Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 481 Still want to fight Ultraman?

It is no different from other worlds.

People in most worlds have an instinctive fear of monsters.

There is no way around it. Humans cannot easily accept monsters that are tens of meters tall.

Especially now that we hear that this monster is actually laying eggs, it is the best choice to eliminate it now!

Just like finding a cockroach laying eggs, it is natural to clean up the cockroaches and cockroach eggs together.

So it was not long after these videos were released that the entire Internet exploded.

Many indignant netizens wanted to rush to the scene and throw two stones at Patton.

Of course, Xio would definitely not give this opportunity. A large number of Xio troops have blocked the scene and did not give ordinary people the opportunity to approach at all, so as to prevent everyone from waking up the monster inexplicably.

"Now the Internet is cursing fiercely."

In the entire Xio, Duanmu Ci is naturally the only one who is bored enough to watch various short videos at this time.

Yabuki Yue on the side is speechless.

"Just do as I said, transfer them here directly. They will probably be confused by then, and will only feel grateful that they survived. How can they run back to the scene to shoot a short video?"

Duanmu Ci: "You are just messing around. The truth will come out soon. When the monster flies away, everyone's revenge will be completely gone. That's when we really have no choice."

"Now we can look at the overall public opinion and decide whether to deal with the monster."


At this time, Shenmu Shotaro suddenly said: "We can't kill this Patton!"

Everyone looked at Captain Shenmu in surprise.

Everyone present can discuss this kind of problem, but Captain Shenmu is the official spokesperson of Xio in Japan, and his speech should generally not be so emotional.

Captain Shenmu shook his head: "Everyone has the fear of monsters, it's nothing."

"But there are countless monsters in the universe, and there are countless monster spark dolls on the earth alone."

"If we regard all monsters as opponents and engage in war, we will eventually force ourselves to the opposite side of all other species."

Just like there are cosmic doctors like Dr. German in Zio now, humans are quite receptive to cosmic people.

At least many cosmic people can understand human words, and most of them are very reasonable.

The cosmic people who want to invade everywhere all day long are really rare, but they are killed more by Ultraman, so they think that most cosmic people are bad people.

In fact, everyone has come into contact with more and understands that there is no difference between the universe and the earth. The cosmic people will also have joys, sorrows, anger, and sorrows, will also be afraid of trouble, and will also have sympathy.

In short, everyone can accept the existence of cosmic people but cannot accept the existence of monsters.

But many cosmic people bring monsters as bodyguards or something.

If everyone is very repulsive to monsters, they will never be able to contact such aliens, and may even become enemies.

At that time, the earth will really be full of enemies in the entire universe.

No matter from what angle, Shenmu Shotaro knows that the fundamental way to solve the problem is to be objective rather than subjective.

Although it is refreshing to be subjective, it is easy to intensify conflicts.

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "Captain Shenmu, you have to think about what kind of pressure we will have to bear."

Shenmu Shotaro nodded: "I think very clearly, so Dr. Duanmu, can your technology solve the current situation?"

Duanmu Ci pointed at himself with a confused look on his face: "Ah? What the hell? What does it have to do with my technology?"

Shenmu Shotaro nodded as a matter of course: "Didn't you say that I can always trust you?"

Duanmu Ci: ヽ(_;)ノ

Is this what he meant before?

"Okay, then, can Dr. Yabuki's invention solve the current problem?"

Yabuki was about to say no, but when he saw Duanmu Ci's teasing smile, he nodded decisively and said, "Leave it to me with confidence! I can do what Duanmu can do, and please tell me what Duanmu can't do!"

Duanmu Ci: "Your words are a bit ambiguous, don't forget, I am the chief scientist of Xio!"

"No matter from what angle, there is still a certain gap between your and my technological capabilities."

Yabuki: "Oh, really? Then can you invent something to solve the current problem?"

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "Why would I steal your job if I have nothing to do."

Yabuki's face was full of black lines: "You didn't do it just now."

