, the world may collapse at any time, and then you will have no chance to do research."

Univos retreated tactically: "Really? What do you mean the world will collapse? Moreover, are you sure you want me, a scientist, to participate in this level of battle?"

Zoffy complained: "You, a scientist, are using the body of the legendary warrior Noah."

"Moreover, this time the enemy should require a strong dimensional force to fight. Who else in the entire Kingdom of Light has super dimensional power besides you?"

An enemy that can only be fought with super dimensional power?

Univos also became serious.

Unlike other powers, even if the sun explodes, the impact will not spread to the entire universe, but if there is a problem with the dimensional power, the entire universe may collapse.

So it is really a very dangerous mission?

"What kind of enemy would need a strong dimensional power to fight against?"

Zoffy took out a transparent tablet.

"It was discovered by Tregear. There is a special life form floating in the universe."

It was just a short video, and the video quality was not very good. You could only barely see a yellow light in the center that looked a bit like Jetton's light organ.

Then the light was surrounded by energy flowing like thunder, destroying wherever it went. This was the fundamental reason why its body could not be seen.

"This guy is a bit unusual."

Although the light on the other side's head looked a bit like Jetton, there were still big differences between the two sides.

Unlike Jetton who liked to make a "gurgling" sound.

This life form with a light on its head also liked to make some strange sounds, like some kind of distorted laughter, which sounded quite creepy.

To fight such an enemy, you must first have a stable mentality.

After analyzing the energy fluctuations around him, Univos became more serious.

"This energy doesn't seem to be the energy form we can see normally!"

The energy in the universe is imbalanced and tends to balance.

In simple terms, high energy can transfer its energy to low energy, but low energy cannot transfer its energy to high energy.

Although the process is somewhat different, it is generally the trend.

But the energy of this existence is different.

It is a way of releasing from nothing to something.

This feeling is like a penniless beggar, but he spends money lavishly, and he spends thousands of dollars casually.

This money seems to appear out of thin air.

Such an enemy is difficult to deal with, and Univos didn't even think of any way to deal with it stably for a while.

But in the same way, if he can study its characteristics clearly, Univos feels that his research on the power of chaos should be able to go further.

High risk, high reward!

Univos nodded: "I'll take this task!"

"And only I can take it!"

Such an opponent can't be hurt by ordinary energy moves, and can only be fought with dimensional power.

Only dimensional power is not subject to such restrictions.

Zoffy nodded: "Then you should move faster. This monster was found near the solar system. It may reach the earth later."

Univos widened his eyes: "Why are you talking to me for so long!"

After speaking, Univos didn't care about preparations or not, and directly opened the space-time channel and flew directly into the wormhole.

At the same time, Hikari and Tregear were also doing research.

"That should be a creature, but there is really no sign of life, and all kinds of instruments show that it has no mass, but do we really have something without mass here?"

Tregear was still talking about the situation of the creature.

It was really the first time he had seen such a creature in his life, with no mass, and energy was transmitted from low to high.

This overturned all their previous research.

And it was not known whether the appearance of such a creature was a good thing for the entire universe, so Tregear was still worried.

According to his judgment, if there was someone who could solve the problem, this person must be Univos, and only a genius scientist like Univos could deal with this kind of existence.

Hikari was fully focused on his research, and said without turning his head: "Trust Univos, if he can't solve it, then no one in the world can solve it."

"And I think the dimensional power is still somewhat effective."

Tregear nodded, the dimensional power has always been one of the highest levels of power, and there should be no problem in using it to deal with this kind of enemy.

And Univos has recently changed his "skin". Noah's power is well known. Even if he can't win, at least he won't lose.

The "creature" that has been transmitting strange laughter is flying towards the earth quickly.

At this time, a red light hit.

Univos also appeared on the scene stepping on the silver light.

Just as he was about to make a move, he saw that the red light and the creature collided together. The two sides collided dozens of times in just a few seconds, and the collisions were getting farther and farther.

Univos: "???"

What's going on. . .

Was he intercepted?

Under the influence of the red light ball, this "creature" gradually turned into a ball.

The two balls kept colliding in the air, and then released quite exaggerated energy fluctuations.

In the end, the energy released by both sides was too strong, and they actually opened the space-time channel and disappeared in the space-time channel. I don't know where they went.

Univos: ⊙_⊙

"My research materials are gone just like that?"

Although the enemy is a bit strong, it is not completely impossible to deal with. Univos is very sure that as long as he can research, he will be able to improve his technological strength to a higher level. At that time, it may be able to help me at my current level of strength!

"No, we have to find where they went!"

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