Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 471: Vast Sky and Vast Earth

Duanmu asked them to join the earth's defense team without much effort.

Duanmu Sayuri was the simplest. She first entered the defense team, and then was promoted step by step from the defense team with perfect results. Finally, it was logical that she entered the highest level defense team, XIO.

Duanmuci had some twists and turns here.

Originally, according to the scientific and technological power given by Duanmu, even a high-level scientific research department would be fine, let alone XIO.

However, because he was so outstanding, Duanmu Ci was directly assigned to the XIO headquarters in the United States. . .

Although the United States is basically not a place where monsters are concentrated, the United States is Japan's biological father who is not related by blood, so it has become the headquarters.

Duanmuci was the only one in the world with scientific research capabilities, so he naturally entered Xio's US headquarters.

In the end, it was Duanmu who gave him various operations before he returned to Xio in Japan and successfully entered the scientific research department.

All in all, it’s been a series of twists and turns.

But the result is good.

"Japan is attacked by monsters every day. I didn't expect that this is not the headquarters. It's amazing."

Duanmuci casually complained to Dr. Hermann on the side.

Dr. Vanden Star German said with a helpless smile: "Although monsters appear here quite frequently, but to say that they are attacked every day is too much, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the alarm sounded again in the base, and monsters somewhere began to attack again.

Dr. Hermann: "..."

Duanmuci spread his hands: "Look, there's nothing I can do about such cooperation."

Because monsters often attack, everyone in this world has already developed a habit.

But things ended quickly, and there wasn't even much need for vigilance.

With the equipment of the new era, it is not a problem to destroy ordinary monsters.

"By the way, I heard that Dr. Oku's son is now in high school, right?"

Daikong Daichi, fifteen years old, is a high school student.

Ten years have passed since the last Ultra Flare.

In today's world, monsters attack from time to time. This is because solar flares affect the Spark Dolls, and then the Spark Dolls return to their original posture and come out to cause trouble.

Although the fifteen-year-old Daichi Dakon has just entered high school, he has already learned a lot of scientific knowledge that he needs to learn in college, and he has learned a lot of advanced knowledge on his own. He is currently in the inspection period, and he may be able to do so in a few years. Just introduce him to Xio.

The heights that some people cannot reach in their lifetime are just places that can be touched casually in front of a genius like Daikong Daichi.

"Oh, you're talking about that genius."

Dr. Hermann is clearly interested in the Great Sky and the Great Land.

"He is indeed quite good, but he is still too young now. When he turns eighteen, we should introduce him."

Duanmu Ci disagreed: "Hey, extraordinary people must have extraordinary training methods. Letting him hang out with other people in high school will only waste his potential."

Dr. Hermann vaguely guessed Duanmu Ci's thoughts: "Dr. Duanmu, do you want to accept a disciple?"

Duanmu Ci shook his head: "I'm still young, so why should I accept a disciple? I just can't bear such young people to waste their youth."


Dr. Hermann glanced at Duanmu Ci and felt that this man was in Versailles.

His scientific level puts him, an alien scientist, to shame.

Dr. Hermann was even thinking that even if a young man like this had been reading all kinds of quantum readings since he was born, he shouldn't have mastered so much knowledge by now, right?

However, the reality is that people are different.

"However, it would be better for children to have their own childhood, right?"

Dr. Hermann still said: "After all, no one is born to do scientific research."

"Everyone should have their own lives."

Duanmuci tilted his head, right? Is it true that no one is born for scientific research?

What is oneself?

Oh, by the way, I'm not human!

Suddenly Duanmuci's mind became clear.

You should have told me earlier.

"That's right, it's better to let him make his own choice."

Duanmuci is not a devil either.

But he's not a pedantic old fogy either.

Resist this waste of children's youth, but what if he must study? You can't let him learn, right?

So, the very next day, Duanmu Ci quietly came to Dakong Dadi's high school, and naturally stopped in front of Dakong Dadi who was about to go to school.

At first, Dakong Dadi thought he was about to collide with Duanmu Ci, and even apologized. Then after turning a few corners, he found that Duanmu Ci was still standing in front of him. Only then did he realize that Duanmu Ci was coming for him.

"can I help you?"

Daekong Daichi is quite polite and speaks politely.

Duanmu Ci nodded: "There is indeed something wrong. I heard that there is a genius here, and I am a little curious about your level."

While talking, Duanmu Ci took out a thick book and handed it to Da Kong Dadi.

