Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 516 All very legendary

Duanmu Ci's head was still buzzing when he returned to his room.

Of course, it wasn't because he became the vice-captain, but because he had a bunch of strange jobs.

Sayuri came back from the meeting and found out that he was going to be her adjutant.

At that time, the smile on Sayuri's face was much warmer and brighter.

The brightness of that moment brought Duanmu Ci back to his youthful age in a trance.

Then, he took over a lot of work in a daze. . .

"No, if this continues, I will become the second high-ranking wife in the Kingdom of Light!"

Who is the first? Who else is there besides the macho man who slashed an Ampera star with the ultimate blade and then won the beauty's heart?

"Although I'm quite happy that this means bringing me and the captain together for discussion, I still feel that this topic is a bit wrong."

Suddenly Duanmu Ci remembered something and sat up from the bed suddenly.

"Am I stupid?"

"I can build an artificial intelligence to help me work!"

After saying that, Duanmu Ci did not hesitate at all and created a new artificial intelligence named "Zongfang". As for the special meaning of this name, only Duanmu Ci himself knew.

Zongfang was really efficient at work. Duanmuci just slept and woke up, everything was solved. He looked over it carefully with uncertainty, but in the end he couldn't find many problems.

Already very professional.

So, being a scientist is really comfortable!

However, problems soon arose.

And it appeared in a place Duanmu Ci never thought of.

. . .

"Oh? I see, you can still create such artificial intelligence."

The smile on Sayuri's face was dangerous.

"I remember I told you several times that it would be tiring to work too much."

"Why didn't you think of building such an artificial intelligence to help me at that time?"

Duanmuci: ⊙_⊙?

Why is there still this layer?

Is this the legendary survival desire test popular on the Internet?

Seeing the smile on Sayuri's face becoming more and more dangerous, Duanmuci took a deep breath and said

"Don't do anything, you. Domestic violence is not recommended!"

"And I am very powerful in fighting now. I won't be able to tell who will be violent when the time comes, but you know, I am not that kind of person. I am a scientist with a kind heart..."

"Don't get any closer! I'm going to call someone!"


. . .

In fact, nothing happened, Duanmu Ci just received a kiss.

Then he happily helped Sayuri get an artificial intelligence with exactly the same effect, called "Intermediary".

Both couples showed great fishing skills!

There was only one person injured in this matter.

Kamiki Shotaro. . .

"Aren't these two people's work efficiency too high?"

"What should I do here?"

Many things still require him to conduct on-site inspections and approve notes.

Originally, when one thing was completed, everyone should do things in an orderly manner.

Who knew that these two couples were cheating, he panicked on the spot.

This is like putting piece-rate and time-keeping assembly line workers on the same line. If the piece-rate workers unwind, the time-keeping workers will bear unnecessary pain.

Now they have solved the problem, but Shotaro Kamiki's work is all crowded.

It got busy all of a sudden. . .

The key is that he still has to be busy, because everything comes to him, and he is the only one missing in the process. If others urge him, they will only urge him.

After just a busy day, Shotaro Shenmu regretted arranging Duanmu Ci to be the vice-captain.

It’s so curly that the couple won’t even take a break?

Don’t they all have a private life?

And just when he was extremely busy, the couple he said had no private life were having hot pot and were very happy.

Duanmu Ci ate happily and became much smoother in his bragging: "Let me tell you, do you know that Captain Sero of the Sero Guard Corps is really a bad student? During the time when I was studying science, I felt that although he There are blue genes, but they only grow in color.”

"All the talent points are focused on red skills. It's really an embarrassment to the mixed race."

"And Zuo Fei, don't look at how steady he is now. When he was young, he was a hot-tempered guy. He fought with all his might."

"That time when Belial turned black and attacked the Kingdom of Light, I held him back. He insisted on rushing forward to fight, but he was kicked over by Bei Laohei, which caused a deep shadow. If I hadn't been with him all the time after that, He, I guess he won’t be able to get out of this shadow and become as powerful as he is now!”

"Riko, now you know how high my status is in the Kingdom of Light!"

Sayuri, also known as Saita Riko, covered her mouth and smiled: "Your history in the Kingdom of Light is quite legendary."

Duanmuci: "That's right. At that time, they nicknamed me Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment."

"What does this mean? This is an affirmation of my scientific and technological capabilities!"

Quite proud.

"But that was all when I was young. Now I am much more mature and stable, and I no longer pursue such vain and exaggerated things. Now my research is more practical and efficient."

"One thing remains unchanged. I am exploring the truth of the universe all the time."

"Noah is awesome, my technology will definitely be better than his in the future!"

Lizi believed it without a doubt: "I know, you said that science has no limit. If there is a certain limit, wouldn't it be underestimated by the science in your heart?"

"Come on, have some shrimp paste, bragging is more silky."

While speaking, she picked up a piece of shrimp paste and gave it to Duanmu Ci.

Duanmu Ci also picked up a piece of beef for her: "Have some beef, eat beef and then brag, you can also tell me your legendary story."

Lizi smiled and said: "Okay, this has to start from when I left the campus."

"Later I became a painter, a very good one, and then painted in the multiverse and made my first pot of gold!"

"Later I started to turn to comics. In fact, many of the comics you see are drawn by me!"

"The names of those cartoonists are just my spokespersons in the multiverse!"

"Maybe it's because of your face. Noah taught me a lot of things."

"I also created many comic worlds by the way."

Duanmu Ci: "Can you create the world?"

This ability is a bit outrageous?

Why can't he?

"Actually, this ability has disadvantages."

Lizi sighed: "When you create more lives and worlds, your mentality will inevitably become indifferent. At that time, even if a city, a country, or even a planet's life is destroyed, you will not feel anything."

"There is a feeling of gradually losing humanity. When I understand this, it is too late, so it is better for you not to learn these."

Duanmu Ci chewed the shrimp paste, and his mind began to work.

This world was also created by others, right?

For example, Delacion.

So is it possible that this multiverse was created by others?

For example, an author wrote a novel, and then this universe existed like this.

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