If the story is about a boy and a girl.

They fall in love, it is an ordinary love story.

They hate each other, it may be a Qiong Yao drama.

If a girl loves a boy but cannot get him, it may be a fairy tale.

If a boy loves a girl but cannot get him, it is just a boring reality.

However, in the vast universe, any love seems so insignificant. The famous saber tyrant Magma was beaten to death by Leo because of chasing the so-called love.

In the end, only jokes were left, and they are still laughed at by various races in the universe.

Humans can be romantic and believe in love, but the vast universe only believes in power!

Duanmu Ci learned about this after something happened.

Before, during the O-50 mission, which was the story line at the beginning of the original Orb, Duanmu Ci had heard the story of the Gorgon.

Gorgon is a monster with strong combat power, which was once solved by the queen of O-50.

But that battle made the queen a legend of the entire planet, and also directly led to the death of the queen.

The strength of this monster is beyond doubt.

At least among Duanmu Ci's countless collections, this is an elite monster.

That's right.


Because this thing threatened to turn the entire earth into stone, Duanmu Ci was curious and went up to test its strength.

It is indeed that powerful.

Then it was directly blasted into a spark doll by Univos.

The so-called petrification ray can't even touch Univos.

At that time, Gagoergon was stunned.

Although it has done a lot of evil, its strength can only meet Ultraman at the level of Ultra Brothers at most, right?

Who knew that Noah was seen as soon as it showed its face.

This made it feel like a robber robbed the special car of the special police.

Now Gagoergon has become a spark doll, and it is at this time that Duanmu Ci finally understands its pursuit.

Gold energy!

This is a very powerful energy.

It is also a symbol of power.

Duanmu Ci also extracted some gold energy from Gagoergon's body.

Then found out.

"Isn't this the gold particles of the golden planet?"

Duanmu Ci was speechless. Is this thing worthy of being called a symbol of power?


It is indeed not a symbol of power for me, but for ordinary cosmic people, this power is indeed quite powerful.

However, gold particles are not completely without merit. On the contrary, the value of gold particles is not lower than the Mags power system of the Tiga world, and even more, and it does not exclude humans.

Even such a weak human body can carry this energy, just like magic.

Duanmu Ci once used science to create a series of magic, but those magics are ultimately based on light. To be honest, it is actually the use of light, not the use of magic.

Now it is just right to transform it into magic that everyone can use and train!

Duanmu Ci quickly transformed the gold particles.

The so-called energy is not just what we can see. There are various forms of energy in the entire universe. For example, the earth, we usually don't pay attention to it, but it does exist. The sun's light is the main source of energy for the earth.

With the "spark", that is, the golden particles, in the body, humans can absorb the energy of the sun and continuously improve their combat effectiveness.

Duanmu Ci felt that if he continued to study like this, he would soon be able to create a group of real "magicians".

However, a magician must not only have magic power, but also the skills to use magic power, otherwise he would be like the "Digger" warriors who guarded the land of Tiga in the ancient times of the world of Tiga, and could only send some fireballs.

That would be a waste of the energy given by the light.

This is the romance of the universe.

. . .

"In general, this is it. Fighters can try to learn these magics."

After Duanmu Ci injected the "spark" of the golden particles into the bodies of the three fighters, they immediately felt the difference. The energy flowing in the body seemed to be controllable at will.

Asuna released the light and condensed a ball of light in her hand, excited inexplicably

"Is this a bit too magical?"

Fengjian Du and Takashima Hayato also had fun.

"It feels like the inner strength in martial arts novels!"

Inner strength doesn't have this kind of power.

Shotaro Shenmu frowned and said, "Will this kind of energy have any effect on the human body?"

Yabuki Tsuki on the side took over the conversation and helped Duanmu Ci explain

"He was lucky to pick up the gold particles."

"I saw this kind of energy in an article about alien energy resources. It can continuously strengthen human physical fitness and can also be used directly as energy."

"Of course, the way to use it is relatively rough, just simple attack and treatment. Duanmu just sorted out the operation logic of this energy, created the so-called magic, and realized a more diversified way of use."

"So this thing will not cause any bad effects on the body."

Duanmu Ci nodded: "Also, when your power increases to a certain level, you can share some of this energy with others as a fire."

"Just like the passing of a torch, as long as the first person ignites the flame, everyone can have the flame through continuous passing."

"That's why I call your current particles fire!"

"The golden planet is gone, and they should not be able to protect any intellectual property rights or anything like that. Don't worry about it, it will be fine."

Duanmu Ci patted Feng Jiandu's shoulder

"Although this energy is relatively weak, humans cannot use it to deal with giant monsters, but it can still be used to deal with some cosmic people who cannot be giantized. At the same time, it can also improve everyone's physical ability. Even if the plane crashes, it is estimated that they will not die."

However, what really bothered Shenmu Shotaro was not the problem of fire.

It was a political issue.

In fact, Xio is a combat unit.

Even if they are now independent of the Xio headquarters! But they are still under the jurisdiction of the administrative department. Before Shenmu Shotaro communicated with those senior executives, and before that, it was the branch of the administrative department in Japan that did not allow Xio to attack.

And this administrative department has no intention of leaving the headquarters.


This global joint organization is the real "leader" of the whole world.

After the "spark" was discovered, even if this power could not easily fight against monsters, it ignited hope for countless people.

Just like its name "spark".

As Kamiki Shotaro worried, the technology of the spark was widely released by UNVER, and people all over the world passed on the spark and had the initial power.

When the power is held by most people, although chaos will only be temporary, it is also inevitable and unavoidable!

Thank you for the reward support from my old classmate Yuanyu, thank you for the recommendation votes and monthly votes from all classmates, thank you everyone.

At the end of the year, I was really busy like an animal, but it will be much better in the future, and I finally made it to New Year's Day.

Thank you everyone.

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