Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 494: Even if you are poor, you can still be ambitious

Just as Duanmu Ci and Yabuki Yue were chatting happily, Daikora Daichi walked in step by step.

"Huh? Dr. Yabuki, why are you in the laboratory today?"

Yabuki Tsuki: →_→

"I'm also a scientist after all. Is it weird to be in the laboratory?"

Dakora Daichi quickly said: "That's not what you meant, but aren't you and Dr. Tregchia always drinking coffee in the command center?"

Duanmuci teased: "Look, many people can't stand your usual work attitude. You have to take a good look at yourself."

Yabuki Yue didn't make any fuss with Duanmu Ci and said to Daikong Daichi.

"What's going on with you? Why do you look so stiff?"

"Injured by a monster?"

Duanmu Ci is quite clear about this.

"Last night when Telestone attacked, he was at the scene, but he got too close and almost died on the front line. He had no choice but to run for his life. But as a scientist, he has no physical ability. That's the end of his escape."

Yabuki Yue: "I see, Daichi, you need to exercise your physical fitness. After all, you are a member of Xio. Even if you are a scientist, you must at least have some athletic ability."

"Look at me, I am also a sixth-dan practitioner in Kendo, and Duanmuci is also a sixth-dan practitioner in karate. And again, the main reason why we are sixth-dan is because we are only old enough to be sixth-dan, not that we can only reach sixth-dan."

"I've never heard of such a thing!"

Da Kong and Dadi looked at Duanmu Ci in shock: "Dr. Duanmu, are you actually the sixth level of karate?"

Duanmuci nodded: "Is there anything surprising? Scientists also need a little bit of self-protection, right?"

This self-protection is a bit too much!

Daichi Daichi complained silently in his heart, and then looked at Yabuki Yue.

Originally, the name Yabuki Tsuki was very comic, but now he actually has the skill of "kendo" and is a top scientist. This is like someone who came out of a comic!

He is also handsome, with a cartoon face.

Because Hikari did not merge with Captain Serizawa as in the original plot, his appearance was completely changed by himself. At that time, he did randomly choose a handsome comic character to "pinch his face".

There is also Dr. Duanmu, who is also handsome and resolute, giving people a sense of security.

However, comic book protagonists rarely get married directly, otherwise there would be no chance for the author to choose a female protagonist.

"Are you two doctors the descendants of some legendary martial arts family who were sent out to learn science and technology in order to integrate with modern society?"

Duanmuci nodded: "You have a good imagination. If you have the opportunity to write a manuscript in the future, the income of my writers is pretty good!"

Yabuki Yue said with a serious face: "We are just the remnants of the old era."

"The world still belongs to you young people."

Duanmu Ci: "I don't accept this point. I'm actually still a young man."

Yabuki Yue was speechless: "Can you learn from other people's facial expressions?"

If Severn and the others appeared in front of humans now, they would all look like old men.

Duanmu Ciwen and the others are thousands of years older, but they are still pretending to be young and haven't even passed the second phase of the middle school period.

How shameless!

like me.

"By the way, Dadi, I will be conducting research on a new electronic monster recently."

Duanmu Ci suddenly said: "You also have some research in this area, let's do it together."

"I can help you exercise during the research."

Hearing this, Aix was also vibrating crazily to remind Da Kong Dadi to accept this suggestion.

When it comes to fighting, he is quite serious.

Daikong Daichi's current physical fitness is still too poor. Even with the help of Ax's combat experience, the actual fighting effect is not very good.

You must know that Aix was able to challenge Griza back then, but now it can be said that he is restricted by the sky and the earth.

Of course, he didn't blame Da Kong Daichi, but it was certainly better to become stronger quickly.

The sixth degree of karate should be quite powerful, right?

. . .

"That's pretty awesome!"

Takashima Hayato said to Asuna who looked confused.

"When I first found out about this, I asked Dr. Duanmu to help train me, but I fell down with just one move. I didn't even understand how I lost."

"It's just that he said that fighting skills are only inferior. In modern society, with the advancement of technology, it is more important to be proficient in using various technologies."

