Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 501 It's just an experiment

Knuckle Planet Bandillo, the top criminal in the universe.

When such criminals reach a certain level, they will regard crime as so-called "art".

At least that's what he thinks.

So when he first came to Earth and found Duanmu Ci, his tone was even somewhat consultative.

"Brother, I really like this truck of goods. Can you just give it to me like this?"

Originally, he just wanted to show his elegance by saying this, but Duanmuci nodded without any care and said, "Okay, but this is not a toy, it's a real monster."

"It's very scary!"

Bondi Luo did not expect that Duanmu Ci had no intention of resisting or refusing.

"It's okay, it's okay. I have special methods for dealing with monsters. They can't turn the world upside down. You also know that these are monsters. It's too dangerous to leave them here. It's safer to leave them to professionals like me."

Duanmu Ci nodded: "That's right, I'm just a worker, there's no need to risk my life."

"In this way, can you destroy the surrounding environment after taking these away? Then I can tell others that I was robbed by the people from the universe. A master like you shouldn't care about this situation, right? You can also help me, a weakling. It’s a favor.”

"This is the behavior of a truly elegant boss!"

Bondillo nodded: "I understand your appeal."

That's right, he's just an ordinary migrant worker, so what's the use of embarrassing him?

And he actually didn't resist at all. Although he was not afraid of resistance, but the other party was so cooperative, it was indeed too much for him not to give some help.

"Okay, it's just a small thing, I'll help you with this."

Duanmu Ci raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said from the bottom of his heart: "Thank you!"

Bondillo smiled and thought to himself, it's been a long time since he's seen such an interesting person, and he has to thank me if I come to snatch their things.

Bandillo carried out some small damage to the surrounding area and then ran away with the entire truck.

Duanmuci looked up at the sky and made sure that Bondillo was far away before walking to the destroyed things and collecting Bondillo's remaining energy.

"Bandillo, the Knuckle star, this guy is quite popular recently."

That's right, Duanmu Ci recognized the mercenary who was popular in the universe at first glance. Of course, there is no justice in mercenaries, and it is not strange to be a thief occasionally.

No one else dared to participate in Duanmuci's experiment easily. Just as it happened, someone actually bumped into him at this moment. You call it a coincidence or not.

Not long after Bondillo left, another space-time channel appeared in the sky.

"Don't run away!"

A roar came from the space-time channel, and then a young Ultraman wearing red and blue silver heavy armor flew over, and a rather exaggerated sliding shovel landed on the ground and drew a long trace on the ground.

Who else could it be if he wasn't Zero?


Sero looked around, and found that Bondillo was completely gone, leaving only a trace of his energy in place.

"Damn it, why do you feel like you're having a bad time lately?"

Originally, it was quite convenient for Zero to be able to travel through time and space after possessing the Shield of Palagi, but then time travel became popular and many forces had a certain ability to travel through time and space, and then he became paralyzed.

The difficulty of maintaining peace in the universe is getting higher and higher.

Just as he was about to continue traveling through time and space to chase Bondillo, Zero suddenly caught a glimpse of Duanmu Ci, who was weak and helpless, but very capable of causing trouble.

Duanmuci: |ω)


I don't know why, but after seeing Duanmuci appear on the scene, Sero knew that Bondillo was finished.

Although he hasn't seen Bondillo's body yet, he probably will soon.

It might even be worse than death.

What a crime.

Sero transformed into a human form and walked up to Duanmu Ci.

"Doctor, why are you here?"

Duanmu Ci: "As an old man, it should be quite reasonable for me to occasionally support myself in old age, right?"

Zero: "We young people are not perpetual motion machines. Recently, a lot of space mercenaries, especially the more powerful ones, can have various time and space travel devices. Even if I have the Shield of Palagi, I can't catch up. More and more... It’s getting harder and harder!”

"Doctor, do you have any way of coping with this?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "Yes, as long as you don't be so showy, others won't know how powerful you are, so they won't be wary of you, and they won't leave early."

Zero was speechless: "Is it so easy to hide something like strength?"

"Besides, if you hide your strength for too long, your true strength will decrease, right?"

Although use it or lose it is not the truth of the theory of evolution, it is the truth of many people's lives. Hiding one's strength will indeed lead to a decline in one's true strength. No matter how hard one trains, it will be the same. Really fighting the enemy is the main way to constantly hone oneself.

"Then there is another way."

Duanmu Ci: "I'll just add the ability to limit time and space travel to your Palagi Shield."

"It is true that many people have studied a little bit of dimensional power and then used it to achieve time travel, but dimensional power also has strengths and weaknesses."

"The so-called time and space blockade is like one person running forward with all his strength, and the other person pulling back with all his strength. The person running forward has more strength and can naturally break free. If the strength is not strong, he can only be restricted. "

"The dimensional power of the Paraji Shield is very advanced, and it is not something that those third-rate scientists in the universe can deal with now."

He was so confident. The Paraji Shield was a piece of equipment he designed himself using the Noah's Light as a template. How could other cosmic people compare to its dimensional power?

Cero nodded, and then asked curiously

"Doctor, what happened to that Nakel star Bondero? If he offends you, he will definitely die miserably, right?"

Duanmu Ci said with a compassionate look: "Don't make me sound so petty."

"Just ask him to help test the spark doll."

"The only problem may be that he doesn't know he is helping."

Then Duanmu Ci looked at Cero: "You are here too, how about doing me a favor?"

Cero: "!!!"

. . .

On the other side, the Nakel star Bondero was happily counting the number of spark dolls.

"Perfect, absolutely perfect. I don't know why the quality of these spark dolls is so good! Every one of them is an elite monster!"

