Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 485 The Importance of Top Scientists

I have to say that Duanmu Ci was somewhat relieved to hear the shop owner's words.

At least most people did not just follow the crowd.

No, most people did not follow the Internet, so this should be the mainstream, and the Internet is a minor trend!

Before coming out, Duanmu Ci was thinking about hiding the identity of Xio scientist to avoid being beaten up. Now it seems that it is not so tragic.

"It's a pity that the monsters are getting stronger and stronger recently, and Xio's conventional equipment can no longer keep up."

The shop owner said with emotion: "Our Xio has been decoupled from Xio headquarters. Although it has won independence, it will eventually fall behind in terms of scientific and technological support."

Duanmu Ci smiled and said: "Is there a possibility that it is the US headquarters that needs scientific and technological support, not the branch here."

"What if the scientists here are all the best in the world?"

The shop owner smiled helplessly: "This is okay to fool children, let alone other things. The number of scientists here is far less than that of the US headquarters, right? Not to mention the top scientists."

"I heard that the scientists here are the ones left after they were selected. No matter how hard they work, they can't compare to the elite scientists at the headquarters, right?"

Duanmu Ci and Yabuki Yue smiled at each other and didn't speak.

Indeed, the lineup of scientists at the US headquarters is very domineering!

Even more domineering than other worlds that Duanmu Ci has experienced in the past except the Nexus world.

Because there are many cosmic scientists who have mastered high technology, there are many scientists of the level of Dr. Gehrman at the US headquarters.


When it comes to science and technology, the twin stars of the Kingdom of Light have never been afraid of anyone.

Together, they support the cutting-edge technology of the entire Kingdom of Light and directly challenge the entire universe.

They are just a group of cosmic scientists who have mastered alien technology. Most of them are useless in front of them and don't need to be taken seriously at all.

At the same time, the US headquarters is also working on upgrading their equipment.

In fact, before the decoupling, the Japanese branch had already sent all the data of the molten iron monster Dimaga.

They also found that Dimaga's strength is completely different from those monsters they had fought before. The conventional equipment of the US headquarters is no different from that of the Japanese branch. They are all musketeer series fighters, and the artillery used is the same laser cannon.

If the Japanese branch can't kill it, the US headquarters naturally can't kill it either.

That's why they allowed Daisora ​​Daichi to conduct electronic monster research before.

However, the data obtained from the research can only be used by Gomora, who has a deep bond with Daisora ​​Daichi, to create electronic Gomora.

Other monsters, especially the violent ones, are not very meaningful.

Then Duanmu Ci gave a solution, which is puppet control, but!

As we all know, Duanmu Ci's research review time is quite amazing.

During this amazing review time, the US headquarters broke away from the Japanese branch in a fit of anger.

So the US headquarters now lacks the ability to deal with monsters with conventional weapons.

To eliminate monsters of this level, you can only use weapons of mass destruction. In this way, first, the consumption is too large, second, it cannot be used multiple times, and third, it causes too much damage to the surrounding environment.

There are too many restrictions.

"What is stuck? Why has there been no progress so far?"

The one who gave the order was a Babar star.

The Babar star is a race that likes to fight, but not all Babar star people are warlike. There are also many powerful scientists.

The job remuneration given on Earth is very good, and it still attracts many senior talents.

"I heard that the weapons of the Japanese branch have been upgraded, but we are still dilly-dallying here. How will the world see us?"

The scientists below also looked bitter. If it was so easy to upgrade, wouldn't they have upgraded long ago after so many years?

Is it necessary to hide until now?

After all, isn't it impossible?

"It would be great if Dr. Duanmu was here."

It was unknown which scientist said this below.

This sentence directly ignited the anger of the Babar people.

"You guys have been researching for a long time without any progress, and you still have the nerve to ask for help from others?"

"What's so great about Duanmu Ci? He is just a native scientist on Earth. Don't you cosmic scientists have any dignity at all?"

Duanmu Ci's scientific research technology far exceeds that of everyone present. Even if he doesn't show it often, how could the scientists present not feel it?

Everyone even thought that if Duanmu Ci didn't take the initiative to go to the Japanese branch, the current supervisor would not be this Babar person.

However, the higher the rank, the more powerful the people. They still have to eat, and they don't have the intention to be bullied. Naturally, they will not go against the ideas of the Babar people, and can only continue to do research obediently.

As for whether they can research it out, it is none of their business. Anyway, they have tried their best.

Babar people returned to their office, and their faces were not very good.

I heard that the Japanese branch lived more comfortably without the financial support from here.

Is this reasonable?


Very reasonable!

Babar people know the value of scientists who can independently complete various engineering projects.

In fact, being able to complete engineering projects independently in the real world is like a myth or legend.

What scientists can make independently is at most simple things, which are definitely not cutting-edge.

In reality, any slightly better engineering project is done by a large number of people together.

However, in this world, with the help of AI and robots, many people can actually complete various engineering projects independently.

Among them, Duanmu Ci is the best.

What he does is the most cutting-edge, and most of the time he can do it by himself, with at most one or two assistants.

It is also because of this that the people of Babar Star have a sense of crisis.

If this goes on, the US headquarters and their scientists at the headquarters will become a joke.

Although it is a bit shameless, he really hopes that Duanmu Ci and others will go crazy fishing in Xio, Japan.

Excellent scientists must be well raised. Isn’t it a waste to use them for research!

At the same time, Daisora ​​Daichi and Yamase Asuna have lost the person.

That’s right, they have found a woman who may be the target.

But the problem is that the other party runs too fast, and Yamase Asuna is wearing high heels.

As a result, the sole of the high heel broke after the desperate pursuit~

Completely lost mobility.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch up.

As for Daisora ​​Daichi.

He didn't have much fighting power, so even if he caught up, he would probably be taken hostage.

The two had to give up temporarily.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. Yamase Asuna took Daisora ​​Daichi with her to drag the two scientists who were slacking off during work back to their jobs.

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