Asuna nodded: "So is it true that Dadi is training with Dr. Duanmu?"

Mainly because Daichi Dakon was originally going to come to spar with her, but because Daichi Dakon didn't come, she had to stand alone and watch other people train.

"I didn't expect that Dr. Duanmu, a scientist who usually looks very sullen, could have such skills."

Kazama Watari was quite excited and said, "How about we go practice with him too?"

Legendary martial arts masters are rare in the real world and not in martial arts novels.

Asuna was speechless: "Forget it, the training here is more comprehensive. Dr. Duanmu is right, we are no longer in an era where we rely on our bodies to fight."

"You can't go up and fight the monster hand-to-hand, right?"

It was just a casual comment, but Sayuri heard it and raised her eyebrows.

"It may not be possible!"

As Duanmu Ci's "guardian", Sayuri knows Duanmu Ci very well.

"Now your fighter planes have been changed to somatosensory control. If you iterate a few times, it may become a Gundam."

Speaking of this, Takashima Hayato's eyes lit up. Yes, it seems that there is such a situation!

When I was controlling the fighter plane before, I entered the virtual control cabin. At that time, it was like playing a virtual reality game. I could control the fighter plane to fight more easily.

In this case, maybe the fighter plane can be transformed into a Gundam. Wouldn't the fighting skills be really useful at that time?

Of course, such a proposal is very good, except that Duanmu Ci himself is more reluctant.

Looking at the people who came to ask for help, and Sayuri who was afraid of chaos, Duanmu Ci said speechlessly

"The humanoid is really not a very suitable posture for fighting. Now the Xio musketeer is the most suitable posture for high-speed fighting."

"If it is changed to the so-called Gundam, it will consume more energy, and the combat power will be weaker, and the fists and feet may not have much effect."

"If you want to cause more damage to the enemy, the fist must be heavy, right? And it is best to be a whole. Even if it is not a whole, there must be a thick piece of steel as the fist tip, otherwise, according to the action and reaction, by then, before the monster is killed, your fist should be broken."

"Think about it, how much material will be consumed in this way, and how strong energy will be needed to make it move during the battle?"

"In the end, it is more cost-effective to calculate it, right? And it can be manufactured on a large scale. In case of encountering a large-scale enemy, the reserve troops can help together."

After listening to Duanmu Ci's analysis, everyone suddenly felt that fighter jets are indeed more useful.

Feng Jiandu was a little confused: "So, there is no point in learning any fighting skills?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "How can there be no point?"

"There are still many not-so-strong aliens who can be captured by fighting skills!"

"For example, Balki."

That guy is really weak, which was obvious in the world of Ultraman Galaxy last time.

"Babar, this race has strong ones and not-so-good ones."

"And there are Zarab, except for being able to transform into Ultraman to scare people, the actual combat power is almost equal to nothing."

"So it is still useful for you to learn fighting skills, of course, don't put the cart before the horse."

Speaking of Zarab, Duanmu Ci recently noticed that a very weak Zarab in the universe black market bought a Bemonstan from others.

Bemonstan is not an ordinary monster. The price in the universe black market is also very high. If you spend so much money to buy it and don't use it for anything, wouldn't it be a loss?

And Bebird is also a typical difficult to raise.

Compared with the more cost-effective Gomora and Red King, the cost of raising a bird is no less than raising a Husky.

Husky is difficult to raise because it destroys the house and consumes more, and the bird is difficult to raise because it eats a lot.

Basically, one meal of it is equivalent to dozens of meals of other monsters.

So although it is a relatively strong monster, there are not many people in the universe who can afford to raise it.

Unless it is a large army fighting, the resources are relatively sufficient, and a few can be raised to fight against the light.

It is really not cost-effective for individual cosmic people like Zarab to raise this thing. How much money is it, and dare to be so arrogant.

Is there a possibility that the luck is so good that Zarab will bring his prodigal bird to this world.

In this case, Duanmu Ci feels that the current first meeting of X may not be able to make a final decision directly.