"Here is a practice book. I will come back in three days to see how your level is."

Da Kong Dadi's immature brows furrowed, and he really couldn't figure out why Duanmu gave him this operation.

But he casually took the "workbook" and took a look, and the difficult problems in it quickly attracted his attention.

These questions are very professional!

Many places involved knowledge that he had not learned but roughly knew the direction of.

These questions were like a hundred thousand whys, and he couldn't stop once he saw them.

When he came to his senses, Duanmu Ci had disappeared.

In the distance, Duanmu Ci had climbed up a big tree at the school gate at some point, looking at Dakong Dadi from afar.

For some reason, he just climbed up the tree uncontrollably, maybe it was more like the behavior in anime.

For a person who loves science, there is no reason not to be obsessed with these questions.

Every question there seems to point directly to the essence of this world.

Normal people can't understand it, but scientists can't let it go.

However, in order to prevent scaring away children, Duanmu Ci chose questions that are relatively earth-oriented. In simple terms, the things in them can still be understood by earthlings.

Time passed quickly, especially in learning, time passed even faster.

In just three days, Dakong Dadi felt that he had improved to a higher level.

An accurate question is often more efficient than a book that writes everything.

This is the same as many people like to brush questions. Only by knowing what kind of questions will appear can you better find the answers to the questions, and only by clarifying the direction can you improve more clearly.

Many of the questions here involve practical operations. In these three days, he purposefully learned a lot of things according to the questions, and finally finished this exercise book.

Sure enough, when he went to school three days later, it was still the same way and the same scene. Duanmu Ci suddenly appeared, and without saying anything, he directly handed him a new "exercise book", took back the previous exercise book, and then disappeared.

The questions here include various scientific directions, and even the combination of literature, history, science and engineering. As for how to combine them, it is all Duanmu Ci's design.

For example, what means should be used when people first developed airplanes, and how to implement them specifically.

This is the combination of history and engineering.

For example, what level has the fighter jet reached today, and what aspects should be started if it needs to be improved.

These are general direction questions, and there are many detailed differentiation questions below. Each question is guiding the sky and the earth to a new world.

Humans actually hate learning, but everyone likes the pleasure of gaining knowledge.

Some people like to learn, but the pleasure of gaining knowledge suppresses their disgust for learning.

The path that Duanmu Ci showed Dakong Dadi was the fastest way to acquire knowledge, and the joy of acquiring knowledge perfectly suppressed the fatigue and boredom of learning.

Therefore, Dakong Dadi really fell in love with science under the arrangement of Duanmu Ci.

Interests can be cultivated, not to mention that he has such a talent, so it can be cultivated more naturally.

When he was at work, Dr. German saw Duanmu Ci writing and drawing, and he didn't know what he was doing, so he asked curiously.

"Dr. Duanmu, what are you doing recently?"

Duanmu Ci handed him the drawings he drew, which were actually hand-drawn drawings.

As we all know, manual drawing is slow, and Duanmu Ci is so fast in manual drawing, which is not much worse than computers.

Perhaps this is the confidence of the scientific community.

"Is this, the design drawing of a fighter?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "It's not an ordinary fighter, it's a primitive fighter."

Dr. German nodded. The things in it really look quite primitive and simple, but after thinking about it, he found that this kind of fighter seems to be able to take off and realize combat functions.

Although it is primitive, it just works.

Even if it is a toy, it is a high-end toy.

"Why did you think of doing this recently?"

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "To enhance the interest of young people!"

"You are right, young people should choose their own lives. All we can do is guide them, not force them to make choices."

Dr. German: "!!!"

"Have you gone to find Dakong Dadi?"

Duanmu Ci: "I have been looking for him for a long time. Don't worry, it's okay. Everything is under control."

Dr. German: "..."

He was powerless to stop Duanmu Ci.

Moreover, Duanmu Ci is the best in various technologies. It is really a good thing for him to have such a person to teach Dakong Dadi.

In the end, Dr. German could only comfort himself in this way.

Dakong Dadi's parents were also very powerful scientists and had many friends in the scientific community. Dr. German only helped where he could.

Knowledge continued to enter Dakong Dadi's mind, and the light in his body was gradually awakening.

In a sense, the brilliance of knowledge is also brilliance.

So, under Univos's continuous scientific indoctrination, at the age of seventeen, Daisora ​​Daichi awakened the light in his body for the first time and made contact with Aix.

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