Duanmu Ci: "That's because the situation was urgent just now, and many people needed help. Now that everyone has been rescued, the situation is not so urgent. Of course, I have to give you a chance to play."

As he spoke, Duanmu Ci's mouth corners slightly raised.

In fact, this kind of thing is easy to be thankless, and the key lies in how the headquarters sees it.

Although Xio's US headquarters and Japanese branch are relatively independent, the Japanese branch still has to listen to the US headquarters when facing major events.

There is no human rights.

Sure enough, Yabuki Tsuki had just gone to study, and soon the news from the US headquarters came.

He spoke official language for more than ten minutes, but in summary, there were only four words

"Destroy the monster."

Whether the monster is innocent, what will be the result of such a choice, and what kind of changes will humans have in their mentality, none of these have anything to do with the US headquarters. They only care about Xio's reputation. As long as they can get the support of the "masses", sacrificing the conscience of the people below is not a big deal.

After listening to the headquarters' request, Daisora ​​Daichi was the first to stand up: "Captain, do we really have no choice?"

Shotaro Kamiki's face was numb, and he couldn't make any expression. He was just very serious, and all his worries were hidden in his eyes.

"This is an order."

Dakong Dadi: "But, this is..."

"Killing a pregnant woman, even the killers in the movies wouldn't do this, right?"

Duanmu Ci patted Dakong Dadi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't be naive, how can a killer be more evil than a politician?"

"But this time it was really too much."

"Besides, we haven't had time to update our weapons yet, and we are still using old equipment. Such equipment probably won't kill Patton, but will make it crazy. Then the problem will be really serious."

"Don't forget, Patton is a powerful monster that defeated Tairo Zoffy in a row."

This world also has a TV series of Ultraman, and it's not a coincidence, it was made by Lizi.

After all, it's work-related, and everyone has basically watched it, so naturally they know what Duanmu Ci means.

"That should be a special case. According to the later data exploration of various Pattons, in fact, it is only dangerous because it is highly toxic. It shouldn't be too difficult to deal with it now."

Duanmu Ci saw that they didn't know the value of Zoffy Nemesis, and wanted to argue with them.

But there was no point in arguing now.

After all, the headquarters had already issued the order to kill.

Yamase Asuna had the same tangled expression on her face, and whispered to Daisora ​​Daichi, Kazama Wataru, and Takashima Hayato, a few young people of similar age,

"I always feel that we are bullying orphans and widows with terrible weapons."

Kazama Wataru shook his head. As a soldier, he could only obey orders, but to be honest, she didn't want to do it.

I always felt that I had no motivation.

Takashima Hayato was young and energetic, and walked forward: "Captain, why do we have to obey this obviously unreasonable order from the US headquarters?"

Kamiki Shotaro shook his head helplessly.

"After all, this world is not the way we want it to turn."

"Team Takashima, Team Kazama, you two drive the Xio Musketeer fighter to attack, Asuna, you go to help with ground support!"

Daisora ​​Daichi saluted: "I will also go to the scene to collect data!"

After speaking, he left with the others.

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "Actually, you should let me go."

Shenmu Shotaro: "What?"

Duanmu Ci: "On a fighter jet! To be honest, I'm actually an ace pilot!"

Dead pilot, no problem.

"Besides, my hand speed is very fast when I parachute!"

Shenmu Shotaro was speechless: "We don't need to parachute our fighter jets."

Complaints aside, Duanmu Ci's words did give Shenmu Shotaro an idea.

He can send out laymen. If they can't solve the monsters, it's not his problem, but the requirements of the US headquarters are too high and unrealistic.

But on second thought, these scientists are all gold nuggets, and it doesn't seem appropriate to send them out to fight monsters.

Duanmu Ci stretched out his hand and waved in front of Shenmu Shotaro, and Shenmu Shotaro came out of his fantasy in an instant.

"The most important thing right now is not to be in a daze here!"

He turned his head and looked at Duanmu Ci, who was not very anxious.

"Dr. Duanmu, you are so confident, do you have any ideas?"