He can also take the opportunity to show his face.

It’s also good to brush up his presence.

"You're thinking too much."

"The multiverse is so vast, the probability of coming to this earth is too low."

After the Kingdom of Light developed something that can travel through the multiverse, many cosmic people have already started to study this aspect.

They are not stupid, and many of the research materials of the Kingdom of Light have been stolen by various death squads. They can understand some principles to some extent, and it is not difficult to build some relatively simple time-space shuttle devices.

As far as Duanmu Ci knows, there are many famous cosmic people at present. Among them, the most famous one is Bandiro, a Nakel star, who is a cosmic businessman. He occasionally appears in the cosmic black market to sell stolen goods. Duanmu Ci took the time to see him from a distance in the form of Univos. He looks like a profiteer, and his strength is not weak.

After sending a few people away, Duanmu Ci checked the location of the tracker he left in the body of Bemonstein who was sold to the Zarab star.


"What a coincidence?"

It has only been a short time since this Zarab star bought a monster on the cosmic black market. He can't afford it so soon and has to rob everywhere to make a living?

Duanmu Ci guessed right.

But he only guessed right halfway.

It was true that he couldn't afford to raise it. Buying Bemonstan had consumed all the savings of this Zarab.

He was a relatively weak one among the Zarab people. The Zarab race was originally weak.

He was a weaker one among the weaker ones, and a fighting chicken among the weaker ones!

It was already his limit to be able to save so much money. He took it all out at once just to buy a stronger monster.

Bemonstan, especially this Bemonstan, was quite powerful, and he had just enough money, so he bought it without hesitation.

As for what would happen if he couldn't afford to raise it.

Anyway, he didn't plan to raise it in the normal way.

Robbery and destruction everywhere, and becoming famous in the universe with a fierce reputation, this is what this Zarab alien wants.

At this moment, Zarab alien is in Tokyo. He holds a leaflet with a photo of X in his hand, and the corner of his mouth is slightly raised

"According to the information, there is an Ultraman called X who has never been heard of on the earth of this universe."

"This guy doesn't look very strong."

How does he judge whether an Ultraman is strong or not? It mainly depends on his appearance. If he is the kind of Ultraman who has no extra armor and is not a poor person at first glance, he must be very powerful.

They are just very strong and overconfident in their own strength, so they don't need any armor.

On the contrary, the thicker the armor, the less confident the Ultraman is. This X's armor is so thick, I guess he is a rookie, and he needs this kind of armor to give him a little confidence.

The technology of this earth is very good. Zarab alien just found it when he was walking on the street. Many people looked at him as if he was a weirdo.

Because Zarab alien has no trace of modern science at all.

Under the premise of Duanmu Ci's various promotions, I guess they all bought a lot of things that sounded useful.

The Zarab people don't seem to have been "polluted" by modern science at all. Either they haven't fallen into the "consumerism trap", or they really came from the deep mountains and old forests and don't understand the changes in the world at all.

"Good! That's great."

"The technology in this world is not ordinary, and the things they have researched are so powerful."

"Isn't this equivalent to giving me a chance?

Although I have always been a free bird.

But if I have my own power, I can have a place to rest when I am tired of flying around.

In this way, this earth is very suitable!

The only one guarding the earth is an unknown new Ultraman, and the combat effectiveness of the defense team is so weak. Don't so many "coincidences" imply that he can invade this earth?

"Bemonsstein, don't panic, you just need to solve all the enemies in front of you, and if you are really hungry, you can eat an Ultraman for fun. "

"The energy of Ultraman should still be sufficient. At that time, you just need to absorb that X casually, and you should be able to have a rare full meal. ”

Bemonstan didn’t really want to eat the cake that Zarab had painted.

But he had to.

He felt that he was really unlucky. He had already priced it so high just to avoid being bought by such a poor guy.

As a result, this guy saved up money to buy it, but after buying it, he didn’t raise it, letting it eat everywhere to feed itself.

If it hadn’t had a low IQ, it would have eaten this Zarab long ago.

Zarab was really stupid.

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