This time the battle seemed to take a long time, but in fact the whole process took less than three minutes.

When he transformed back into Duanmuci, all activities could still proceed normally, except that an area that had just been invaded by Gachullein was sealed off, and then a large number of troops entered to rescue the injured, and also to provide relief to the innocent people who died because of this accident. A result for the masses.

At this time, Duanmu Ci remembered that GUYS had been unable to contact him. He suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, so he turned on the memory display and contacted the headquarters again.

Soon, Shingo Zakamizu's face appeared on the screen

"Team Duanmu, what happened when you suddenly contacted us?"

Duanmuci frowned, the ground crew here already knew the big deal, how can you still feel so at ease?

Then Duanmu Ci explained the situation at the scene.

Hearing his words, Kizumi, who was behind Shingo Masui, quickly connected the screen to the satellite. Looking from top to bottom, the whole city looked like a mess.

At this time, all GUYS members could not sit still, and Ryu Aihara was the first to rush to the screen.

"How is it possible? We have no news at all here."

Duanmu Ci said: "I was also contacting you just now, but I didn't get in touch at all."

Just when everyone was in shock, Duanmu Ci suddenly felt someone pulling down his pants. He looked down and saw a little girl holding a letter with a black background and gold thread in her hand, staring at him eagerly. , and then he looked at the chaotic people in the memory display with a ruthless expression.

"Let's talk about this first. I seem to have been touched. Let's deal with it first."

Then he lowered his head and looked at the little girl: "Who are you and why are you looking for me?"

"Brother, a sister just gave me this and asked me to give it to you. She said she would buy me ice cream after reading the letter."

Duanmu Ci was surprised: "I will buy you ice cream? Who do you think I am? Rich, rich and handsome?"

As he spoke, he took the envelope and took out the letter inside. The first sentence that caught his eye was.

"Buy the little girl an ice cream, I love you."

Duanmuci: "..."

Seeing this sentence, Duanmu Ci almost threw the letter away. Who is he? The chief scientist of the Kingdom of Light, can I love you if you want to?

But Duanmuci continued to read.

He doesn't want to see what others like about him. He mainly wants to study issues related to human emotions and aesthetic direction.

Then, I saw the second and third sentences. . . After reading all the content, the following content was quite serious and did not continue to talk about emotional matters at all.

The general content is to ask Duanmu to give it back to GUYS for a look, maybe he can gain something from it.

"Just these few words are going to make me spend money to buy ice cream for this brat?"


It's simply unreasonable.

Then Duanmu Ci bought it anyway.

He has such a good heart that he really can't refuse someone with such a good vision.

If you have the opportunity to meet this person called "Lucifer" in the future, you must ask him what he likes about you, and you must record it on tape so that you can show it to Hikari and the others in the future.

However, the name Lucifer does not sound like his real name at first glance, because this name is the name of the fallen angel in many works.

This name Duanmu Ci has appeared countless times in the anime I have watched recently.

If someone is really called by this name, then Duanmuci will change his name to Doraemon.

Taking one last look at the groups of animals called "family", Duanmuci shook his head, smiled, and went back to GUYS.

But before he returned to GUYS, he met Yabuki Yue at the door of GUYS who was holding a machine and searching everywhere.

"What are you doing?"

Yabuki pointed at the machine: "This is my newly invented space-time fluctuation indicator. With this thing, I can detect if there are fluctuations in time and space."

"According to what it means, our GUYS base and a large area around it just traveled through time and space not long ago."

"Ah?" Duanmu Ci: "Are you kidding? Is there such a big area traveling through time and space at the same time?"

Then Duanmu Ci took out a similar type of machine he had made and tested it.

Soon he fell silent.

It was not because he detected fluctuations in time and space, but because he detected traces of his own energy.

who I am?

Who am I?

Who blocked GUYS?

I blocked GUYS!

Suddenly Duanmu Ci felt a little unconfident.

The main reason is that he is too strong and has too much technological power.

As long as he comes into contact with the power of time in the future, it is not impossible to come back and blockade GUYS.

So, this Lucifer is me?

Duanmuci rejected this title, and it was impossible for him to like himself. Wouldn't this be regarded as narcissism?

Moreover, Lucifer's handwriting is round and round, and it looks like it was written by a woman. I am not so perverted as to imitate women's handwriting, right?


Yabuki studied it for a long time, her brows furrowing tighter and tighter.

"It's understandable that your energy is left around here. You usually do things here, so it's not strange."

"But why are the fluctuations of this energy completely opposite?"

Duanmuci: ⊙_⊙

Then he analyzed the energy fluctuations.

It is indeed exactly the same as myself, but it is completely opposite, just like the reflection in the mirror.


"Original work: Ishimori Shotaro!"

Yabuki Tsuki was speechless: "What are you doing suddenly?"

Duanmu Ci: "Think about it, is there a possibility that I am actually a very remarkable person, but I have not discovered it for so many years, and then like Longya and Longqi, I am Longqi who is the protagonist, and there is another me Longya in the mirror world. He came out of the mirror world and blocked GUYS."

Yabuki Tsuki: "There is no such possibility."

Duanmu Ci didn't know why he was so sure, so he asked: "How can there be no such possibility?"

Yabuki Tsuki: "Mirror world, another self, very powerful, does this sound like the treatment of anime protagonists?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "It is very similar."

"I think I am the protagonist !"

Yabuki Tsuki was speechless: "Do you have any shame?"

Duanmu Ci was quite indifferent: "What is that thing doing here?"

Yabuki Tsuki said: "Maybe it is Ultraman who fell into darkness, and it just happened to be the same as your fluctuation."

Duanmu Ci shook his head like a tornado: "I don't believe it. I thought I might have some incredible hidden power before. Now I am more sure. I must study it carefully to see what I can find out."

"Just wait and see, I will definitely find out the power of the true power. Maybe I will be the next captain of the Space Guard."

"That would be much more interesting than your Star Badge."

And, most importantly, Duanmu Ci felt that he might be the protagonist. Otherwise, how could he explain that he encountered so many things in one trip.

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