"If I didn't have any idea of ​​forming a legion, I could form a monster legion with these monsters."

At the same time, he was also making up his mind that these spark dolls could not be sold in batches, but one by one, at the price of elite monsters, so as to maximize the benefits.

At the same time, he could also select some monsters to expand his strength.

Now he only has one bodyguard monster Black King available. Although he can act freely, it would be better to have one or two more monsters. It would not affect his ability to act much, and it could also help him solve many problems.

He took out his mobile phone and prepared to contact buyers in the universe black market.

The universe black market is actually a free trading market, somewhat similar to Xianyu, where there are many individual sellers and buyers. Sellers can list their things for sale, and buyers can also put forward their own requirements and prices. If others think the price is suitable and they happen to have this thing, they can come to trade.

In the universe, there is only one kind of hard currency.

That is monsters!

There are all kinds of monsters.

There are strong men bought as sparring partners, strong men bought as pets, and cosmic people bought as bodyguards. . .

There are many uses, but everyone knows that in this ever-changing universe, only force is the only guarantee, which can not only ensure your own safety, but also be the basis for promotion.

The demand is large, but there are not so many goods. It is not easy to buy high-quality monsters.

Most of them are inherited, that is, from father to son, and from big families to young heirs.

For example, the Nakel star has a training base dedicated to training Black King. The Black King of Bondiro was selected from the training base, and the quality is much better than those monsters in the outside world.

This is also the advantage of various large planets or family forces, which are inherently more competitive than other cosmic people.

Now the monsters in Bondiro's hands may not be particularly exaggerated in front of the families of major planets, but they are definitely not weak. It would be very terrifying if they were placed in the universe with other cosmic people without resources.

"Hey, Ryuji Baba? Didn't you say last time that you wanted to buy a monster for sparring?"

"Yes, I just found one here, uh~"

While speaking, Bondero looked at the spark dolls one by one, and finally chose one that was powerful but not so powerful that it would kill people.

"Scarf dinosaur Gilas, how about it, are you interested?"

"Don't worry, it's not that kind of weak Gilas, but the real powerful one, which will definitely meet all your needs."

Then he contacted many people, and everyone was very straightforward, saying that as long as the goods were good, the price would be negotiable.

It made sense for him to choose these people, because these people were usually generous in the universe black market.

Those who were fussy and stingy were naturally filtered out by him.

When doing business, the most important thing is to be happy.

. . .


Zero and Duanmu Ci were watching Bondero and those aliens talking about the price of monsters.

Zero couldn't help but complain: "This guy is quite skilled."

Duanmu Ci said: "Don't think that Bandillo is a mercenary. In fact, he has a good reputation in the universe black market. He never fools people with fake goods, and never cheats others."

"Maybe this is what they call a thief's code of conduct."

Zero laughed: "He has offended many Ultramen, so of course he has to be a thief. If he offends everyone in the universe, he will not be able to survive in the future, right?"

The more people do this kind of thing, the more they like loyalty and trust.

Because without these things, the universe is big but there is no place for peace.

"But I don't understand one thing."

Zero said: "Since your experiment needs such a powerful person to test, if Bandillo doesn't come, who are you going to hand it over to?"

"Give it to Dr. Hikari? Or Torrekia?"

Torrekia is strictly speaking a senior brother of Zero, and both of them have been trained by Leo.

So although Torrekia is much older than Zero, Zero doesn't mean to use a honorific when calling him.

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "Actually, is there a possibility that this Bandiro was caught by me?"

Sero: "!!?"

Duanmu Ci: "In order to prevent fishing from affecting the laboratory of Base X, I also moved all these spark dolls outside and built a temporary laboratory here, and then used special shock waves to release the energy of the spark dolls. Anyone with relatively sensitive detectors in the surrounding universe can sense their existence."

"If you just want to make money, then these monsters are a huge sum of money in the universe black market. If you have ambitions, you need this elite monster army even more."

"And those who can afford this level of detectors are not low in strength, which fully meets my testing needs."

Cero: "..."

Isn't this person in front of me a little too boring.

"If I knew you were coming, why would I need a cosmic person? You can just come and test it directly. The famous universe Cero Ultimate Guard Cero came to test it personally. I believe that other people must be very satisfied with the effect."

Cero decisively rejected this possibility: "Let's not do it. I've been very busy recently and can't rest for a while."

Being surrounded and beaten by so many monsters, even if Cero didn't think he would lose, it would definitely not be a wonderful thing.

"Speaking of which, when will these monsters move?"

"If this continues, Bondillo will have to take them to find buyers."

Duanmu Ci waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to worry.

"Wait until he has made all the contacts before moving. I will do some market research to see who the cosmic people are that are easier to communicate with in the eyes of others."

These are all customers of the cosmic black market. For Duanmu Ci, they are fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Although he has collected a lot of data here, it is also good to see the possibilities in the eyes of others.

After Bondillo contacted them one by one, he put their own labels on these monster spark dolls and was ready to leave with satisfaction.

The monster moved. . .

He suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, the scarf dinosaur Gilas, which he had found a buyer and put a label on, suddenly became brighter and brighter.

Bandillo knew that this was a sign of materialization.

These monsters are all untamed.

Wouldn't it be fatal to become huge at this time?

Without any hesitation, Bondillo's body began to grow in size, and at the same time, he released his bodyguard monster Black King.

He planned to rely on their cooperation to tame the suddenly resurrected Gilas.

However, just as the two of them were outnumbered and firmly controlled Gilas, the Spark Doll in the van began to shake and glow unsteadily.

"Oh no, it's over."

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