Duanmu Ci shook his head: "No, but I am just a scientist. Political issues such as what the earth will become in the future have nothing to do with me."

Sayuri pinched Duanmu Ci's arm: "You are too cold-blooded!"

She was laughing and scolding him, but in fact, Sayuri knew that if this Patton really reached that moment, Duanmu Ci would definitely take action.

Ultraman, especially with his current strength, will encounter more and more enemies. If his eyes cannot distinguish between good and bad, and whether to kill, then it is too useless.

I just don't know what excuse Duanmu Ci is going to use to go out.

She has a hunch that Univos will probably appear this time.

The scene.

Patton was sleeping soundly, with his head buried under his wings, curled up as a whole, looking like a small ball with feathers.

The appearance looks quite cute.

But she didn't know that danger was coming, and she was still dreaming that she was praised by her friends as a female man.

Wait, is female man a compliment?

Patton's bird head couldn't figure out such a profound question.

She just felt that she was really amazing, and she would definitely be a good mother in the future.

Protect her children from all disasters.


The explosion scared Patton, her heart skipped a beat, and her whole bird shook. Then she poked her bird head out in confusion and looked around.

Soon she found two little monsters flying in the sky, and those two little monsters actually shot rays at her without knowing the consequences!

This time it was no longer an outline, but a direct blast towards Patton's head.

Patton is not to be trifled with. With a clap of her hands, Xio Musketeer's laser cannon was smashed by her.

In the command center, Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "I told you, Patton is very strong."

"Moreover, although the beast is fragile when giving birth, its offensiveness is stronger. The combatants on the scene may be in danger of their lives at any time!"

Duanmu Ci is not making sarcastic remarks, he is just creating an atmosphere.

Just like hot-blooded comics, or martial arts movies, they will use various means to exaggerate the strength of the villain before the villain appears.

These words are just like Gai Nie's words "This person's strength is not inferior to you and me."

No matter whether you are a sword master or not, when you say this, there will always be people who think that the enemy is very strong.

It was not until the sword master really took action to crush the opponent that you realized that this sentence was actually a cover-up.

Now Duanmu Ci is just trying to make Patton as combat-capable as possible, and then he will appear handsomely and solve his problems easily. Isn't the effect outstanding?

It's a pity that plans can never keep up with changes.

Duanmu Ci wanted to take action, but before Xio's team members could do anything bad to Patton, an orphan and a widow, a burst of digital electronic electric light spread out, and then the body of X's prototype blocked Patton, and took several beam cannons that Patton was supposed to be hit by.

Everyone was shocked, especially Duanmu Ci. His heart rate was already over 130, and he was ready to transform and show off at any time, but he was beaten to the punch?

Are the newcomers now too ignorant?

Oh, X didn't even know the existence of Univos.

That's fine.


On the Xio musketeer, Feng Jiandu's hand holding the joystick was a little numb, but his thumb was reluctant to press the launch button.

Now it's not a question of whether they want to fight or not, but whether they should continue to fight after Ultraman comes to stop this unjust battle.

Shenmu Shotaro's tense face also relaxed a little.

All he needs is an excuse to report reasonably.

Ultraman stopped humans from attacking orphans and widows. Is this a reasonable reason to report?

. . .


The manager at the US headquarters had only one sentence.

"If Ultraman wants to stop us, then we should beat Ultraman together!"

"We Xio have always been people-oriented! What the masses need is what we need! Ultraman knew that the masses were afraid of monsters and chose to protect them, so he is our enemy."

"To deal with the enemy, we only have one way, and that is to beat them!"

Before Shenmu Shotaro opened his mouth, Duanmu Ci couldn't stand it anymore

"Hey! You old man, be careful with what you say. Believe it or not, I will mix laxatives into your health products!"

"Still fighting Ultraman, fight one for me to see? Can you do it? Oh, I forgot, you are old, let alone fighting Ultraman, I am afraid you can't even keep up with the action when playing whack-a-mole!"

Still fighting Ultraman, do you think you are Vice Captain Nishijo?

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